Chapter 365 Contempt (Third)

Seeing Zhang Xiong was sure, Zhang Ziyi didn't know what to do for a while, and stood there with a blank face, at a loss.

Originally, she thought that the people invited by the four major families should not break through to the mortal state so quickly.

After Lin Tian's injury was cured, their Zhang family still had the strength to fight.

But now it seems that she underestimated the enemy.

No matter how powerful Lin Tian is, he is only in the Phantom Realm. Compared with the King of the Out-of-Ordinary Realm, he is in a big realm. Even if he has the strength to fight across the ranks, he is still facing an ordinary king.

There is absolutely no chance of winning against Tianjiao who is not much different from his own conditions.

Zhang Xiong glanced at Zhang Ziyi in a daze, sighed again, then looked at Lin Tian and said, "Lin Tian, ​​Lin Xiaoyou, right?"

"It's true that you saved Ziyi. Logically, my Zhang family should still meet your request, but the Jiucai Yangshenhua is of great significance in our Zhang family, can mention other conditions, but This, I cannot promise."

Hearing this, Lin Tian smiled sarcasticly, and didn't care. He shrugged and said indifferently: "If that's the case, forget it."

Hearing this, Zhang Xiong frowned slightly, and reminded: "You can mention other things, ordinary treasure medicine, treasure pill, or treasure, as long as you bring it up, my Zhang family can satisfy you as much as possible. "

"Forget it, I don't need those things."

Lin Tian shook his head.

He was really not interested in the things Zhang Xiong said.

However, his words fell into the ears of the Zhang family, but they had another meaning.

A trace of displeasure flashed in Zhang Xiong's eyes immediately, feeling that Lin Tian was persecuting him, he was very upset, if it wasn't for Zhang Ziyi's presence, he couldn't help but explode.

However, Zhang Xiong endured it, but it does not mean that others will also endure it.

The elder who had ridiculed Lin Tian before jumped out again, and said with unfriendly eyes: "Boy, don't you know good from bad."

Hearing this, Lin Tian glanced over with calm eyes: "Your Zhang family doesn't owe me anything. The last time I made a move, it was my repayment for Miss Zhang's rescue in the snow, so I don't owe you Zhang family either. That being the case, I am naturally ashamed of your things."

"Besides, I came here only because I agreed to Miss Zhang's invitation to help her. As for the reward, it is the nine-colored spiritual flower."

"Hahaha, what did you say?"

Hearing this, the elder laughed immediately, and said with an exaggerated expression: "Please once, do you need a real treasure medicine? Do you really think of yourself as the top talent in China?"

"Do you think you are unparalleled in the world, or a Buddha who is empty?"

The old Zhang family looked at Lin Tian contemptuously, and said with disdain on his face: "Don't say that you are just fighting with Fan Wei, and both sides will suffer. Even if you can really defeat him, it is not worth the price!"

Hearing this, Lin Tian's face gradually turned cold.

"Third Elder, stop talking!"

At this time, Zhang Ziyi also came back to her senses, and couldn't help shouting at the elder Zhang who spoke, her pretty face was full of anger, and even she felt that what this guy said was too much.

Zhang Xiong also coughed lightly, with a bit of embarrassment on his face.

Although he also thought so in his heart, but after all, he saved his daughter. One must not be ungrateful, otherwise, how ugly it would be to spread the word?
However, before he could open his mouth to apologize for the third elder of the Zhang family, Lin Tian said again: "Thank you for your praise, I am indeed not as good as Shi Wushuang and others, so farewell!"

After all, Lin Tian turned and left.

"Lin Tian!"

Seeing this, Zhang Ziyi couldn't help being anxious and wanted to catch up.

But Lin Tian waved his hands without looking back.

Immediately afterwards, it disappeared around the corner.

Zhang Ziyi opened her mouth, but in the end she didn't say anything, but turned to look at Zhang Xiong, and said angrily, "Daddy, how could you do this?"


Zhang Xiong looked at Lin Tian who was going away, looked away, and asked indifferently.

Seeing this, Zhang Ziyi was so angry that she was half dead. She said angrily: "What did Lin Tian say, he is also the savior of our daughter and dozens of people in our Zhang family. How could you treat him like this?"

"What did I do to him?"

"I asked him to make his own conditions. He didn't want it himself. What does it have to do with me?"

"And, didn't he say that just now? You helped him first, and he helped you out of reason. Our Zhang family doesn't owe him anything."

Zhang Xiong said calmly.

Hearing this, although Zhang Ziyi was still very angry, she couldn't find any refutation, because Zhang Xiong said everything was right and couldn't find any faults.

"Ziyi, I know you've always been careful and kind, and you wanted to help him, but that kid is so greedy, you actually want the Nine Colors Rejuvenating Flowers, it's really whimsical, and you don't even look in the mirror to see if you are worthy!"

The third elder snorted coldly, and continued to speak sarcasticly, with a look of contempt.

Even Zhang Ziyi felt a little harsh when she heard it, she couldn't help but said: "But what if he can represent my Zhang family and enter the top three?"

However, as soon as the words were uttered, even Zhang Ziyi herself felt a little regretful.

The first three seem to be not difficult.

After all, there are only five competitors in total.

If you defeat the two, you will be able to enter.

But you must know that there are already three foreign aids that have been invited, and they have broken through to the realm of transcendence and become kings. It is impossible for Lin Tian to fight.

At most, it can only be said that it is not at the bottom.

As for the first three, it was simply a joke.

Sure enough, when Zhang Ziyi said that, everyone couldn't help laughing.

"Hahaha, miss, what kind of ecstasy soup did that guy pour into you? Do you really think he is a god? Back to the top three, with his sick appearance, you can easily solve it by sending anyone."

"So what if you give him the Nine Colors Rejuvenating Flower? Could it be that in just two days, he can still be reborn?"

Hearing this, Zhang Ziyi opened her mouth to refute, telling everyone, don't underestimate Lin Tian's appearance, even if he is injured, there are not many opponents in the vision territory.

However, when she saw everyone's contemptuous and disdainful expressions, and when Lin Tian walked away, the indifference in her eyes made her sigh inwardly, swallowing the words that came to her lips.

Zhang Ziyi knew that it was useless to say anything now.

Even if she persuaded these people in front of her, she might not be able to persuade Lin Tian to return.

Seeing Zhang Ziyi's gloomy expression, Zhang Xiong walked over, patted her on the shoulder, and said, "Okay, Ziyi, don't worry about your family. I sent a letter to your little sister a few days ago. It shouldn't be difficult to invite a Tianjiao who has escaped from the mortal realm with the contacts in the northern border, and our Zhang family has a chance."

Hearing this, Zhang Ziyi couldn't help raising her head, and finally understood why they didn't choose to believe in Lin Tian, ​​or even consider Lin Tian.

It turned out that they already had a better choice, but they didn't know it.

 Come, come, this chapter has been changed several times, so it is slow.

(End of this chapter)

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