Invincibility starts from awakening

Chapter 35 One Piece of Nonsense

Chapter 35
Bai Changfeng opened his mouth when he heard Mi Lao's words, but in the end he didn't open his mouth to plead for Lin Tian.

After all, now Lin Tian almost destroyed Yue Qingying's refining medicine.

If he was really a young alchemist with extraordinary talent, Bai Changfeng felt that if he pleaded for him, everyone could accept and forgive him.

But now it seems that there is no need for this at all.

Moreover, he doesn't owe Lin Tian anything.

Although he took Lin Tian's two demon emperor-level feathers, he also gave him an elixir that exceeded its value.

Therefore, Bai Changfeng didn't have any burden in his heart.

Shaking his head, Bai Changfeng sighed: "Little friend Lin, you should go out first. I have someone prepare the elixir you want, so you can just take this and get it."

After finishing speaking, Bai Changfeng took out a token and threw it at Lin Tian.

Lin Tian took it casually, put it in his pocket without looking at it, then turned around and left.

Since they wanted to drive him away, he naturally wouldn't stay in a brazen manner, and didn't even bother to explain.

Looking at this scene, Mo Yu gloated, expressed his joy, and was overjoyed.

With what Lao Mi said just now, no matter how talented this Lin Tian is, it will be difficult for him to become a pharmacist in the future, and he is almost cut off.

Because, if you enter the blacklist of Yanyang City Alchemist Association, you will also be synchronized to other Alchemist Associations.

In this way, as long as the pharmacists registered in the pharmacist association accept apprentices, they will find that Lin Tian is blacklisted.

You know, such people basically have bad deeds.

No pharmacist would accept such an apprentice.

Without a master to lead the way, it might be possible to become a pharmacist relying on one's own talent alone, but it is impossible to go far.

After all, different elixirs have different refining techniques and fire control, all of which need to be taught by the master.

Even if the same elixir is refined by different pharmacists, there will be deviations.

The most important thing is the pill formula, which is the most precious thing for a pharmacist, and almost no one will spread it.

Without the elixir, no matter how powerful your skills and control are, you will still be hard to cook without rice.

While holding the fire, Yue Qingying looked at Lin Tian suspiciously, feeling more and more confused.

If according to her conjecture, Lin Tian is a genius from other parts of China outside the Eastern Territory, then he will definitely not walk alone, and there must be strong people following here.

Such people, no matter what, are not people like Mo Yu, who can collide.

But now it seems that neither Mi Lao nor Mo Yu took him seriously.

Even Bai Changfeng, who was very friendly to Lin Tian at the beginning, abandoned him at this moment.

This made Yue Qingying a little astonished.

"Could it be that I was thinking wrong? In fact, this guy is a member of a family of the Tianyun Dynasty, but he is born with a keener sixth sense?"

Yue Qingying frowned slightly, and immediately thought of Lin Tian shaking her head and sighing before, her brows became tighter and tighter.

At the moment when Lin Tian was about to walk out of the alchemy room, Yue Qingying suddenly shouted: "Stop."

Her voice caught everyone's attention.

Everyone looked at Yue Qingying suspiciously, not understanding why she called Lin Tian to stop.

Lin Tian turned his head, looked at Yue Qingying, with a blank expression on his face, and said lightly: "What's the matter?"

Seeing this scene, Mo Yu couldn't help feeling angry, and said coldly: "Lin Tian, ​​our lady called you, it's for your face, what's your attitude?"

"So I must greet you with a smile?"

Lin Tian squinted his eyes, glanced at Mo Yu sarcastically, and then said lazily: "This is my attitude, if you don't like it, I'll just leave, why bother to hate each other?"

"Okay, stop talking."

Mo Yu wanted to say something else, but Yue Qingying's cold gaze turned him back.

With Yue Qingying's intelligence, how could she fail to see that Mo Yu has been targeting Lin Tian, ​​and she doesn't like such an incendiary character.

Mo Yu also knew that his small thoughts might have been exposed, so he didn't dare to look at Yue Qingying's eyes, he lowered his head, and glanced at Lin Tian, ​​his eyes were full of resentment.

It was because of this guy that his goddess was dissatisfied with him and even scolded him.

After Mo Yu stopped drinking, Yue Qingying stared at Lin Tian, ​​her red lips parted slightly, and said slowly: "I want to know why you sigh."

"Is it important?"

Lin Tian shrugged and said disapprovingly.


Yue Qingying shook her head, then said, "But I want to know."

Lin Tian laughed, turned around and walked towards Yue Qingying, stopping only half a step away from her.

At this distance, you can even feel the breath of each other's breath.

Yue Qingying looked at the young man who was close to Chi Chi, frowned, and subconsciously wanted to back away, but she happened to be standing at the center of the formation.

If it was disturbed, the alchemy furnace was almost destroyed, and the medicinal liquid rescued by her would definitely be destroyed again.

So, she forcibly endured the uncomfortable feeling in her heart.

"I don't like strange men getting too close to me, so I advise you to stay away from me, I'm afraid I can't help but do it."

Yue Qingying looked at Lin Tian and said lightly.

The cold threat in his tone was self-evident.

Unfortunately, Lin Tian was not moved at all. He smiled, then closed his eyes, and under the shocked eyes of everyone, he directly put his face against it, and took a deep breath. The faint body fragrance from Yue Qingying's body, With a somewhat intoxicated expression, he said: "It's also romantic to die under the peony flower, Miss Yue, isn't it?"

"What's more, just because I'm a strange man now doesn't mean I will be in the future."

Lin Tian said with a smile.

Everyone looked at him in astonishment, what does this mean?
Could it be that he thinks that in the future he can still become Yue Qingying's man?

Yue Qingying's complexion, also because of Lin Tian's frivolous words and deeds, completely cooled down, just when she couldn't help but explode, Lin Tian said again: "Don't you want to know why I shook my head and sighed?"

Yue Qingying paused, hesitated for a moment, and then nodded.

"If you continue to use this method to integrate, I promise, 100% will fail."

Lin Tian glanced at the blue alchemy furnace next to him, and smiled slowly.

"It's just nonsense!!!"

Before Yue Qingying opened his mouth, Mi Lao couldn't help it anymore, he pointed at the alchemy furnace, glared at Lin Tian angrily, slobbered wildly, and scolded angrily: "You brat, why are you pointing here? Do you know alchemy?"

"Even if I ask myself, I can't do better than the essence liquid our lady extracted from the elixir. This technique is definitely from a top alchemy master. Its sophistication is so subtle that even the old man and I It’s also very rewarding to watch.”

"If it wasn't for you, kid, who interrupted you suddenly, with the progress just now, I'm afraid the alchemy would have been successful by now. Are you embarrassed to speak out here?"

At the end, Mi Lao's face turned red.

If it weren't for the presence of Yue Qingying, he would have been unable to bear it and beat Lin Tian out.

Bai Changfeng also shook his head, completely disappointed in his heart.

Lin Tian's performance obviously doesn't look like a pharmacist.

Because even he, a layman, could see how powerful Yue Qingying's technique was just now, and he was so smooth.

If Lin Tian is a pharmacist, it is impossible not to know.

Mo Yu couldn't help but add insult to injury, he laughed and said: "A pharmacist apprentice who has never even had a grade test dares to point out the country here, I am afraid he is not a fool, it is really embarrassing."

Although Yue Qingying didn't speak, she agreed with Mi Lao's statement in her heart, thinking that if Lin Tian hadn't interrupted her, she would have already succeeded in melting the pill by now.

Yue Qingying looked at Lin Tian coldly, wanting to hear how he would explain.

 (PS: Pick up the recommendation ticket and rush for the duck!!!)

(End of this chapter)

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