Chapter 335 Town Maokeng (Second update)
"The war has not yet ended, who will win in the end, who can guarantee that I can say for sure?"

Zhundi, who belonged to Lin Tian's camp, shouted in a deep voice, and his words immediately attracted everyone's agreement.

"Yes, the battle is still going on, how can you predict that His Majesty will definitely lose?"

"The emperor of my human race suppressed the world as early as 800 million years ago, and the entire stone human race could not lift their heads. The god emperor of your race has only practiced for ten thousand years. I really think that he is His Majesty's opponent. ?"

The powerhouses of Renhuangmiao, speaking with the same hatred and hatred, stood firmly on Lin Tian's side one after another.

Hearing these words, the powerhouse of Immortal Court of God snorted immediately.

"Hehe, stop deceiving yourself and others, okay? He has practiced for 800 million years, even if he has practiced for 8000 million years, it will be useless! If you lose, you will lose. This is the fact before you, and nothing can change it!"

The quasi-emperor powerhouse of the Immortal Court of God glanced at the starry sky, and then said with a sneer: "Besides, you said that the young master of my clan has only cultivated for tens of thousands of years, which happens to prove that he is extremely talented."

Hearing this, the strong men of Human Emperor's Temple looked ugly, but they didn't know how to refute, so they could only stare at each other.

At this moment, a young man came from the air, looked at the opposing sides, and then said weakly to the strong man in the Immortal God Court: "But no matter what, your Immortal God Emperor has been defeated by His Majesty the Emperor!" , took it to town the latrine..."

As soon as this remark came out, the surroundings instantly fell silent.

A strange atmosphere spread from everyone.

The powerhouses of Renhuang Temple looked at each other with strange expressions.


Then, I don't know who it was, and I couldn't hold back at first, and laughed out loud.

Immediately afterwards, everyone laughed along, pointing at the strong men in the Immortal Court, laughing so hard that they couldn't straighten their backs, and burst into tears.

That's right, no matter how dick and strong your god emperor is, it's not that they were used by the emperor of their human race to fill the latrine.

"Ha ha ha ha……"

The laughter of the crowd spread throughout the world, causing all the smug expressions on the face of the Immortal God Court Powerhouse to dissipate, and he could no longer laugh.


They looked at each other with a cold look in their eyes, and then they all rushed towards the Xiaoyao Imperial City, trying to rescue the clone of the Immortal God Emperor.

"Want to save people in front of us? How can it be so easy!"

Seeing this, Emperor Zhun of Renhuang Temple couldn't help sneering, then waved his hands and said, "Stop them!"

Without him saying anything, everyone has already chased after him.

Regardless of the number of people or the top combat power, the Immortal Court of God does not have any advantage, and was stopped in mid-air in an instant.

"who are you?"

The one who stopped one of the quasi-emperors was the young man whose words just now broke their immortal court and everyone's beautiful fantasy.

"who am I?"

Hearing this, the young man first smiled, and then lazily said: "Father Yang Wudi."

"Yang Wudi?"

Hearing this, the quasi-emperor from the Immortal Court of God was taken aback for a moment, but soon, he came back to his senses, widened his eyes, looked at the young man in front of him, and said in shock: "You are the heir of Emperor Yong Ye ?”

"If you don't change your name when you're going, and if you don't change your surname when you sit down, I'm Yang Feifan!" the young man said in a gentle and elegant manner.

Hearing this, the quasi-emperor of the Immortal Court of God suddenly became serious.

He knew the name of Emperor Yongye very clearly.

This is definitely a great emperor who can be called invincible all his life, the kind that can compete with the emperor of heaven.

Born in the darkest era of ancient times, he has been fighting all his life, either killing or on the way to kill.

Also, he likes the dark.

Therefore, where there is him, there is basically no light.

His emperor title——Yongye, is also named after this.

Yang Feifan, as the heir of Emperor Yongye, no matter how weak he is, he might not be much weaker.

After all, the heirs of a generation of great emperors are not so simple.

Thinking of this, the quasi-emperor from the Immortal Court of God, with a flash of eyes, immediately rushed towards Yang Feifan, and the attack was a killer move.

It's just a pity that Yang Feifei seemed to have expected it a long time ago, with a hint of sarcasm raised at the corner of his mouth, he stepped lightly, and disappeared in a blink of an eye, backing away a long way.

Then a dark red broadsword suddenly appeared in his hand, and even after killing him, it came in an instant.

The terrifying knife light is still the sky.

The majesty of the great emperor was instantly revealed.

Even Lin Tian and the Immortal God Emperor, who were facing each other in the starry sky, felt something in their hearts, and couldn't help turning their faces to look back, and then fought again.

The terrifying imperial war and holy war broke out directly in the world of heaven and man, and countless mountains and rivers suddenly turned into dust.

If it weren't for the protection of the light curtain left by Lin Tian, ​​the tens of millions of people in Xiaoyao Imperial City would be wiped out in an instant under the aftermath of the war.

In the starry sky, the Immortal God Emperor also began to crusade against Lin Tian again, his actions became more and more fierce, and he even burned his blood.

Because of this world, it has already launched a backlash against him.

If you look carefully, you can find that there are traces of tiny purple thunder dragons swimming on his skin.

This is the imprint left by the Heavenly Tribulation just now.

It's just that the backlash he caused has been forcibly suppressed by him now.


The Immortal God Emperor held his breath, and slashed at Lin Tian fiercely, his face was cold, and his breathing was a little more rapid than at the beginning.

The starry sky continued to collapse in the confrontation between the two.

The surrounding Death Stars and stars had all been shattered in the duel between the two, or in other words, they were shattered one by one in the violent attack of the Immortal God Emperor.

Because from the beginning to the end, Lin Tian didn't make a lot of shots, and he was always avoiding, relying on the closeness of the sky, changing his figure around.

After smashing a lifeless death star again, but still not hitting Lin Tian, ​​the Immortal God Emperor finally couldn't help being annoyed, and roared towards Lin Tian who appeared in the distance: "Don't you just hide? ! "

"I can solve you without any effort, why should I do it?"

Lin Tian looked at the embarrassing Immortal God Emperor with weird eyes, as if looking at an idiot. After the Immortal God Emperor saw it, he almost couldn't breathe, and died of anger in the starry sky.

After a while, the Immortal God Emperor took a deep breath, gradually calmed down the tumbling emotions, then stared at Lin Tian, ​​and said sarcastically:

"The majestic king of the nine heavens, one of the three giants in the fairy world, Lin Crazy. You don't even have the guts to fight a real battle with me, a little false fairy, don't you have the guts now?"

"If that's the case, then there's no need to fight. I want to know how those people feel after seeing today's scene from me after returning to the fairy world!"

Having said that, the Immortal God Emperor no longer struggled, turned around and left.

This is a radical method.

And it's undisguised.

Lin Tian's eyes gradually narrowed.

(ps: Everyone, go to bed first after reading~ I will come to your dreams later, jie jie jie~)

(End of this chapter)

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