Invincibility starts from awakening

Chapter 357 Fan Wei's Nature

Chapter 357 Fan Wei's Nature (Part [-])
Seeing this, Zhang Ziyi was startled, and subconsciously reminded: "Be careful."

The moment her voice fell, Lin Tian also made a move. He is not the kind of fool who stands there and gets beaten.

At the moment when the dagger was about to fall to his chest, Lin Tian kicked it out abruptly.

With just one kick, the big Liu flew out suddenly, and the half of the big knife in his hand was also thrown away.

Lin Tian waved his hand.

The big knife seemed to be pulled by some force and controlled, it suddenly changed direction, and flew towards the big Liu Fei.

In the blink of an eye, the half of the big knife sank into his chest.

From Da Liu's attack again to Lin Tian's counterattack, all of this happened too fast like lightning.

When everyone came to their senses, Da Liu just fell to the ground, with blood gushing from his mouth.

In less than two breaths, he tilted his head and died.

Looking at Liu's corpse, everyone fell silent. For a moment, they forgot that there was still a raging wave of beasts behind them.

"See? See?"

At this time, a strange cry pulled everyone's souls back.

I saw Fan Wei forcefully endured the shock in his heart, pointed at Lin Tian, ​​and sneered with a distorted face: "Hide your strength, commit murder, your fox tail, is it finally exposed?"

Hearing this, Lin Tian didn't bother to talk about it anymore, he looked directly at Zhang Ziyi, and said lightly: "I still say the same thing, if I want to kill you, it's very simple, there is no need to use stupid methods like attracting beasts .”

Hearing this, everyone fell silent for a while.

If no one took Lin Tian's words to heart before, now no one can find a reason to refute.

Because just now, Lin Tian showed the strength that Zhang Ziyi couldn't do even if she asked herself.

As for Fan Wei, it might be difficult.

Therefore, if Lin Tian really wants to do something, there are many opportunities to make a move today, which is easier than attracting a wave of beasts.

For example, when eating at night, he can completely attack Zhang Ziyi, or control her to achieve his desired goal.

But he didn't.

This proves that Lin Tian really has no dissent.

If Lin Tian is excluded, Fan Wei's series of actions just now, as well as Da Liu's sudden attack, all seem very suspicious.

At this moment, Xiao Cui shouted abruptly: "Miss, Lin Tian didn't do anything to me just now, it was Da Liu who wanted to kill me."

Her voice completely shattered any hope of Fan Wei.

Everyone couldn't help but look over.

"Oh it's you!!!"

Uncle Wang clenched his fists, his veins bulged, stared at Fan Wei, and said through gritted teeth: "You bastard, the Patriarch treats you so well, and when you are in the most difficult time, he not only provides you with shelter, but also provides you with training. Resources, and even want to marry the eldest lady to you, why do you do this? Is this how you repay the Patriarch?"


Zhang Ziyi followed up and asked, her face was ugly, and she couldn't figure out why Fan Wei would do this.

Seeing that he had been completely exposed, Fan Wei had no intention of hiding it anymore, and instantly revealed his true nature.

He looked at Zhang Ziyi with a ferocious expression and said, "Why? You still ask me why?"

"I've been chasing you for three years, three full years, but what have I got? Other than supercilious eyes, they're still supercilious."

Hearing this, Zhang Ziyi's expression turned ugly.

She did not give Fan Wei any good looks, but the Zhang family never treated him badly.

"You are a beast!"

At this time, Uncle Wang next to him couldn't help cursing again: "I didn't expect you to be such a person. Fortunately, the eldest lady didn't marry you, otherwise her life would be ruined!!!"

"That's right, I'm a beast, what can you do with me?"

Fan Wei didn't bother to explain at all, and said with a sneer on his face: "Besides, I'm not afraid to tell you, I just want to put you to death this time, and then leave this bitch alone, save her, and then lay her down." Take some medicine and take her body, so what if she doesn't like me anymore? Isn't she going to follow me? "

"In this way, the Zhang family and her belong to me now, how about it? Isn't this plan great?" Fan Wei looked at everyone with a grin on his face, his expression a little crazy.

His appearance made everyone feel strange.

"Bastard, you bastard!"

Uncle Wang was still cursing there, his face livid with anger. He never thought that Fan Wei would be such an idiot. If it wasn't for Lin Tian today, maybe his plan would have come true.

"If you want to destroy people, you must first make them crazy..." Lin Tian shook his head as he watched this scene.

"Miss, clean the door!"

A little leader couldn't help but say.

The rest followed suit.

Hearing this, Fan Wei couldn't help laughing, and said with a ferocious face: "Hahaha, you people still want to kill me? Let's deal with the beast horde in front of us first!"

After the voice fell, Fan Wei turned around and left.

Uncle Wang wanted to stop him, but the loud noise made his expression change. He saw the big trees on both sides of the deep mountain in front of him collapse one after another, and a group of terrifying monsters surged wildly. come out.

"I'll give you another gift, enjoy it..."

At this time, Fan Wei, who ran out, paused, stood on a tree, turned around and sprinkled a handful of powder at the crowd, and sent it to Zhang Ziyi and the others with spiritual energy.

"Not good, this is animal fan!"

Seeing this, everyone's expressions couldn't help but change.

"This bastard!" Uncle Wang looked at Fan Wei's leaving back and cursed again, gnashing his teeth, his veins bursting out of anger, and he wanted to tear him to pieces.

It's a pity that I don't know if I will have this opportunity in the future.

Uncle Wang saw a large number of monsters rushing in, they were all crazy monsters, their faces were extremely ugly. With their cultivation base, it was probably difficult to survive under such an impact.

Zhang Ziyi obviously knew this too, so she didn't force everyone to stay and resist.

"Escape if you can, don't worry about me..."

Speaking of this, Zhang Ziyi took a deep breath, then fixedly stared at the direction Fan Wei was leaving, and said through gritted teeth: "However, if any of you can survive, please make sure that what happened today is helped. I'll take it back to the Zhang family."


Listening to the despair revealed in Zhang Ziyi's words, everyone showed sadness.

"Miss, you go first, we will block it for you." Uncle Wang shouted loudly.

"Yes, miss, you go first, with your cultivation, you can definitely leave!" Everyone echoed, although the monsters that came were crazy, their cultivation was not high.

As long as she wasn't attacked head-on by them, with Zhang Ziyi's cultivation, it would be easy to survive.

But Zhang Ziyi didn't agree, she shook her head and said: "I brought you out, if I can't bring you back completely, it's already my fault, how can I let you come to save my life for me? "


"Stop talking, get ready to fight!"

Everyone wanted to say something, but Zhang Ziyi was already holding a soft sword, and killed the monster that was rushing forward.

"By the way, if you can, please help me take Xiaocui away. Count me as the Zhang family, and I owe you a favor." After beheading a half-human-tall monster rat with a single sword, Zhang Ziyi thought of something suddenly. said back.

Lin Tian knew that this was for himself.

He squeezed his chin, and readily agreed: "Okay, no problem."

 Come, come, good night everyone~
(End of this chapter)

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