Chapter 374 Ingratitude (Part [-])

Although Fan Wei was a little unwilling in his heart, he wanted to attack Lin Tian impatiently, to avenge his shame.

But now, after all, I am dependent on others.

Therefore, he had no choice but to nod in agreement.

This made Zhang Xiong and others a little disappointed after seeing it.

But at this moment, Zhong Qi spoke again, "Hehe, Fan Wei, don't you worry that after the competition is over, that kid surnamed Lin will not be able to leave?"

Hearing this, Fan Wei's expression changed.

He hesitated again.

Beiyuan is so big, not to mention the whole of China.

If Lin Tianzhen left, it would not be difficult for him to find him again.

At this time, Wang Yongnian waved his hand and said: "You don't need to worry about this. Since that kid is Fan Wei's enemy, he is now my Wang family's enemy. My Wang family will naturally not sit back and watch his enemy escape."

Having said that, Wang Yongnian looked at Zhang Xiong and said, "Patriarch Zhang, we want to take this person away, do you have any objection?"

When Zhang Xiong heard this, his expression was indifferent.

Just when he was about to say yes, Zhang Ziyi hurriedly said: "Lin Tian is my savior, and also the savior of dozens of people in my Zhang family. It is absolutely impossible for you to take him away."

As soon as these words came out, Zhang Xiong had no choice but to swallow the words that came to his lips.

Because, with Zhang Ziyi's words first, it was equivalent to forcibly tying Lin Tian to their Zhang family's chariot.

In front of so many people, if he dared to ignore Lin Tian, ​​it would be ungrateful.

It's too ugly to spread the word.

Zhang Xiong, including the Zhang family, couldn't afford to lose this person.

"Little girl, are you going to represent the Zhang family and become an enemy of my Wang family?"

Wang Yongnian narrowed his eyes slightly, watching Zhang Ziyi speak slowly, with a dangerous gleam in his eyes.

The atmosphere on the field was immediately mobilized by these words.

become a little subtler.

Over the years, the five major families in Sky Snow City have been fighting openly and secretly.

Moreover, it is not uncommon to use killers in private.

But on the surface, everyone still maintains harmony.

Even the most arrogant Wang family didn't dare to break their skin with anyone easily and shouted for war.

Especially, in front of so many people.

At that moment, Zhang Ziyi felt an invisible pressure descending on her.

Everyone around is looking at her.

Waiting for her answer.

But Zhang Ziyi smiled calmly and said, "Hehe, Patriarch Wang is joking, when did I say that I want to be an enemy of your Wang family?"

"Then why are you blocking me?"

Wang Yongnian continued to ask.

Zhang Ziyi didn't answer, but said with a smile: "Hehe, according to your logic, Master Wang, Lin Tian is Fan Wei's enemy, so he is your Wang family's enemy, and then our Zhang family will hand over our benefactor to you."

"But don't forget, Fan Wei is also my Zhang family's enemy."

Speaking of this, Zhang Ziyi's face was slightly cold, and then she pointed to Fan Wei and said, "It's him who killed dozens of people in my Zhang family, and even me, almost died at his hands. According to your logic, don't you also Should Fan Wei be handed over to our Zhang family?"

Hearing this, everyone around was taken aback.

Immediately, he looked at Wang Yongnian playfully.

Zhang Xiong almost clapped his hands.

"Yes, Patriarch Wang, according to what you said, shouldn't you also hand over Fan Wei to us?"

Zhang Xiong said with a smile: "As long as you are willing to hand over Zhang Xiong to me, it is not impossible for me to hand over Lin Tian to you."

Although Zhang Xiongming knew, Wang Yongnian would definitely not agree.

But he said it anyway.

Because from the bottom of his heart, he felt that this method was good.

Lin Tian's life was exchanged for Fan Wei's.

"Master Zhang is joking, this matter..." Wang Yongnian's face turned green and pale, and just when he was about to put this aside, a guard of the Wang family walked up quickly, holding a portrait in his hand, interrupted him.

"Patriarch, that person has been found."

"Found it? So fast?"

Wang Yongnian was taken aback when he heard the words, he couldn't believe it, and then subconsciously asked: "Where is the man?"

"It's there."

The guard shook his finger.

The target is Lin Tian.


Seeing this, Wang Yongnian was stunned, then took the portrait from the guard's hand, took a closer look, and then compared Lin Tian.

Sure enough, the young man in front of him was very similar to the person in the portrait.

It's just that the look is different, which makes the two people different.

"It's you, you killed someone in my Wang's pharmacy, and you sold the goods?"

Wang Yongnian stared at Lin Tian, ​​and asked.

Endless anger and killing intent were suppressed in the voice.

Ever since his royal family dominated Tianxue City, no one has dared to directly kill and rob like Lin Tian in their territory.

What angered Wang Yongnian the most was that after murdering and stealing money, this guy not only did not hide, but wandered around the city openly and aboveboard, and even appeared under his nose. Does this mean that there is no one in his Wang family?

The people around were also taken aback when they saw Wang Yongnian's furious appearance.

Not sure what happened.

"Killing for money? What's going on?"

Zhang Xiong casually asked the person next to him.

Soon someone replied: "Patriarch, have you forgotten? Just the day before yesterday, the Wang family's medicine shop on the East Street was robbed? Judging by Wang Yongnian's appearance, it should be this kid surnamed Lin who did it." gone."

Hearing this, Zhang Xiong suddenly realized.

The day before yesterday, he heard that Wang's pharmacy was brought over.

He was still laughing.

I feel that the Wang family is incompetent.

I feel that the person who did it is audacious.

Unexpectedly, it was Lin Tian who did it.

Zhang Xiong couldn't help but glanced at Lin Tian, ​​while being surprised, he gloated a little at the same time.

If the Wang family just wanted to help Fan Wei stand out and take Lin Tian down, after Zhang Ziyi spoke, the Zhang family had no choice but to help. After all, the pressure of public opinion is there.

But now that Lin Tian has made such a mess, the Zhang family can completely ignore it.

After all, this is something that Lin Tian made up by himself, and it is not their Zhang family who instigated it behind the scenes.

Why do you want to wipe his ass?

"Master Zhang, you have to give me an explanation for this matter."

Wang Yongnian looked at Zhang Xiong and said in a deep voice.

Zhang Xiong replied blankly: "This matter has nothing to do with my Zhang family."

Wang Yongnian seemed to have expected that Zhang Xiong would say this, and without expression, he pointed at Lin Tian and said, "In this case, I will take this kid away."

Seeing this, Zhang Ziyi looked anxious, and couldn't help shouting: "Father, Lin Tian is my savior, you can't just watch him being taken away by the Wang family like this."

That's it again!

When Zhang Xiong heard this, a trace of annoyance flashed in his eyes, his heart was furious, and he gave Zhang Ziyi a gloomy look.

This damn girl is really turning her arms outward.

Couldn't she see the situation in front of her?

Or do you have to drag the Zhang family into the water together before you give up? !

You know, Lin Tian's behavior has already offended the Wang family to death, and severely slapped the Wang family in the face.

If the Wang family didn't take any action, then what face would they have to gain a foothold in Tianxue City?

Therefore, if the Zhang family dares to intervene, it will definitely end in endless death.

In order to dispel the unrealistic thoughts in Zhang Ziyi's heart and the pressure of public opinion, Zhang Xiong immediately snorted coldly: "Ziyi, don't be blinded by sweet words, what kind of lifesaver is that kid? Block the beast tide and repel Fan Wei , it's you, not him."

"If he is really as powerful as you said, and he can repel the beast tide and defeat Fan Wei by himself, why do you still have such a big loss?"

Hearing Zhang Xiong's question, Zhang Ziyi couldn't help being tongue-tied.

I was anxious, but for a while, I didn't know how to answer.

Seeing this, Zhang Xiong continued: "Originally, for the sake of taking credit for him, after arriving at Zhang's house, I didn't seriously care about this matter, and as a token of my gratitude, let him come to my Zhang's warehouse and choose whatever he wants. A precious medicine in return, but what about this kid? Not only does he not appreciate it, but he also wants my Zhang family's family treasure, and now he is in the Wang family drugstore, doing things like killing people and stealing goods. People like this will kindly help you ?"

At the end, Zhang Xiong almost roared out.

Zhang Ziyi was immediately dumbfounded by his yelling.

Although she knew that Lin Tian was not such a person.

He would not intentionally do such things as killing people and stealing goods, there must be something hidden in it.

But at this moment, she couldn't argue with a hundred words.

Faced with Zhang Xiong's voice of questioning, she couldn't help but panic no matter how calm she is usually.

Especially at this time, Fan Wei was still watching the excitement and came out to make trouble, saying: "Yes, I can testify that this kid is just a dead dog I picked up on the side of the road back then. He is sick. How can you beat me even if it's difficult for you?"

"At that time, I retreated only because Miss Zhang and the others had repelled the beast tide and freed up their hands."

 There is another chapter tonight.

(End of this chapter)

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