Chapter 350 Cold eyes (third)
As for lying, Lin Tian didn't feel sorry for it at all, well, he understood it as a white lie.

Because in his capacity, to be honest, he might cause a lot of trouble.

After all, he remembered that before he left, he caused a lot of trouble in Shenzhou.

I don't know how many people want to kill him.

If it is exposed, there will be more or less blind guys looking for it.

It's not that Lin Tian is afraid, but mainly because he thinks that in his current state, it is too troublesome to face it.

So here, he told a little lie.

While Lin Tian and Xiao Cui were chatting one after another, the sky gradually darkened.

But the convoy still has no intention of moving forward.

This made Lin Tian a little puzzled.

Just when he was about to ask aloud, a gust of fragrant wind hit him. Immediately afterwards, he saw Zhang Ziyi holding an oil lamp, bending over tiredly, and walking in.

"are you OK?"

Zhang Ziyi sat down at the door of the carriage, then looked at Lin Tianwen, the soft firelight shone on the faces of the three of them.

"It's all right now..."

Lin Tian smiled, moved his hands, and showed Zhang Ziyi to prove that he is still in good health.

Seeing this, Zhang Ziyi nodded, and then said: "It's getting late, we are still some distance away from the next city, and there is no man's land ahead, there are many monsters infested, it is not safe to drive at night, so today we You need to stay here for one night, if you hear something at night, don’t come out easily, remember.”

After that, she turned around and got out of the carriage.

I came here just to explain to him.

If Lin Tian read it correctly, she should have just experienced a fierce fight. Although she cleaned it up, there was still a bloody smell on her body.

It seems that she should have gone to the front to explore the way.

Seeing that the situation was not right, he came back again, planning to stop there, not daring to continue on his way at night.

However, under such circumstances, she could still drag her tired body over to remind herself that she was really as kind-hearted as Xiaocui said.

For an ordinary person, being able to save him is already pretty good, as for taking care of him more, it is impossible.

"Okay, I'm going back too, you should rest first." Xiaocui glanced at the dark sky, said something to Lin Tian, ​​then turned around like a mouse, and quickly slipped out.

In the huge carriage, Lin Tian was the only one left. He shook his head, closed his eyes, and adjusted his breath.

dong dong!

At this time, someone knocked on the carriage, Lin Tian slowly opened his eyes, and the man had already poked his head in.

"Hey, little brother, do you know how to practice?" This was a guard of the Zhang family's caravan. He looked at Lin Tian and asked in surprise.

Didn't you say that this is a mortal?

"I know a little bit, I learned it when I was quarrying in the mine." Lin Tian said without blushing and without heartbeat.

"So it came out of the mine..." Hearing this, the strong young man glanced at Lin Tian in surprise, and there was something strange in his eyes.

However, he did not question Lin Tian's explanation.

Because in Beiyuan, in order to improve the efficiency of mining, those forces that control the veins will teach ordinary people there some ordinary cultivation methods to make their bodies stronger.

In this way, they can benefit more effectively.

It is much better than finding monks to mine directly.

Therefore, it is not surprising that Lin Tian knows how to practice.

However, what surprised him was that Lin Tian was so young and handsome, but he didn't expect that he would do such a lowly thing.

The young strong man shook his head, and then said to Lin Tian, ​​"Miss asked me to ask you if you want to have dinner together."

As he spoke, he lifted the curtain and pointed outside.

Looking in the direction of his finger, he could see that a fire had already been lit in front of him, and there was a smell of meat coming from there.

Zhang Ziyi's tall and beautiful back is also among them.

As if feeling Lin Tian's gaze, Zhang Ziyi turned her head, nodded to him, and then withdrew her gaze, her expression was always cold, showing no expression.

Xiaocui next to her turned her head and stuck out her tongue at him, then waved to him, making a mouth shape and said, "Come on!"

Lin Tian nodded, and then prepared to get up and go.

Seeing this, the young strong man wanted to help him up, because according to the information he got from Zhang Ziyi, the young man's body and bones didn't seem to be in good shape anymore.

"I can walk by myself."

But before he moved, Lin Tian knew his intention, stretched out a hand, and stopped him.

Then he took a deep breath, got up slowly, walked down the carriage slowly, and then walked towards Zhang Ziyi and the others with a somewhat flimsy footsteps.

It looked like a seriously ill person.

It wasn't that Lin Tianzhen was injured, but that his spirit was too weak, and he would feel tired from time to time, making him unable to cheer up at all.

So, even if he doesn't have any injuries and his spiritual power is still there, he looks like he was in his heyday, but when he walks, he is still extremely weak.

"At this time, I am still trying to be brave."

The young strong man stood behind Lin Tian, ​​seeing him like this, couldn't help but shook his head, thinking that Lin Tian wanted to save face and suffer.

"Oh, I don't know what Miss is thinking, what's the use of rescuing a sick ordinary person?"

The young strong man sighed, watched Lin Tian pass by, and then walked towards another fire.

Over there is the destination of their guards.

Although Zhang Ziyi didn't mean to look down on them.

But servants must have rules for servants.

What's the deal with sitting and eating with my young lady? !
Therefore, they are very conscious and will separate from Zhang Ziyi.

At the beginning, Zhang Ziyi would try to persuade her, but as time passed, she gave up.

After all, as a young lady, she can't persuade the guards to have dinner with her, as if she is reluctant.

This spread, I don't know how much misunderstanding it will cause.


When Lin Tian arrived, Zhang Ziyi raised her head, glanced at him, then moved her buttocks, pointed to the gap between herself and Xiaocui, and said to Lin Tian, ​​"Sit!"

"Thank you."

Lin Tian heard the words, and he was not polite, and sat down directly.

However, the moment he sat down, he noticed a cold gaze staring at him.

Lin Tian couldn't help but look up, only to see a young man in purple staring at him with gloomy eyes.

Seeing him, the purple-clothed youth quickly turned his eyes aside, and let out a faint cold snort.

All of this was captured by Lin Tian, ​​which made him feel very strange.

"Did I offend him?"

Lin Tian was full of doubts, and he was very puzzled, but he didn't know that because of Zhang Ziyi's small behavior and his own behavior, Fan Wei hated him to death.

(ps: I will continue to go to work tomorrow. The usual three updates will be updated together at seven o’clock sharp. I will stay up late tonight to code the words to avoid that the update will not be able to get together by then, so the fourth update tonight will be updated together tomorrow. Alright, um, that’s four chapters tomorrow, see you at seven.)
(End of this chapter)

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