Invincibility starts from awakening

Chapter 368 Spoils of War

Chapter 368 Spoils of War (Third)
In just a blink of an eye, without anyone seeing clearly what was going on, Lin Tian broke free from the shackles of the two strong men.

At the same time, his hands strangled their necks.

Seeing this scene, the pharmacy shopkeeper's eyes widened immediately, and he subconsciously took a step back in fright. Then he lost his footing, staggered, and fell to the ground.

However, he didn't care about getting up, and pointed at Lin Tian who was holding up the two strong men with a face full of horror, and opened his mouth wide: "You you you..."

"I really don't want to kill people..."

Lin Tian glanced at the shopkeeper of the pharmacy, with a helpless face, "Why do you force me?"

"I..." The shopkeeper of the pharmacy just opened his mouth, wanting to speak, but he saw Lin Tian's palm slightly exerting force, and then two crisp "click" sounds rang out in the quiet pharmacy.

At this moment, the two strong men who were blushing and struggling for their lives before quietly fell silent, and their arms dropped.

Seeing this, the pharmacy shopkeeper's words came to an abrupt end.

The surroundings suddenly fell silent.

The shopkeeper of the pharmacy was completely stunned. He never expected that this weak young man in his eyes would be so powerful that he would kill his two subordinates at the Spirit Sea Realm in a blink of an eye.

"Shopkeeper, do you still want this thing now?"

Lin Tian took the jade bottle and waved it in front of the shopkeeper of the pharmacy.

The shopkeeper of the pharmacy turned pale and shook his head repeatedly.

He is not a fool. At this time, he also knows that this weak young man in his eyes is not a good person.

Knowing that they are Wang's family, but they still kill as soon as they say it.

Obviously no scruples.

Facing such a ruthless person, even if he had ten more guts, he would not dare to take this jade bottle.

"It's a pity, you don't want this..." Seeing that the shopkeeper of the pharmacy was so timid, Lin Tian couldn't help but shook his head, put the jade bottle away, and said, "However, you threatened me. How to solve it?"

Seeing the half-smile look on Lin Tian's face, the shopkeeper of the pharmacy shuddered, and hurriedly squeezed out a smile: "Misunderstanding, little brother, this is all a misunderstanding..."

"Hehe, misunderstanding?"

Lin Tian smiled, and his face turned cold in an instant.

"Unfortunately, why do I think this is not a misunderstanding?" His voice was cold, and his eyes were filled with coldness. In the next second, he stepped over the counter and stomped on the shopkeeper of the pharmacy hard. Trample this person to death on the spot.

The shopkeeper of the pharmacy endured the pain of broken ribs, looked at Lin Tian and gritted his teeth and said, "Little brother, this is really a misunderstanding, I just wanted to make a joke with you."

"Guess I believe it or not?"

Lin Tian was full of sarcasm.

Still joking?
When he is stupid?
Lin Tian shook his head, too lazy to talk nonsense with this person.

The shopkeeper of the pharmacy also sensed his undisguised killing intent at this moment, and couldn't help but turn pale with shock, and hurriedly shouted: "Little brother, you can't kill me, you can't kill me!"

"Give me a reason not to kill you!" Lin Tian looked at him lightly.

Hearing this, the shopkeeper of the pharmacy hurriedly said: "Little brother, I am the shopkeeper of the Wang family's pharmacy, if you kill me, it is tantamount to offending the Wang family."

"I think you should also know what kind of existence the Wang family is in today's Snow City, right?"

"Are you still threatening me?" Lin Tian felt a little funny.

The shopkeeper of the pharmacy gritted his teeth and said, "You can think so, but if you let me go, I can guarantee that the Wang family will never trouble you with the death of those two people."

"As for the four drops of spiritual liquid in your hand, I can also buy them at a high price of [-] top-grade spirit stones per drop, how about it? This is a win-win deal, and it's good for you and me."

The shopkeeper of the pharmacy looked at Lin Tian expectantly. He felt that as long as he was not a fool, he would not refuse his offer.

After all, the Wang family is the well-deserved overlord of Sky Snow City.

No one would want to offend it.

He believed that Lin Tian was no exception.

It's just a pity that he saw the wrong person.

Others may be scruples about this royal family.

Ke Lintian...

"Hehe, I'm sorry, compared to these, I still like to kill you." Lin Tian shook his head, then slowly raised his feet, with a sudden killing intent.

Seeing this, the shopkeeper of the pharmacy shrank his pupils, and couldn't help exclaiming: "You can't do this, if you kill me, the Wang family will definitely investigate to the end, and they won't let you go!"

"That's not something you have to worry about."

Lin Tian's voice fell, and that foot also fell. There was a muffled "bang", and the pharmacy shopkeeper immediately let out a scream. His chest sank instantly, his eyeballs stared out, and his mouth was bleeding .

Lin Tian didn't bother to take another look, turned around and left.

But he didn't rush to leave the pharmacy, but turned around, as long as it was an elixir, he put it away in one go.

After all, if you don't take this thing, you don't take it for nothing.

Take it as the price of his shot.

As for the Wang family...

From the beginning to the end, Lin Tian didn't pay attention to the other party.

After all, Lin Tian just hates trouble, but it doesn't mean he is afraid of trouble.

Anyway, now that others are also killed, those who should be offended have already been offended. If the Wang family wants to seek revenge, they will not give up just because he did not take these medicinal materials.

Therefore, whether it is due to emotion or reason, Lin Tian has no reason to give up searching.

Not long after, Lin Tian found several locked boxes.

This is the only locked thing in the pharmacy.

Moreover, a defensive formation is used. If you don't know how to crack it and try to open it forcibly, the contents in the box will be destroyed by yourself.

It is an extremely delicate formation.

The most important thing is that it has many formation plans, all kinds of strange, even if the formation master comes, he can only stare and watch here.

Basically, only the caster himself can open it.

It's just a pity that it was Lin Tian who came this time. Even though the formation is exquisite, it still looks extremely crude and full of flaws in Lin Tian's eyes.

He just glanced at it, and then easily opened one of the boxes.

No surprises, it really is a top grade treasure medicine.

It is almost only one step away from growing into the existence of real treasure medicine.

Lin Tian didn't even think about it, so he just put it away.

Then open the remaining boxes in turn.

To his disappointment, the medicinal materials he expected to repair or nourish the soul did not appear.

This kind of medicinal material is still as rare as ever.

Even though he searched the entire pharmacy, he only found two plants.

One of them is still a panacea.

But talk is better than nothing.

Lin Tian was still quite relieved.

"There is only the last box left..." Lin Tian glanced at the last black jade box he threw in the corner, shook his head, he had no hope in his heart, and took it over casually.

 It really stuck me out, Xiang Lai, fell asleep~
(End of this chapter)

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