Invincibility starts from awakening

Chapter 258 Xuanyin Emperor Art

Chapter 258 Xuanyin Emperor Art
A strange wind blows.

A few yellow leaves suddenly floated up on the street.

The people of Medicine God Valley also realized that something was wrong.


Immediately afterwards, a desolate voice floated from a distance, revealing endless sadness.

The moment this voice entered their ears, the faces of everyone in Medicine God Valley couldn't help but change.

People under the emperor were lost in this sad melody in a blink of an eye.

"Mother, don't go!!!"

Someone seemed to be recalling the past and crying loudly.

There are also people who are so angry that they want to kill with their swords.

There were hundreds of people in Medicine God Valley, and the two nearby restaurants became chaotic in an instant.

"This is the magic sound emperor technique of the Xuanyin Stone Kingdom, and it is done by a real person!"

Chen Nuolan, Elder He and the others tightly covered their ears, their faces were ugly, and they gritted their teeth to persevere, recognizing where this strange attack came from.

"My Medicine God Valley has no grievances or enmities with you, Xuanyin Shiguo, senior, why did you attack us?"

Chen Nuolan's eyes were flickering, and on the verge of being lost, he forced himself to ask loudly, a little confused.

"The old man was requested by the Amethyst Stone Country to arrest you back. Be sensible and stop resisting. Otherwise, I can only send your heads to the Amethyst Stone Country..."

An old voice came slowly, making the hearts of Chen Ruolan and others sink to the bottom of the valley in an instant.

They knew that the Amethyst Stone Country would respond sooner or later.

Unexpectedly, the surrounding border countries were willing to help them.

It seems that the Amethyst Stone Kingdom has also made a big promise in order to kill them.

"Little friend Lin, what should we do?"

Elder He pinched the corner of the table with both hands, desperately trying to keep himself awake, and asked Lin Tian, ​​gritted his teeth.

In the face of real-life powerhouses, he is the only one here who can solve the problem.

But Chen Nolan didn't have any hope for this.

Because Lin Tian made a move, at least he had to find the target.

But now, the other party didn't even show up.

Obviously, this is prepared.

At this time, the tone became a little lower again due to the melody full of sadness.

Endless sadness enveloped the sky.


Finally, some emperor couldn't bear it, and began to go crazy, falling into a state of great compassion.

Immediately afterwards, Elder He also let out a roar, finally unable to resist, the wonderful melody that reached the soul.

"Alas... the Emperor Art is really terrifying..."

A trace of despair flashed in Chen Nuolan's eyes, he gave up resistance and lost his sanity.

Even Chen Nuo and Xiao Hei gradually lost their way.

A great emperor, who left behind a unique technique of rhythm.

Another real person is performing it, and they can persist until now, which is considered very good.

Now, in the whole world, only Lin Tian is left, still awake.

And around him, a group of demons danced wildly.

The table full of wine and vegetables exploded under the inadvertent grief and anger of the crowd.

Food and drink flew everywhere.

But they didn't realize it.

In that sad melody, he completely lost his sanity.


At this moment, the old voice sounded again, with a little surprise, as if he had discovered something unusual.

"Spiritual Sea Realm, to be able to stay awake under the Xuanyin Emperor's technique of my Xuanyin Stone Kingdom, is really as rumored, a bit weird, it seems that the young man who killed the Amethyst Stone Emperor is you , that real person from the Amethyst Stone Kingdom must have died by your hands, right?"

The old voice floated from all directions and poured into Lin Tian's ears.

It's just that Lin Tian didn't pay attention to it.

He gently picked up the amethyst gourd in his hand, and filled his top-quality spirit jade cup with wine without haste.

At that moment, the aroma of wine was overflowing and refreshing.

"This wine, this gourd..."

Suddenly, the old voice exclaimed.

It seems to have seen something incredible.

Immediately afterwards, he laughed strangely, "Jie Jie Jie, you say you don't show your wealth. It seems that you are very confident in yourself. You dare to display such innate treasures as Zijin Gourd at will."

"Do you think that if you have a treasure on your body that can suppress and kill real people, you can do whatever you want?"

The old voice filled the entire city.

All those who had already hid and were not affected by the melody could not help being extremely surprised when they heard this.

"The Medicine God Valley, is there such a thing?"

Many people hiding together looked at each other.

Whether it's an innate treasure like the purple gold gourd, or the treasure that the old man said could suppress and kill real people, they are all extraordinary things.

Unexpectedly, a third-rate force like Medicine God Valley could own it.

Really, some are just too incredible.

No matter what the old man hiding in the dark said, Lin Tian, ​​who was sitting on the restaurant, remained motionless.

He squeezed the wine glass slowly and tasted the wine lightly.

The melancholy and magical melody, in his ears, seemed to be extremely ordinary.

Not even half of his mood swings could be aroused.

This made the real Xuanyin Shiguo, who was hiding in the dark, a little annoyed.

"It seems that your treasure should be related to the soul, right? However, with your strength, I see how long you can last!"

The real person couldn't help snorting coldly, and the rhythm of the rhythm picked up instantly.

It's just a sense of sadness, but it doesn't diminish at all.

Immediately afterwards, the real person spat out the word "kill".

At this moment, the eyes of the surrounding Yaoshengu emperors, including Xiao Hei, became sharper, and under the control of the rhythm, they rushed towards Lin Tian.

"Aren't you amazing? I'll ask your friends to try it now. Just show how powerful you are and what skills you have. Otherwise, I believe that your friends will not show mercy to you." Yes, Jie Jie Jie..."

That very ugly and piercing strange laugh sounded again.

This time, Lin Tian finally responded.

Lin Tian's wine glass was placed heavily on the table in front of him.

The wine splashed in the glass, and at that moment, everything seemed to slow down.

"Everything...stands still..."

At the moment when Lin Tian's voice fell to the ground, there was absolute stillness within a radius of ten miles.

Everything, at this moment, stops.

The dark and mysterious static tablet suddenly appeared on the table at some point.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Tian glanced at it, then grabbed the Celestial Sword placed by the table, and threw it towards the void.

This sword shot directly into the void.

Immediately afterwards, the void shattered.

An old man with a terrified expression fell out of it, and then was affected by the static stele, and was frozen in midair.

Lin Tian sat on the spot, looked up at him, and said lightly: "Don't you just want to see what treasure I have in my hand? Now, have you seen it?"

(End of this chapter)

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