Chapter 266

But soon, Chen Nuolan couldn't help flashing a deeper worry.

If she remembered correctly, Lin Tian had said that his sacred tablet would not be used a few times at all.

But at this time, he took out Wanxing.

You know, this is the God of Medicine's furnace.

It is being circulated in the world, and it carries the inheritance of the God of Medicine.

If this gets out, it will probably make people even more crazy than the stele in Lin Tian's hand.

After all, who is the God of Medicine?
That is the number one pharmacist in the world.

It is said that the existence of magic pills can be refined.

There are legends about him throughout the Nine Heavens.

Especially in the world of Tianshi, a world that loves refining medicine.

The name of the God of Medicine is astonishing in the past and the present.

Therefore, once Wanxing is exposed, it may cause the entire Tianshi world to boil.

Even when the time comes, many old immortals who haven't been born for a long time will show up one after another.

"This is……"

Seeing the alchemy furnace protecting Lin Tian, ​​everyone's eyes showed doubts.

Hundreds of miles away, those real people who wanted to kill Lin Tian were even more astonished.

He never expected that his attack would be blocked by a pill furnace.

"There are so many good things about this kid..."

The powerhouse of Xuanyin Stone Country felt a little emotional.

"Stop talking nonsense, and get rid of him quickly."

The strong man in the Amethyst Stone Kingdom has a dignified expression, fearing that something will happen later.

After all, they had companions and were imprisoned in front of Lin Tian.

God knows if he moves slowly, he will be beheaded by Lin Tian.

His words resonated with everyone.

Everyone looked at each other, nodded at the same time, and shot again.

But this time, it was more tyrannical than the previous blow.

Their respective visions vacated one after another, reflecting the sky.

All the power gathered on the weapon, locked on Lin Tian, ​​and launched their respective imperial techniques, blasting them with a powerful blow.

The divine light all over the sky pierced through the void again, with a trace of the power of the avenue, and they all rushed towards Lin Tian without exception.


Without exception, Wan Xing blocked this attack again.

Seeing this, everyone's eyes changed.

At this moment, Lin Tian moved again.

He picked up Wanxing and threw it out in an instant.

"It's not rude to come and go!"

Wan Xing pierced through the void, and instantly came in front of the group of real people.

The face of the person at the front changed.

He waved the stone sword in his hand, trying to block Wanxing.

However, at this moment, Wan Xing suddenly erupted with terrifying divine power, revealing the fluctuation of the Dao.

"Is this an imperial weapon?"

The faces of the people present changed.

Immediately, there was a "clang".

The real person in the front was instantly crushed by Wan Xing.

Buzz! ! !

Wan Xing's whole body was shaking, showing a hint of excitement.

At this moment, divinity wakes up.

The entire furnace body gradually became illusory, like a nebula, exuding a strong star power.

"Refining all the stars in the sky, using the starry sky as the body, this is the legendary god furnace of ten thousand stars!!!"

Someone saw this scene, couldn't help but think of something, and exclaimed loudly.

The sound spread throughout the world.

The people in Qin Huanggong heard it clearly.


Hearing this, except for people like Yaoshengu, everyone's pupils could not help but dilate, and there were countless horrors in their eyes.

Obviously, they are no strangers to this name.

However, no one thought that the very extraordinary alchemy furnace in Lin Tian's hand was actually Wan Xing.

This is something from the God of Medicine!
Everyone's eyes were full of incredible.

If it weren't for this space, it would have been in a static state.

They probably couldn't help but exclaimed.

Lin Tian ignored the shock of everyone, stepped into the void with one step, and in the next second, he came in front of the group of real people.

This is the power of so close and far away.

Almost like teleportation.

I don't know how much stronger it is than the usual crossing the void.

The real people who were nervously defending against Wanxing were startled when they saw Lin Tian suddenly appearing.

Before they could react, Lin Tian grabbed Wan Xing in the next second.

In an instant, a terrifying aura erupted from Wan Xing.

Without saying a word, Lin Tian threw Wan Xing towards the person in front of him, simple and rude to the extreme.

Seeing Wan Xing with a terrifying aura, he came towards him.

The face of the real person also changed drastically.

He didn't dare to take it seriously, and instantly waved the sage's soldier in his hand, and the spiritual sea in his body suddenly boiled up, and he went forward with all his strength.

The two collide.


Suddenly there was a dull sound in the sky, which was deafening.

The real person even flew upside down, dropped his weapon, his face was extremely ugly, and his arms felt numb.

Just the next second, his face changed quickly again.

Looking at the white shadow approaching suddenly in front of him, his pupils shrank slightly, and a trace of fear flashed in his eyes.

Immediately mobilize the strength of the whole body, trying to stabilize the figure, and then dodge.

It's just a pity that Lin Tian is too fast.

From the moment he discovered it to the moment he reacted, it came before him.

"do not want!"

The real person raised his hand subconsciously, blocked in front of him, and let out a terrified cry.

The remaining two real people also immediately came to their senses.

"Little bastard, stop!!!"

They shouted loudly and shot instantly.

In the blink of an eye, the two of them were behind Lin Tian.

They resorted to killing moves one after another, intending to kill Lin Tian in an instant.

Sensing the murderous intent from behind, Lin Tian snorted coldly, paused, and then turned around instantly. Wan Xing in his hand swung towards the back with a strong gust of wind.

The faces of the two real people changed instantly.

The attack that was originally directed at Lin Tian was instantly changed to defense.

With just one blow, the powerful impact instantly smashed the two of them apart.

In the next second, Lin Tian turned around again.

Then he stepped on the chest of the real person who escaped a catastrophe just now, fell to the ground and wanted to get up, and stepped him to the ground again.

Before the man could react, Lin Tian took Wan Xing and smashed it down.

The real person's head exploded instantly.

The divine soul that was originally hidden in the sea of ​​consciousness was also crushed instantly by the power of Wan Xing at this moment, and it was impossible to die.

Even if he is a strong man in Nirvana, it is impossible for him to be reborn.

The remaining two, seeing this scene, couldn't help but look at each other, their hearts trembling.

Without saying a word, they turned and walked away.

And go their separate ways.

Because only in this way, there is a chance to save a life.

After all, things of Wanxing's level are not something they can stop.

Unless you invite the emperor soldiers.

Otherwise, with their current strength, there is no difference between going up and courting death.

It's just that it's easy to think about.

But if you want to leave, how easy is it? !
Lin Tian is Jiu Tian, ​​a well-known lunatic.

After messing with him, even if the forbidden area existed, he could only grit his teeth and admit that he was unlucky, fled in embarrassment, and left something behind.

These two real people still want to leave, it is wishful thinking.

 Between 11:30 and twelve o'clock, there are two more chapters.

(End of this chapter)

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