Invincibility starts from awakening

Chapter 282 Nine Days Taboo

Chapter 282 Nine Heavens Taboo
You chase after me.

In the blink of an eye, Lin Tian retreated millions of miles away. All the people and kingdoms he passed along the way, all of them were frightened by their breath, their legs became weak, and they knelt on the ground pale.

Lin Tian's figure turned into a streamer, and in the blink of an eye, it flew across the sky of Qin State, followed by six streamers.

Qin Huang and the others watched this scene with trembling hearts.

Chen Nuolan and Elder He were covered in cold sweat, their faces were pale and they closed their eyes, praying for Lin Tian with trembling voices.


Six great emperors.

Those are the six great emperors.

No matter how powerful Lin Tian is, how can he be an opponent?
The two opened their eyes and looked at each other with despair and regret in their eyes.

At this time, the ground shook again.

In the Xuanyin Stone Kingdom hundreds of thousands of miles away from the Qin Kingdom, another great battle broke out. Lin Tian blasted out with Wanxing while retreating.

The aftermath of the emperor's battle instantly leveled the city under their feet, and countless stone figures were wiped out.


In the Xuanyin Imperial City tens of thousands of miles away, a frenzied roar erupted in an instant.

Immediately, a shocking emperor's light shot out.

They had just died a saint, and before they had time to vent their anger, someone came calling.

They are not stupid, and they all know that this is definitely not a coincidence.

Otherwise, Lin Tian didn't do it early or late, so why did he choose to do it in his Xuanyin Stone Country.

Not for revenge.

At this moment, Xuanyin Shi Kingdom's Jidao Emperor Soldiers also fully recovered, and countless musical notes resounded between the heaven and the earth.

A sad song resounded throughout the world of heaven and stone.

"Xuanyin Stone Emperor also made a move, what are they going to do? Do they really want to destroy the Shentian Stone Realm?"

Countless people, listening to the tragic song from afar, trembled and their faces became paler.

The six great emperors of the ancient kingdom of heaven, plus Emperor Xuanyin and Stone, faced that young man with a mysterious background.

It is equivalent to fighting against the Eight Emperors.

One of them is the Emperor of Heaven.

When they swept the Nine Heavens in the Tianshi Realm, it was just this lineup.

Right now, although they are not as good as that group of people back then.

It's just a weakened version.

But there is no problem in sinking the Tianshi world.

Regardless of whether Lin Tian and his party will come over, all the forces in the Tianshi world have activated the highest level of defensive formation at this moment.

After all, don't be afraid of ten thousand, just in case.

The forces guarded by imperial soldiers even invited emperor soldiers to guard them one after another.

Soon, the terrifying two sides fought again, seeming to be disturbed by Xuanyin Stone Emperor, and chased after them.

In fact, Lin Tian was deliberately stopping.

Because this time, they have come to the border of Amethyst Stone Country, Lin Tian hates this place very much.

With his 'magnanimous' character, how could he not stay to say hello.

The imperial war broke out in the Amethyst Stone Kingdom.

Under Lin Tian's deliberate lure, countless attacks from the seven great emperors fell on the Amethyst Stone City.

In the blink of an eye, this bustling imperial city turned into a piece of wasteland, not a single blade of grass could grow.

The so-called imperial formation, without anyone hosting it, is just a joke, and it didn't even survive a wave of attacks.

The sage of the Amethyst Stone Kingdom who was far away in the city of Shangcang used supernatural powers. After seeing this scene, he was even more jealous.

An angry roar resounded through the sky.

Everyone looked around, but saw that his voice stopped abruptly.

I saw a slender hand as white as jade piercing his chest, pinching his beating purple sacred heart.

At that moment, the sage of Amethyst Stone Country was sweating profusely, trembling all over, not even daring to make a sound.

Just when he was about to open his mouth to beg for mercy, the jade hand pinched it down suddenly, and there was a "poof", and the beating purple sacred heart shattered instantly.


The sage of the Amethyst Stone Kingdom stared out his eyes, and his vitality quickly drained away. In his pair of purple eyes, a trace of cruelty flashed, and a bright light burst out in an instant, and he was about to fight back on the verge of death.

But in the next second, that flawless jade hand separated from his body in an instant.

Immediately afterwards, nine divine lights joined forces to kill, and in the blink of an eye, this saint of the Amethyst Stone Kingdom was wiped out.

In the sky, blood rained down, revealing a desolate sadness.

Everyone was stunned by this scene.

No one expected that this seemingly soft and gentle woman would be so fierce in her methods.

Even Chen Nuo felt a tingling scalp.

Only Xiao Hei and Wei Wei can accept it.

After all, compared to the Blood Slaughter Demon Emperor, the death method of the Saint of Amethyst Stone Kingdom is nothing.

While everyone was immersed in the scene just now, Lin Tian had also retreated to the easternmost edge of the Tianshi Realm. Looking at the Forest of Ten Thousand Medicines behind him, Lin Tian stopped.

"I see where you are going!"

In the blink of an eye, the man in black appeared in front of Lin Tian, ​​with the Chaos Sword Embryo in his hand, awe-inspiring to kill.

Then, the remaining six people arrived almost at the same time.

They looked at Lin Tian with cold eyes.

In order to kill him, even if they really sink the Heaven and Stone Realm, they will not hesitate.

After all, the sunken world of Tianshi still needs to be saved.

If Lin Tian is let go, the Tianshi Realm may really be over.


The incarnation of Emperor Yaoshi shook his head and sighed softly. Among the seven, he was the one who least wanted to fight Lin Tian.

It's just a pity, things are hard to break.

Lin Tian glanced at the endless foggy forest behind him, then turned around and said, "Why, you're so sure, I can't do it?"

None of the seven spoke.

It's just that the sneer in their eyes showed their thoughts.

"Don't think that I don't know. You have always been connected with that place. If I guessed correctly, there is a heavenly path in the ancient mine, right?"

Lin Tian said abruptly.

When the seven people heard the words, their complexions changed at the same time.

Although they were only transformed by spirits, they all inherited their master's will, which contained their master's memory.

In addition to those years, their masters fought north and south.

There are naturally many things they know.

Therefore, they understood what Lin Tian was talking about.

It's just that that place is absolutely taboo in the Nine Heavens, or even above the Nine Heavens.

Even if there is a connection, how dare they admit it.

"What are you talking about? I don't understand!"

The man in black said with a cold face: "Don't say so many useless things, prepare to die!"

After all, chaos suddenly appeared behind him, and his aura was also extremely strong at this moment.

It seems that he wants to use a killer move to kill Lin Tian.

The same goes for the other six people.

After Lin Tian said those words, their killing intent had reached the extreme, and even the Emperor Yaoshi's eyes were full of coldness.

"Sure enough, let me guess right..."

Seeing this scene, Lin Tian murmured, a chill flashed in his eyes.

This day, the Stone World dared to contact that kind of place. No wonder, they were able to do bloodbath for nine days and enslave all races.

If Lin Tian's guess is correct, the glory of the Stone Human Race in those years may also be inseparable from that place.

 There is another chapter, probably around one o'clock.

(End of this chapter)

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