Invincibility starts from awakening

Chapter 393 Lin Tian's Action Style

Chapter 393 Lin Tian's Action Style

Don't give Ye Qing a chance to think too much.

The green lotus in Lin Tian's hand flew out immediately, blooming in an instant, countless petals turned into sword rain, and strangled towards Ye Qing, the terrifying aura made Ye Qing's face change drastically.

This is the breath of death.

Ye Qing also had this feeling when he encountered a crisis before.

But this time, it was especially strong.

So that for a moment, he didn't know how to deal with it, and stood there blankly, at a loss.

Just in the blink of an eye, countless white petals came to Ye Qing, the fierce wind alone pierced the clothes on his body, leaving some bright red marks on his skin.

If it hadn't stopped at the end, it would have easily penetrated Ye Qing's body in just an instant.


Ye Qing looked at the lotus petals that were close to Chi Chi, held his breath, his eyes were trembling, and cold sweat could not help falling on his forehead. At this moment, he finally understood what the man standing in front of him was. What a horror.

To put it bluntly, if Lin Tian wanted to kill him, he just waved his hand.

It's a no-brainer.

Everyone present also fell silent at this moment.

The previous doubts disappeared in an instant.

Now, although Ye Qing is still standing there well.

But everyone knew that he had lost, and he had lost miserably.

There was never even a chance to fight back.

This kind of scene was something no one expected.

Everyone looked at each other, swallowed the words that came to their lips one after another.

Don't dare to speak loudly, for fear of shocking the heavens.

Zhang Zilan, who was still proud before, opened his mouth so wide that he could stuff a goose egg.

A pair of eyes widened, looking at everything in front of him in disbelief, he couldn't believe that this brother who was almost invincible among the younger generation in his eyes would actually be defeated by a single blow.

"This, this is impossible!"

After a while, she let out a shriek in despair.

Pulled everyone back from the shock.

Ye Qing also gradually came back to his senses, he looked at Lin Tian, ​​swallowed his saliva with a dry throat, and then said hoarsely: "You, how did you do it?"

He wanted to know where the Qingdi supernatural power in Lin Tian's hands came from.

Unfortunately, Lin Tian didn't want to answer, but said lightly: "You lost..."

After all, he waved his hand.

The lotus flowers all over the sky shattered in an instant, turned into light spots, and merged into the sky and the earth.

Then turn around and leave.

He didn't even bother to humiliate Ye Qing.

That attitude is like meeting an ant blocking the way on the side of the road and stepping on it casually. As for whether the ant is dead or alive, Lin Tian doesn't care at all.

Such a contemptuous and disdainful attitude made Ye Qing feel ashamed and angry.

Involuntarily clenched his fists.

But when he thought of the scene just now, Ye Qing couldn't help but feel chills in his heart.

That kind of strength is really terrifying.

He didn't even have the courage to fight back.

That feeling of despair could not be brought by the most powerful person in Beili Academy, the Banished Fairy known as the Second Immortal of Liuli.

"What are you doing here?"

At this moment, a deep voice suddenly sounded.

Immediately afterwards, a skinny old man came out of the void suddenly, his face was gloomy, his eyes looked around coldly, and finally fell on the ancestor of the Zhang family.

"The Zhang family?"

"you are?"

The patriarch of the Zhang family was puzzled, he didn't know why he felt hostile towards him as soon as this person came.

"My surname is Zhong!"

The skinny old man, with murderous intent in his eyes, slowly said, "Zhong Qi is the great-grandson of this old man."

The visitor was none other than Zhong Qi's great-grandfather.

The clock has a period.

"Zhong Qi's great grandfather..."

The ancestor of the Zhang family narrowed his pupils and stared at the person who came, subconsciously bursting out the aura of a real person.

People within ten meters around couldn't help but retreat.

Some cannot handle the pressure.

With the exception of Lin Tian, ​​he still stood there, unmoved.

"Why, do you still want to fight with the old man?" Zhong Youqi sneered when he saw this, with disdain in his eyes, a vision gradually emerged behind him, and his aura also exploded, stronger than that of the ancestor of the Zhang family.

"A strong man with Nirvana rank five or higher."

Sensing this terrifying aura, the face of the ancestor of the Zhang family changed drastically.

Like other realms, Nirvana is roughly divided into nine levels.

Every time you break through a level, you have to go through a life-and-death tribulation.

That is the terrible Nirvana.

But every breakthrough will also bring a qualitative leap.

This has led to the realm of Nirvana, there is a big gap between every small level, and it is almost impossible for ordinary people to smooth it out without some special means.

Therefore, at this stage, most of the people who want to fight across levels are just a joke.

Like the patriarch of the Zhang family, now he has only passed the third turn of Nirvana.

There is no chance of winning against the bell.

"Little friend Lin, if a fight breaks out later, you take Ziyi and leave first!"

Zhang family patriarch said to Lin Tian nervously through sound transmission.

Lin Tian shook his head.

No consent.

It's just a real person, not to the point where he can avoid it.

However, in this way, the patriarch of the Zhang family was in a hurry.

"You boy, why don't you listen to persuasion? I know you are very talented and have such a background as the Good Fortune Martial Sect, but the Zhong family is a family of saints. If it was the Good Fortune Martial Sect thousands of years ago, they might still be hesitant. "

"But now, you must be more aware of the situation of Good Fortune Wuzong than me."

"Although there has been a resurgence over the years, after all, they haven't recovered completely, and Shi Wushuang is only your friend after all. These are not enough to make the Zhong family give up their hatred like this."

"If you don't run now, this old guy will definitely kill you first regardless of everything."

"At that time, even if Good Fortune Wuzong and Shi Wushuang are willing to avenge you, and finally destroy the Zhong family, it will not help the matter!"

The patriarch of the Zhang family continued to transmit voices, persuading him earnestly: "Little friend Lin, listen to the old man's words. Sometimes, it is not a bad thing to take a step back. You are still young, and you have plenty of opportunities. As long as you grow up, the mere Zhong family is in your eyes. , what is it?"

"Oh, you're right..."

Lin Tian sighed softly, before the patriarch of the Zhang family had time to be pleasantly surprised, he said again: "It's just that I have never had the habit of leaving without a fight..."

Lin Tian from birth to now.

Over the ages, nothing like this has ever been done.

No matter how bad the state is, no matter how small the opponent was at the time, no matter how strong the opponent is.

As long as you dare to attack him, no matter what, he will fight back.

If you punch me once, I will give you three punches back.

You bite me and I cut off your head.

This is Lin Tian's style of conduct throughout the ages.

It is precisely because of this that he got the name of a "lunatic".

(ps: There are not many updates during this period. I also know that there are many factors in various aspects, the most important of which is my own mentality problem, which can be called an explosion. No, I won’t talk about the specifics. It’s over. NO.12 I will go out for a while, NO.15 will come back at night, let’s just relax. There will be updates in the past few days, but it’s not very stable, NO After .16, I gradually stabilized the update, um, and then resigned, my mentality was too explosive, give me some time to adjust, thank you!)
(End of this chapter)

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