Invincibility starts from awakening

Chapter 317 Immortal Phoenix

Chapter 317 Immortal Phoenix
Moreover, you must know that the premise of wanting Nirvana is all based on the condition that the soul has been cultivated.

After all, without the soul, let alone the whole body exploded, even if it is just a direct hit on the vitals, it is a dead end, and there is no chance of nirvana and rebirth.

Therefore, everyone couldn't believe that Lin Tian was able to return from Nirvana, because it was really unbelievable.

After all, no matter how powerful Lin Tian is and how defiant his methods are, he cannot change the fact that he is just a monk who has just begun to escape.

Moreover, you must know that the most important thing is that even a real person in the nirvana state cannot return to nirvana on the spot with a drop of blood or a crippled body.

That is the means of the Great Emperor.

Even for the quasi-emperor, it is very difficult, almost impossible, to do this.

The most they can do is rebirth with a broken arm.

Like Lin Tian, ​​whose entire body has been shattered, he can only escape from his soul, find a place, use special secret methods and elixir as assistance, and practice again.

But right now, the breath revealed in the sky is telling them that Lin Tian is not dead, he is in Nirvana.

It won't be long, maybe he will really be able to return from Nirvana.

It sounds unbelievable, but this is the truth, something that everyone has to accept.

Everyone fell silent and stood there quietly with their mouths slightly open, staring dumbfounded at Lin Tian, ​​who was gradually enveloped in white light and bathed in the holy fire of Nirvana, unable to speak for a long time.

The shock in my heart is simply indescribable.

"This kid, is it really going against the sky?"

The real person in the Immortal Court of God was shocked, and spoke with difficulty. With a cultivation level that is barely out of the ordinary, to do this, I am afraid that even if the Emperor is alive, it is impossible to do it, right? !
"He holds a heaven-defying secret technique in his hands..."

At this time, the real old man headed by the Immortal God Court looked at Lin Tian, ​​his eyes narrowed, and he spoke slowly. Based on the vision that Lin Tian had shown before, he guessed something.

"It is the technique of Nirvana of the undead phoenix."

Another real person took a deep breath and said slowly that he felt a strong vitality blooming from Lin Tian.

Compared with the ordinary Nirvana, this vitality appears to be more pure and different.

It is very similar to the description of Phoenix Nirvana.

In addition to the fiery red divine phoenix in Lin Tian's previous vision, he dares to conclude that this is definitely the innate secret technique of the undead phoenix family, and it is a complete one.

Because, the Nirvana secret technique left by the descendants of the phoenix who usually contains the blood of the phoenix is ​​definitely not so powerful and against the sky.

However, this undead phoenix is ​​a legendary creature.

In nine days, no one has seen it yet.

At least, from ancient times to the present, in the countless years, no one has heard of, and no one has seen such a divine beast as the undead phoenix.

In addition to these real people in the Immortal Court of God guessing what kind of secret technique Lin Tian mastered, the people below gradually thought of this.

"Is there really an immortal phoenix in this world?"

Someone couldn't believe all of this, questioned it, and said: "Even if there is, how can he practice as a human race? Could it be that he is a demon?"

It's just that no one can answer this question.

Because everyone is curious about the same question right now, and they themselves want to know the answer, but unfortunately, no one can explain it to them.

With the passage of time, in just a moment, a figure gradually emerged in the white light.


Seeing this familiar voice, Luo Qingwu burst into tears of joy, and Luo Changdong was even more excited beyond words, his old body was trembling.

When everyone saw this scene, their pupils couldn't help shrinking, and they couldn't help but gasped.

Although Lin Tian hasn't completely come out yet, anyone who understands knows that at this point, as long as no one interferes, it is basically safe.

"It really made him succeed in Nirvana..."

The real person in the Immortal Court looked at this scene, his eyes were gloomy, and his face was extremely ugly.

The five people looked at each other, and a ruthless look flashed in their eyes, and spiritual power burst out from their bodies immediately.

They all want to intervene and kill Lin Tian before Nirvana.

After all, Lin Tian's abilities are more amazing than the last.

If such a person cannot be killed, when he grows up, sooner or later, these enemies will be found by him one by one and liquidated.

So, for this, they can do whatever it takes.

They ignored the dark clouds that were tumbling in the sky, ignored the sense of heaven, and shot Lin Tian instantly.

In the blink of an eye, the five real people in the Immortal Court of Gods rushed towards Lin Tian, ​​and the terrifying divine light came in front of him in just a blink of an eye.

"don't want--"

Seeing this scene, Luo Qingwu's face immediately turned pale, and she couldn't help shouting loudly. Even though she didn't know what Nirvana was, she knew that Lin Tian couldn't be disturbed at all in this situation.

It's a pity that her stoppage didn't have any effect on the five real people in the Immortal Court of God, and it didn't get them to take action at all.

The five real treasures burst out with brilliant divine light at the same time.

The cold killing intent instantly enveloped Lin Tian, ​​and all the attacks fell down.

The surrounding void is somewhat cracked.

Everyone who watched all this from afar couldn't help holding their breath.

No one thought that the five immortals of the Immortal Court of God would risk angering the Heavenly Dao to attack Lin Tian at this time.

However, just thinking about it in a blink of an eye, they somewhat understood the decisions of those real people in the Immortal Court of God.

After all, this Lin Tian is too perverted.

It's so scary before it grows up.

Anyone who has such an enemy will probably try his best to kill him no matter what, otherwise, he will definitely have trouble sleeping and eating.

Just when everyone was wondering whether Lin Tian could overcome this difficulty, several figures suddenly stood in front of him, stopping all the attacking magical powers that fell down.

The most shocking thing is that these people who made the shots were none other than the young heavenly emperors who were transformed by Tiandao using the brands of the emperors.

It's just that now, there is a trace of anger on their originally cold faces.

Originally joining forces to deal with Lin Tian, ​​they already felt very ashamed of the pride in their souls at that moment, but now, there are still outsiders who want to intervene to 'help' them, which makes them feel humiliated subconsciously, and the same is true for Tiandao .

So, they were all angry.

The next moment, I saw a thunder dragon transformed from Zijin Xuanlei jumping out of the clouds in an instant, and in the blink of an eye, it rushed towards the five real people in the Immortal God Court, revealing a ray of terrifying destructive power, which made the faces of these five people all look the same. big change.

(ps: Four changes will resume from tomorrow, two at 14:19 and two at [-]:[-].)
(End of this chapter)

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