Chapter 39 Why?

Without exception, when the pill furnace was opened and everyone thought it was going to be successful, the 'Hua Ling Pill' that was only half a step away from being successful had another mutation.

No matter how Yue Qingying tried to rescue her, it would not help.

Finally, the furnace goes out and the pill is destroyed.

"This, this, this is impossible..."

Mi Lao watched all this with dull eyes, unbelievable.

Bai Changfeng and Mo Yu's faces were also full of shock, full of disbelief.

"How about it?"

Lin Tian lay leisurely on the rocking chair, squinted his eyes slightly, looked at Yue Qingying who was full of astonishment, and smiled slowly: "Do you want to be my maid?"


Yue Qingying's pretty face turned cold, and she let out a cold snort, her unyielding temper also came up, and she slapped the furnace wall of the alchemy furnace with her jade hand.

The pill furnace vibrated, and the medicine dregs inside flew out in an instant.

And the direction where these ashes flew was exactly where Lin Tian was.

It seems that Yue Qingying also has resentment in her heart and wants to vent it.


I don't know if it was a coincidence, but at this moment, the crow that had been standing quietly on Lin Tian's shoulder suddenly flew up.

The wings flapped, seemingly weak, but they flew out the ashes without leaving a drop, and the direction of going out was Mo Yu's place.

Mo Yu was caught off guard by the slap in the face, and even choked on it. He stood there blankly, his fair cheeks were covered with pot ashes, so black that he couldn't fall.

"Lin Tian!!!"

Mo Yu shouted angrily, his eyes turned red, and the ashes that had been choked in spewed out a lot from his mouth, looking very embarrassed.

Lin Tian picked out his ears, and said lazily: "Don't bark so loudly, I'm not deaf yet."

"Also, your lady is going to make alchemy now, and it's none of my business to disturb her."

Hearing this, Mo Yu, who was originally angry and wanted to kill, looked at Yue Qingying, who had already taken out the medicinal materials and prepared to make alchemy not far away, and swallowed this breath again.

"It's not too late for a gentleman to take revenge!"

Mo Yu stared at Lin Tian with eyes full of resentment, and secretly thought in his heart that after Yue Qingying finished alchemy, he would come to clean up Lin Tian.

He didn't believe it, without Bai Changfeng's protection, this kid could still turn the world upside down.

Regarding Mo Yu's grudge, Lin Tian didn't take it to heart at all, he continued to rest while humming a little song.

Yue Qingying failed in alchemy twice in a row, Mi Lao is upset now, when he heard Lin Tian humming there, he couldn't help shouting angrily: "Don't make noise!"

Hearing this, Lin Tian gave him a look, and then closed his mouth.

It's not that he is afraid, but that he feels that if he speaks out again, this group of people will probably put the reason for failure on him again.

He thought it was because he interrupted, so he failed.

Therefore, Lin Tian is going to convince these people.

There was no accident, without anyone's interference, Yue Qingying absorbed the experience of the previous two failures and prepared in advance, this time alchemy, at the last moment, ended in failure.


Seeing this scene, Mi Lao was already speechless.

It's obviously just a fourth-grade elixir, but now it seems to be refining a treasure elixir.

This made Mi Lao a little unacceptable.

The same is true for Yue Qingying.

She boasted that her talent in refining medicine was not bad, even if she wasn't top-notch, she was definitely among the first-class among her peers.

But now, a fourth-grade panacea baffled her.

Moreover, it was always at the same place, on the step that all alchemists believed to be foolproof.

This made it difficult for Yue Qingying to accept.

Yue Qingying stood in front of the blue alchemy furnace in a daze. Although there was still a piece of medicinal material left in her hand, she lost the courage to practice again.

"What? Lost your courage so quickly?"

Seeing Yue Qingying's appearance, Lin Tian sat up and couldn't help laughing.

Yue Qingying didn't speak, but looked at Lin Tian with a complicated expression, and looked at this young man who was about the same age as her, and asked in a hoarse voice: "Can you tell me why?"

Hearing this, Mi Lao and Bai Changfeng also looked over, frowning, they also wanted to know the answer.

Lin Tian shook his head and said: "It doesn't matter much to tell you, but if you don't want to be my maid, I dare say that no one can solve your problems except the reappearance of the God of Medicine."

Hearing this, Yue Qingying didn't speak, but just looked at Lin Tian quietly, looking at the faint smile on his face, his eyes struggled a bit, as if he was making a choice.

"Miss, don't listen to his nonsense here. What kind of medicine god is he? Who does he think he is? Just relying on him, what qualifications does he have to be compared with the medicine god?"

Seeing that Yue Qingying had a slight movement, Mo Yu couldn't help it, jumped out, wiped the ashes from his face, looked at Lin Tian with a sneer and said: "In my opinion, these few failures are probably just What did you do?"

"The previous two times, when you approached Miss, I'm afraid it was to strike at the alchemy stove."

Hearing this, Mi Lao and Bai Changfeng were stunned at the same time.

Yeah, why didn't they think of that?

The two looked at Lin Tian, ​​and their eyes became unfriendly at the same time.

Only Yue Qingying didn't change anything on her face, because she knew that Lin Tian didn't touch anything other than her.

Otherwise, with her strength, it is impossible not to notice it at all.

Unless Lin Tianxiu can surpass her by a big realm and reach the vision realm, otherwise, it is absolutely impossible to do this.

"Why, don't talk? Are you guilty?"

Seeing that Lin Tian didn't defend himself, Mo Yu kept sneering, with a strong killing intent in his eyes, pressing towards Lin Tian step by step.

Mi Lao and Bai Changfeng didn't seem to notice, and let Mo Yu go.

"Didn't you say that if I approach you three steps, my legs will be broken?"

Mo Yu came to Lin Tian, ​​about one step away, with a face full of disdain, and sarcastically said: "Now I'm close, you have the ability to cut it off now!"

Hearing this, Lin Tian looked at Mo Yu as if he was mentally retarded.

He hasn't appeared in tens of thousands of years, why is this person full of such fools now?
First, Lin Zhi asked to go to Yanyang Academy to eat shit in front of everyone.

Now this Mo Yu felt that his legs were not working well, so he asked him to help them break them off.

Lin Tian felt that he was a good person, and he should satisfy such a request.

"Hey, why is this necessary?"

Lin Tian shook his head and sighed, and turned around directly.


Mo Yu didn't understand Lin Tian's words, thinking that he was admitting cowardice, pulled out a dagger from his waist, grinned grinningly, and said, "You did this all by yourself, die..."

Before Mo Yu finished speaking, he saw a flash of silver light.

No one could see what was happening.

All I know is that a few drops of blood splashed out from between Mo Yu's legs.

Mo Yu stared blankly at his lower body.

For a moment, the whole person leaned to one side.

Both legs were cut off by Qi Gen.


After a long while, Mo Yu finally regained his composure, his eyes frightened, staring at his disappearing lower body, and let out a piercing scream.

Looking at this scene, Mi Lao and Bai Changfeng felt a bone-piercing chill rushing from the soles of their feet and heading straight for Tianling Gai, which made them feel scalp trouble.

You know, both of them are strong in the spiritual sea realm.

Among them, Mi Lao's cultivation base is at the peak of the Spirit Sea Realm.

But even so, they didn't even see how Lin Tian made the attack just now.

I just felt that a phantom flashed in front of my eyes, and Mo Yu's legs had already been broken.

Silently, this kind of weird method, I am afraid that even the strong in the vision realm, it is difficult to do it.

This made Mi Lao and Bai Changfeng's hearts tremble.

I don't know what kind of monster I provoked today.

Especially Bai Changfeng, who was even more terrified to death at this moment.

You know, Lin Tian was brought by him.

But just now, because he was concerned about the relationship between Mi Lao and Yue Qingying, he directly abandoned Lin Tian and ignored Mi Lao and Mo Yu's attack on him.

If Lin Tianzhen was an ordinary person, it would be really difficult to get out of here today.

Therefore, Bai Changfeng was afraid, afraid that Lin Tianji would hate him.

With the mysterious means that Lin Tian showed just now, killing him is probably a piece of cake.

 (PS: The third watch is finished, good night~ Well, everyone, don't forget to bookmark and vote.)
(End of this chapter)

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