Invincibility starts from awakening

Chapter 274 The Heavenly Emperor Arrives

Chapter 274 The Heavenly Emperor Arrives (Part [-])
At this moment, the nine-tailed fox in the sky moved.

In the blink of an eye, it turned into a ray of brilliance, and came to the gray-clothed saint of Xuanyin Stone Country. His rhythmic attack may be a big trouble to others, especially in the case of many people fighting, the interference is very strong, But for a creature with a strong soul like the nine-tailed fox, it has almost no effect.

Moreover, the most important thing is that such a monk who is proficient in temperament is absolutely inferior to other monks in terms of defense.

Therefore, Xiaoxue set his first target on him.

With the blessing of the power of the wind, Xiaoxue's speed is very fast.

By the time the gray-clothed sage of the Xuanyin Stone Kingdom realized her intentions, she had already raised her claws and launched an attack.

"not good!"

Seeing this scene, the gray-clothed sage from Xuanyinshi Kingdom felt a sudden shock in his heart and turned pale with shock.

At this time, it was impossible for him to retreat.

So, as soon as he bit it, he raised the Shi Qin in his hand and blocked it.

The next moment, that sharp claw, carrying nine different powers, slapped fiercely on the stone zither of the gray-clothed saint, making a loud noise, and immediately after, everyone saw that Xuanyin Shiguo The gray-clothed saint flew out with his face flushed.

Although the blow just now did not land on him.

But the power contained in it indirectly caused him a big loss, causing the blood in his body to churn.

At this moment, the nine-tailed fox disappeared again.

The sage of the Xuanyin Stone Country suddenly had an ominous premonition in his heart.

Not waiting for his reaction.

The disappearing nine-tailed fox came to him.

There was no hesitation or pause.

The nine-tailed fox raised its claws and patted the head of the gray-clothed saint in front of him.

"don't want!!!"

The gray-clothed sage from Xuanyinshi Kingdom suddenly panicked and wanted to beg for mercy.

It's a pity that Xiaoxue ignored it at all, her eyes were full of coldness.

The claws fell, and the gray-clothed saint's head exploded instantly.

Nine different kinds of power crazily poured into his body, destroying his body as well as his soul.

The sky suddenly darkened.

There was a hint of blood red faintly.

This is the vision of the fallen saint.

It is this world that is seeing off the fallen saint.

Everyone, at this moment, fell silent.

The remaining four saints also looked at each other in blank dismay.

Among them, the saint from Xuanyinshi Kingdom is not considered strong.

But no matter how weak he is, he is still a saint.

But now, the beautiful woman in the form of a nine-tailed fox was beheaded on the spot in two or three hits, so fast that even they couldn't react, it was simply too terrifying.

"This woman's heyday is at least the Old Sage..."

The four of them looked serious.

Hold the emperor soldier in your hand tightly.

They were all junior saints, and they thought it would be easy to capture a human race kid in the Vision Realm. Who would have thought that there was such a strong man standing behind this human race boy.

Only relying on the true spirit, the strength of the great sage's cultivation broke out.

The pressure on them can be imagined.

"Don't worry everyone. The reason why old man Xuan fell was just carelessness. We have the emperor's soldiers in our hands, and she not only has no body, but also no weapons. Even if she is really a holy ancestor, we can make her hate this place!"

The sage of the Amethyst Kingdom held an amethyst clock and shouted in a deep voice.

At this point, he really had no way out.

If you don't kill the woman in front of you now, the other forces present may be fine when she settles the matter, but their Amethyst Stone Kingdom will definitely perish.

Therefore, even if he can't get Wanxing, he will kill the woman in front of him.

The other three also guessed what was going on in the heart of the saint of Amethyst Stone Kingdom.

Although I feel a little uncomfortable being used as a gun.

But they all knew that if Xiaoxue couldn't be killed today, the other party would recover completely in the future, and it would definitely be a very troublesome thing to settle.


The four looked at each other and shot at the same time.

The war broke out again.

The sky is full of divine light, making people dazzled.

"The stronger the better, the stronger the better..."

In the underground palace of Shangcang City.

The old man looked at the big battle in the sky, his eyes were shining brightly.

The more powerful Xiaoxue behaved, the more he liked it.

Because the stronger Xiaoxue's true spirit is, the more he will gain after refining it.

Even, it is not impossible to step into Emperor Zhun with this.

He stopped hesitating and stood up slowly.

The moment the old man got up.

His blood coffin smelted from countless precious blood crystals exploded with a bang.

Debris flew everywhere.

But soon, they were pulled back by a strange force, circling around the old man, and then integrated into his body one by one.

In the next second, the old man, whose body was withered and breathless, seemed to be exhausted, was rejuvenated in an instant, and his blood was boiling in his body. " sound.

He took a step forward and disappeared in the underground palace in a blink of an eye.

The next moment, everyone saw the beautiful woman standing on the back of the nine-tailed spirit fox above the sky. She couldn't help turning her head and scolded at the void behind her, and then shot a nine-colored divine light and killed it. .

"come out!"

Everyone in Shangcang City was confused when they saw this scene.

"Huh? Is there anyone else hiding here?"

Chen Nuo was also very surprised.

Lin Tian next to him nodded, and said lightly: "Well, another one came just now, if it's correct, it should be the old thing in Shangcang City..."

Speaking of this, Lin Tian shook his head, with a sarcastic look on his face, "I didn't expect that after so many years, they are still so shameless as always, and they actually want to hide in the void and sneak attack."

"It's just a pity, he underestimated Xiaoxue's perception..."

At the same time as Lin Tian's voice fell, the void shook.

Immediately afterwards, an old man with a flushed face came out from inside.

"Worthy of being one of the strongest races in Jiutian, as expected, I discovered the existence of this old man so quickly..."

The old man looked at Xiaoxue with some emotion, and then regretted: "However, you have not recovered to your heyday after all, or else today, maybe I am really not your opponent, what a pity, what a pity..."

Having said that, the vision of the old man was slowly released.

It was a hazy light and shadow.

It was pitch black all around.

Immediately afterwards, a man with a dusty temperament came out slowly from the light and shadow, his face could not be seen clearly, but everyone could feel his aura of looking down on the common people.

Just like Lin Tian.

This is also a vision of the coming of the Emperor of Heaven.

However, this Heavenly Emperor is the founder of the City of Heaven, the Chaos Stone Emperor.

He is the first emperor-level powerhouse in the Tianshi world.

The moment he appeared, the aura of the old man in front of him also exploded completely.

The terrifying holy power made everyone breathless.

Even the four saints who fought against Xiaoxue felt a great pressure.

 Four more tonight.

(End of this chapter)

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