Chapter 391 Qingdi
"So strong."

Everyone felt the aura coming from Ye Qing, and they were shocked.

A strong casual cultivator stared slightly, and couldn't help but sigh with emotion: "This kind of coercion can only be released by at least a king who has escaped from the seventh level or above. I didn't expect that this young man, Ji Qingqing, already had something close to the emperor. The cultivator's cultivation is worthy of being the No. [-] pride in the inner courtyard of Beili Academy, and it is really terrifying..."

"Senior brother Ye Qing is really strong..."

The students of Beili Academy were also full of admiration, looking at Ye Qing enviously.

Ye Qing is clearly not much older than them, but his strength is much, much greater than theirs.

It is difficult for people not to be jealous or envious of this kind of talent.

Seeing the astonishment on everyone's faces, Zhang Zilan looked even more proud, folded her hands on her chest, looked at Lin Tian with a sneer and mocked, "I, Senior Brother Ye Qing, broke through to the eighth level of the Escape from Mortal Realm three days ago. , is only one step away from the peak."

"You kid, just now you were just opportunistic, relying on my senior brother Ye Qing's negligence to get away with a move, what's there to be proud of? As long as my senior brother Ye Qing makes a move with all his strength, let alone defeat him with one move, can you If it can’t be in his hands, it’s a problem to support three tricks!”

Hearing this, many people nodded.

Think this seems to make sense.

After all, Ye Qing did not have any preparations just now, so Lin Tian was sent flying with his palm.

Otherwise, if Ye Qing in this state wants to defeat him with one move, even if Lin Tian is an emperor, he may not be able to do it.

"Lin Tian..."

Zhang Ziyi glanced at Lin Tian in front of her, with a worried look on her face.

Of course, she wasn't worried that Lin Tian would lose.

Instead, he was worried that Lin Tian would not be able to complete what he had just released.

After all, Ye Qing's strength is too strong, compared to someone like Zhong Qi, I don't know how much stronger, standing in front of him, Zhang Ziyi only feels that she has no power to fight back.

Therefore, she worried that Lin Tian would be slapped in the face later.

On the other hand, the patriarch of the Zhang family, facing the discussion of the crowd and Ye Qing who was slowly approaching, did not change his expression at all, and stood there calmly, watching this scene leisurely, as if he was not worried about Lin Tian's defeat at all.

It's not that the ancestors of the Zhang family have a kind of self-confidence.

It's that he knows Lin Tian.

Know how Lin Tian's strength is.

Although Lin Tian did not rank among the top [-], the strength he showed in Sky Snow City was enough to enter the top [-], and that was when he did not go all out.

If he goes all out, he will definitely be able to compete with the world's unparalleled existence.

Although Ye Qing was strong, it was easy for a person like Lin Tian to settle him.

Therefore, since Lin Tian said that he could defeat Ye Qing with one move, then the ancestor of the Zhang family believed that there would never be two moves, this is an affirmation of the strong.

Ye Qing stopped about ten steps away from Lin Tian, ​​and said with cold eyes: "Don't say I bully you, release the vision!"


Lin Tian shook his head lightly.

With his appearance, he obviously didn't take Ye Qing seriously.

Seeing this, Ye Qing's face became even more gloomy.

"I'll give you one last chance. After this time, don't blame me for being merciless. When the time comes, even if you die, it's your own fault!" Ye Qing said through gritted teeth.

Lin Tian still shook his head, but there was a hint of impatience on his face, "It's just a trick, what are you doing with so much nonsense? Don't say I won't give you a chance to make a move, you should do it first!"

Hearing this, Ye Qing was completely furious.

"you wanna die!"

His eyes spewed fire, he gritted his teeth and looked at Lin Tian, ​​his voice seemed to be squeezed out from between his teeth, filled with endless anger, Ye Qing has never been so despised by anyone since he was a child.

This is the first time today.

This feeling made him unbearable.

Without further ado, Ye Qing shot instantly, filled with anger.

Seeing the palm print in his hand, the green lotus that manifested behind him suddenly shone brightly, and a terrifying power erupted from the green lotus, making everyone around couldn't help but palpitate.

Even the patriarch of the Zhang family couldn't help but look slightly sideways.

"This is the sage's unique knowledge of the Ye family, a lotus plant in the blue sky. It is rumored that it is the magic technique left by the Qing Emperor in the ancient times. All living beings are wiped out, which is extremely terrifying."

A casual cultivator who knew something about Ye Qing couldn't help but said after seeing this scene: "Although Ye Qing's cultivation level is not enough to fully demonstrate the power of this technique, but this is a sage's unique skill after all, even if he can only exert a little A little bit of power is not something that ordinary people can resist."

"If that kid surnamed Lin doesn't have the corresponding supernatural powers or absolute strength, let alone defeating Ye Qing with one move, it would be extremely difficult to block this blow."

Speaking of this, the casual cultivator couldn't help shaking his head, thinking that Lin Tian had little chance of winning.

Because, in their eyes, Lin Tian is just a casual cultivator who relies on the protection of the Zhang family.

Such a person may have talent, but compared to his background, it is far inferior to a genius from a family like Ye Qing.

With almost the same level of cultivation, someone like Ye Qing who has mastered more advanced supernatural powers must be stronger, this is something that you don't even need to think about.

"It forced me, Senior Brother Ye Qing, to even use the sage's unique skill of 'A Lotus in the Blue Sky'. My surname is Lin Tian. Even if you die today, it's a well-deserved death!" Zhang Zilan sneered as she watched this scene. .

Zhang Ziyi still looked worried.

Everyone present, except for Zhang Family Patriarch and Lin Tian, ​​their faces remained unchanged and calm.

One of them knew the details of Lin Tian, ​​knew that he was the heir of Emperor Wu, and that the secret technique he held in his hands was stronger than that of the mere Ye family.

And the other one didn't care at all.

What about the sage's unique skills?
Even if the forbidden technique of the Emperor of Heaven came, Lin Tian would not raise his eyelids.

However, the source of Ye Qing's supernatural power made him quite interested.

"Are you from the Qing Emperor's lineage..."

His gaze was slightly concentrated, staring at the green lotus behind Ye Qing, thoughtful.

Qing Emperor.

This is a great emperor from ancient times.

Lifetime legend, not weaker than others.

He has gained a great reputation in China.

He is the top powerhouse in the history of Yaozu, enough to be ranked in the top three.

It's a pity that this guy is really too crazy, too arrogant, headstrong, he doesn't listen to any opinions at all, he looks everything, and feels that he is invincible in the world, directly smashed through the sea of ​​​​chaos, and broke into the so-called fairy world.

It turned the place upside down.

In the end, I want to go to the end of the sky like Lin Tian, ​​to see what is going on that day.

In the end, the awakened overlords of the fairy world joined forces to suppress it.

 Also at night.

(End of this chapter)

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