Invincibility starts from awakening

Chapter 28 Su Guangyao's Hatred

Chapter 28 Su Guangyao's Hatred

Su family.

Su Guangyao was standing in a pavilion, with a stone-carved rockery behind him, and a fish pond next to it, in which there were several very beautiful koi and unknown flowers blooming.

The structure of the courtyard of the mansion is very elegant.

These are all scenes arranged by Su Guangyao himself.

But now, Su Guangyao is not in the mood to appreciate these things, he is sitting on the stone bench in the pavilion like a dead father at the moment, without saying a word, his face is extremely gloomy.

Not long after, a young man in gray came over quickly.

"Master, are you looking for me?"

The young man in gray saw that Su Guangyao's face was not very good-looking, and asked cautiously.

Su Guangyao nodded, thinking of Lin Tian's hideous appearance before, his heart was burning with anger, and he gritted his teeth and said, "Su Gou, I'll give you a task."

"Sir, tell me."

Su Gou straightened his back, his expression became serious.

Su Guangyao drew Lin Tian's appearance on a piece of paper with spiritual power, and said through gritted teeth, "Go, stare at this man to death, I want to know his every move!"

Su Gou's expression froze when he heard the words, and he couldn't help but glance at the young man on the picture scroll, feeling a little shocked in his heart, wondering what Lin Tian had done to make their patriarch so angry.

"Not going yet?"

Seeing Su Gou stunned, Su Guangyao said with some displeasure.

"The little one will go right away, go right away."

Hearing this, Su Gou nodded quickly, carefully put away the portrait on the table, and then quickly retreated.

Looking at Su Gou's disappearing back, Su Guangyao's expression gradually became vicious, his eyes flickered, and he muttered to himself: "You little bastard, how dare you offend me, Su Guangyao, in Yanyang City? No matter what background you have, I will I will let you know what will happen if you offend me."

Having said that, Su Guangyao couldn't hold back, and punched the stone table in front of him.


With a loud noise, the stone table exploded instantly.

When the maid passing by the courtyard heard the sound, she couldn't help but turn pale with fright, and looked over with a pale face.

After venting, Su Guangyao felt much more comfortable, his face gradually softened, he looked at the maids calmly, and said lightly: "Let the housekeeper change a new one..."


Lin Tian had a feeling from the moment Su Guangyao carved his portrait.

Although with Lin Tian's current strength, he can't figure out who it is, but he can guess that it must be Su Guangyao who is eyeing him.

However, Lin Tian didn't take this matter to heart.

As long as Su Guangyao dared to make a move, he didn't mind letting this guy come and go.

Lin Tian followed Bai Changfeng, crossed two streets, and finally saw the majestic castle built of black rocks.

On the gate of this castle, a small hammer is engraved.

Below are five big characters - Tianyun Auction House!

"Master Bai!"

As soon as Bai Changfeng arrived, two delicate and scantily dressed maids stood at the door, one on the left and one on the right, and immediately bowed to greet him, their voices were sweet and melodious, revealing a charming snow-white.

However, neither Bai Changfeng nor Lin Tian took a second look.

In their eyes, this is nothing more than rouge vulgar powder.

"Little friend Lin, please come inside."

Bai Changfeng stepped aside and made a gesture of invitation to Lin Tian.

Lin Tian was also polite and strode in.

Seeing this, Bai Changfeng hurriedly followed.

Seeing this scene, the two maids who bent over to greet each other couldn't help but a trace of shock flashed across their faces.

Who is Bai Changfeng?
This is the chief array mage of their auction house!

It can be said that Bai Changfeng is one of the well-established giants of their auction house in Yanyang County.

In the entire Yanyang City, few people dared to disrespect him, including the former Su Guangyao.

But just now, what did they see?
Bai Changfeng actually said "please" to a young man, and the young man took it for granted and walked in directly.

Could it be that this boy is a child of a big family?

Not only the two maids at the entrance, but the entrance of the auction house is one of the most prosperous areas in Yanyang City, other passers-by here also thought the same when they saw the scene just now.

Besides, they couldn't think of any other young people who could make a well-known formation mage behave so politely.

Everyone started discussing one after another, guessing Lin Tian's identity.

Regarding these, Bai Changfeng, who is the originator, is naturally not clear. He is leading Lin Tian around the auction house at the moment, and introduced to him:
"Our Tianyun Auction House has a total of six floors in Yanyang City. The first floor belongs to the trading area. Every month on NO. 15, a fair will be held here. At that time, as long as you find useful things, you can get Setting up a stall here, bartering, and getting what you want is a big feast for our Yanyang City."

"And the second floor belongs to the auction area. Every seven days, an auction will be prepared. The next auction will be the day after tomorrow."

Bai Changfeng spoke eloquently, introducing everything here for Lin Tian.

"The third-floor Array Mage Association is a partner of our auction house. It is resident here and belongs to the special trading area. I am also the vice president of the Yanyang City Array Mage Association."

"As for the fourth and fifth floors, they are the Artifact Refiner's Association and the Alchemist's Association respectively. The sixth floor is the meeting area, and only the senior management of the auction house, or those who allow it, can go up."

"Little friend Lin, you can get the elixir and pill furnace you want on the fifth floor."

Hearing this, Lin Tian nodded.

Bai Changfeng pointed to the hexagram formation engraved on the ground in the small room in front of him, and said, "Little friend Lin, we can go up faster with this formation."

Lin Tian heard the words, took a look, and recognized it, this is a teleportation array.

I have to say that people nowadays really know how to play.

Upstairs actually used formations.

Lin Tian shook his head and walked to the hexagram formation.

Bai Changfeng also walked in, took out a white jade token, inlaid it on a special place on the wall of the room, and poured spiritual power into it.

The next moment, the white jade token lit up.

In an instant, the six-pointed star array under Lin Tian's feet suddenly lit up, and the light shone in the small room for a while, making it impossible to see the figure clearly.

Immediately afterwards, a sense of dizziness hit, Lin Tian opened his eyes, and found himself in another place.

As he walked out of the small room, Lin Tian could immediately feel a fiery breath rushing toward his face, accompanied by the fragrance of some elixir, which made people feel refreshed.

"This is the alchemy area, so the breath is hotter. Let's go there. That is the trading area. Elixirs, pills, and furnaces are all sold here."

Bai Changfeng pointed to the logo on Lin Tian's left that depicts the alchemy furnace, and then led him to the right.

Soon, rows of crystal counters appeared in Lin Tian's sight.

On the counter, there are small porcelain bottles and various elixirs.

There are also quite a few beautiful maids with sweet smiles and clear voices, telling the customers who stopped in front of the counter, telling the magical effects of these elixir and elixir in the counter, tempting everyone to buy.

 (PS: please collect, please recommend~)


(End of this chapter)

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