Chapter 340 Mutation (Supplement·Third update)
Seeing that the Immortal God Emperor had compromised, Lin Tian couldn't help showing a smile on his face, and praised: "Yes, those who know the current affairs are outstanding, don't worry, I will give you a good time."

"I hope you keep your promise."

The Immortal God Emperor took a deep breath, cleared his mind, and prepared to tell everything he knew.

But at this moment, with the sound of "buzz", the heavens suddenly trembled, and Wan Dao seemed to be crushed, and the wailing continued.

Under this sudden terrifying force, the entire Celestial Realm shook violently, as if it was about to explode.

Lin Tian looked back and saw that the starry sky was shattered, and a terrifying divine light tore through the void, killing him instantly at an indescribable speed, with overwhelming power, extremely terrifying.

If Lin Tian dared to escape and let him fall in the Celestial Realm, not to mention smashing the entire Celestial Realm, there would be no problem in leveling the current area.

At that time, I don't know how many lives will be lost here innocently.

Therefore, Lin Tian will not hide, nor can he hide.

"It's you again!"

He turned around and stared at the shattered starry sky, his eyes filled with evil, and he felt a familiar aura from this attack.

These people are similar to the aura of attacking and killing the blood-slaughter devil emperor in the battlefield of gods and demons.

If there is no accident, it should be the same group of people.

Without hesitation, Lin Tian jumped up, and in the blink of an eye, he came in front of this divine light, and then he threw out his fist to meet it fiercely.

The divine light failed to fall into the Celestial Realm, and exploded at the barrier of the Celestial Realm, swallowing Lin Tian in. The terrifying aftermath shook the Celestial Realm even more.

Everyone under the sage could no longer maintain their figure, and immediately sat on the ground in shock, their ears were buzzing, and they couldn't hear anything clearly.

"His Majesty……"

The faces of Yang Feifan and the others changed slightly, they looked at the sky solemnly, and couldn't help but sweat for Lin Tian.

After all, although Lin Tian is strong, what is strong is his means.

As for him himself, as long as he is not blind, he can tell that something has gone wrong long ago.

Otherwise, the Immortal Court would not dare to attack him.

For a moment, the dazzling divine light gradually dissipated in the sky, and everyone watched intently. Lin Tian was no longer in the sky, only a few drops of bright blood were left floating in the air.

Lin Tian's current body is still too weak after all, although he has already cultivated the realm of body training to the extreme, but this does not mean that his physical body has already cultivated to the peak.

Therefore, even if the power he can use now is not weaker than the attack just now, he still cannot resist the attack with his body alone without the protection of weapons.

In an instant, his body was shattered by the attack just now.

When everyone saw this scene, they couldn't help opening their mouths, their faces full of shock.

"Your Majesty he..."

However, before they finished speaking, the few drops of blood essence scattered in the air lit up, bursting out with a golden light in white.

A strong breath of life bloomed in the divine light.

Immediately afterwards, a figure with the appearance of a boy gradually regrouped in the white and golden divine light.

"Clang! Clang!!"

The loud and clear phoenix cry suddenly resounded in the air.

Immediately afterwards, a phoenix bathed in the holy fire of Nirvana rushed out of thin air, spreading its wings in the sky, majestic and majestic.

"Want Nirvana? Dream!"

At this time, a sneer suddenly came out of the torn void in the starry sky, and then, a big hand suddenly poked out from inside.

"I couldn't kill you ten thousand years ago. Now, you have lost many cards in your battles. Today, let me end your legend!"

The cold voice resounded in the void again, with a cold killing intent, he controlled the big hand, and grabbed Lin Tian who was in nirvana.

Seeing this, the faces of Yang Feifan and the others below changed drastically.

"His Majesty!!!"

Yang Feifan couldn't help but exclaimed, without hesitation, he gritted his teeth and rushed forward, blocking Lin Tian in the blink of an eye.

A mouthful of blood was immediately sprayed on the Emperor Sword by Yang Feifan, and the Emperor Sword, which was originally gloomy, burst into a radiant light in an instant.

An indescribable murderous aura spread from Yang Feifan's hands. At this moment, Emperor Yongye's soldiers really recovered.

The terrifying Emperor Wei shook the world.

"Rat, take my knife!"

Yang Feifan's complexion was pale, a trace of madness flashed in his eyes, he grabbed Emperor Yongye's Extreme Emperor Armament and killed it.

Broadsword across the sky.

The sharp blade light cut through the void in an instant, and with an indescribably monstrous murderous aura, it slashed towards the big hand protruding from the starry sky.

This is the ultimate imperial technique of Emperor Yongye.

With the full support of the emperor's soldiers, Yang Feifan hit the ultimate blow on the spot, which may not be comparable to the full blow of Emperor Yongye, but it has reached the level of the emperor's realm.


Seeing this scene, the mysterious existence whose real body is unknown in the void, couldn't help but let out a cold snort, and then sarcastically said: "If Yang Wudi came today, maybe I will be more afraid, But you, hehe..."

Although this mysterious being with terrifying strength didn't say what he said later, he didn't hide the slightest sneer at his last sneer, fully showing his disdain for Yang Feifan in his heart.

Unfortunately, Yang Feifan was not affected by this. His face remained unchanged, and he countered mercilessly: "A turtle with a shrunken head who doesn't even dare to show his face dares to make false claims about being compared with my father? How shameless!"

Hearing this, the mysterious existence hiding in the void suddenly seemed to be stabbed in a sore foot, and he was furious: "Boy, you are courting death!"

As the voice fell, the speed of the big hand falling accelerated again, and it slammed towards Yang Feifan.

Seeing this, Yang Feifei spat out another mouthful of blood, and the Emperor Knife, which was already extremely bright, now shone brighter again.


Then I saw him sternly shouted, bucked the trend in an instant, went straight to the big hand, and chopped it off.

The light of the knife slashed at that big hand in the blink of an eye.

With a sound of "clang", the big hand also covered it, and at that moment, blood spattered in the air.

The next moment, Yang Feifei flew upside down.

The Emperor Knife also dropped his hand.

"You actually hurt me?"

Immediately afterwards, that icy voice came from the void black hole in Xingyu again, revealing a hint of shock.

Immediately, a suppressed angry voice also came: "Okay, very good, if this is the case, then let me see how good you are!"

As the voice fell, the big hand hanging in the sky, dripping blood, suddenly slapped Yang Feifei's falling body.

Seeing this, Yang Feifan's expression changed, and he subconsciously wanted to struggle to turn around and avoid the blow.

But that blow just now hurt him badly, he couldn't move fast at all, he could only watch helplessly as the big hand slapped towards him.

"Could it be that I, Yang Feifan, will perish here today?" Yang Feifan looked at the big hand that was getting closer and closer in the sky, his expression was in a daze, and a trace of despair flashed in his eyes.

 Go to have a meal first, and then finish the next chapter. I went to have my blood drawn today. My arms are sore, and I always feel a little pain.

(End of this chapter)

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