Chapter 320 Unbelievable (Part [-])

After Lin Tian's voice fell, Tiandao became angry as expected, and the sky was full of thunder, like a river, pouring down in an instant.

The terrifying thunder light even made everyone unable to open their eyes.

All the people knelt down under this terrifying heavenly power. Even the five immortals in the Immortal God Court couldn't avoid it. They fell from the air one after another, and were suppressed to the ground in panic, unable to move.

Lin Tian's surroundings were instantly submerged by thunder, and the mountains and rivers were instantly shattered, and turned into ashes under the raging thunder full of destructive attributes.

Luo Changdong trembled, and hugged Luo Qingwu tightly. Even though he knew that if the thunder in front of him really wanted to fall on them, it would be useless to protect him, but he still protected Luo Qingwu in his arms. In his arms, he used his body as a cover.

Because in Luo Changdong's eyes, as long as he can save Luo Qingwu from being hurt a little bit, it's worth it.

Fortunately, however, the worst is yet to come.

The sky filled with thunder, as if they had eyes, or were blocked by someone, and fell in all directions of Lin Tian, ​​but they didn't fall on them.


In the thunder, Lin Tian looked at this scene, a sarcasm flashed in his eyes, and he couldn't help laughing.

Only this time, his voice did not come out again, but was drowned out by the thunder.

After a while, Lei Jie gradually stopped.

The feeling like a boulder pressing on his chest gradually disappeared at this moment.

The robbery cloud in the sky receded slowly.

The consciousness of heaven dissipated.

After all, it didn't dare to attack Lin Tian, ​​but simply vented its anger, and used it to demonstrate its current strength.

Using the previous performance, it is telling Lin Tian that its current strength has recovered a lot, so don't push it into a hurry, otherwise it will really die.

Lin Tian naturally understood what it meant, so he sneered, and didn't have the power to continue to devour the way of heaven.

Because there are too many secrets hidden behind it, and if it is placed outside, everything can be earth-shattering.

Regarding these matters, Lin Tian had actually already guessed.

It's just that these speculations were not really confirmed until he shattered the way of heaven.

Even Lin Tian is very afraid of everything behind Tiandao.

Therefore, Tiandao didn't want to provoke him, and he didn't really want to provoke Tiandao at this time either.

After all, he has other things to do.

Moreover, his current state has not reached its peak.

It is really not a wise move to fight against Tiandao again, or to fight against the mystery behind Tiandao.

"Are you dead?"

Seeing that the thunder light gradually dissipated, everyone couldn't help but slowly opened their eyes and looked in the direction where Lin Tian was.

I saw that the previous young Heavenly Emperor had all disappeared.

But Lin Tian still stood there.

Even Luo Changdong and Luo Qingwu, the grandson and grandson who were not too far away from him, had nothing to do.

This scene couldn't help but make everyone's eyes widen.

"What's going on here? Could it be that he survived the thunder disaster just now?"

Someone couldn't help asking in horror, his face was full of shock, and the shock in his heart couldn't be concealed, rushing to his cheeks.

He couldn't figure out how Lin Tian survived the thunder disaster just now.

You know, the power of the sky just now is comparable to that of Emperor Jie, but it doesn't cover a large area.

Such a thunder calamity, not to mention Lin Tian, ​​a monk who has escaped from the mortal realm, even if a saint comes, it will be a tragedy.

Not only him, everyone couldn't figure out how Lin Tian survived the thunder disaster.

They looked at Lin Tian in disbelief, and some people couldn't help guessing: "Could it be that Tian Dao has the virtue of being good at life, seeing his talent is so terrifying, and he loves talents?"

It's just that this person's voice just fell, and it attracted a lot of people to spout wildly.

"I'll go to your uncle's love of talents, will Tiandao Nima still pay attention to this? I'm afraid you have too many dreams!"

"Don't you know that cultivation is against the heavens, and it is people like us who are about to be destroyed. If you still want them to cherish their talents, bring them down!"

Hearing these people's words, the person who spoke earlier couldn't help but blushed, clenched his fists, and was speechless for a long time.

It wasn't until the crowd finished pouring out that he regained his courage and said with a tongue-tied voice, "Then, tell me, why didn't he die?"

Hearing this, the person who scolded him just now was stunned, and looked at each other silently, with embarrassing expressions, not knowing how to explain it.

Because of such a thing, it was also the first time they met.

Even, let alone them, even from ancient times to the present, such a thing may only happen today.

Even the five real people in the Immortal Court of God were stupefied, looking at the intact Lin Tian in shock, and couldn't help but say, "What's going on? Is Tian Dao really benevolent?"

"It's not that the Dao of Heaven is so kind, but the origin of the person in front of you is too strong. Even if it is the Dao of Heaven, he wouldn't dare to take him lightly..."

At this moment, an old and powerful voice came from afar, flooding into everyone's minds like enlightenment, and everyone couldn't help raising their heads.

They looked for the reputation, only to see the direction of the sound, and the space was distorted.

Then an old man in Tsing Yi, who looked like a fairy, stepped out of the void.

As soon as he appeared, everyone felt that the surrounding world seemed to have changed. An invisible force surrounded him, restricting the world in an instant.

"Is this a sage?"

Many people couldn't help but widen their eyes and exclaimed.

The five real people in the Immortal Court of God, seeing the old man in blue, hurriedly bowed and said, "Master Uncle."


The old man in Tsing Yi nodded to the five of them as a return gift.

After the ceremony, one of the real people couldn't help asking: "By the way, Master Uncle, what do you mean by what you just said?"

Hearing this, the other four couldn't help pricking up their ears.

The onlookers, who were watching from a distance, also showed their magical powers one after another, concentrating on trying to get something from the old man in Tsing Yi.

After all, today's matter is really too weird.

If they don't know the answer, I'm afraid it will be difficult for them to sleep tonight.

The old man in Tsing Yi did not answer immediately when he heard his nephew's question, but turned his face to look at Lin Tian who was watching this side, then under the inconceivable eyes of everyone, he bowed slightly towards Lin Tian and saluted .

"Your Majesty, the old man is polite..."

After saying that, the old man in Tsing Yi straightened up.

During the period, he looked at Lin Tian insignificantly, and then smiled lightly: "Sure enough, being famous is not as good as meeting. I didn't expect the famous Emperor to look like this. Tsk tsk, it's really surprising."

As he spoke, he smashed his tongue, couldn't help shaking his head, his expression was a little hesitant, he seemed to be feeling emotional, but in fact he was mocking Lin Tian, ​​a person who survived from the 'ancient times', but with the appearance of a young man Show people, this is not pretending to be tender, what is it? !

 There are still nights, but everyone can go to bed first.

(End of this chapter)

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