Invincibility starts from awakening

Chapter 4 3 The Elder's Killing Intent

Chapter 4 The Killing Intent of the Three Elders

Lin Zhi's wailing was very penetrating, and his voice was not low, which quickly attracted the attention of everyone in the Lin family.

There was a sound of hurried footsteps, and a group of Lin residence guards in leather armor and a leading elder walked quickly.

Coincidentally, this elder was none other than Lin Zhi's grandfather, the third elder of the Lin family.

"Lin Yuan, what happened?"

The third elder strode over, glanced at Lin Yuan who was at the gate of Dongyuan, and soon after he found Lin Zhi rolling on the ground, he was startled, did not have time to ask more questions, and immediately rushed over.

"Zhier, what's wrong with you?"

The third elder hugged Lin Zhi and asked with concern.

Lin Zhiqiang endured the pain, eyes full of hatred, gritted his teeth and roared: "Grandpa, this guy Lin Tian is cured of his madness, and he almost destroyed me. You should avenge me and kill him!"

"Huh? Lin Tian?"

The third elder was startled when he heard the words, and then he noticed that the famous lunatic boy of the Lin family was standing by the side at the moment, a little dazed.

what happened?

Isn't this Lin Tian a fool who has never practiced?How could he hurt his precious grandson?

The third elder was puzzled in his heart, but at this moment the facts were in front of him, so he couldn't help but not believe it.

After checking Lin Zhi's body, he found that the cyclone in his body had been dispersed a lot. Although there was no serious problem, it could be regarded as a serious injury. Without a month or two of rest, he would not recover at all.

In this way, even if he finds good medicinal materials for Lin Zhi, he will not be able to help him break through to the seventh level of Qi Gathering before entering Yanyang Academy. It seems to be delayed for a short time, but in fact it will waste a lot of training time.

After all, Yanyang Academy is rich in aura, and there are special formations to help students cultivate.

The results obtained by practicing one day inside can at least be regarded as others practicing outside for three days, and with the guidance of a famous teacher, it is difficult to think about making progress.

Starting a few months late, the gap created between them is almost impossible to make up.

"It's all caused by this waste Lin Tian!!!"

The third elder took a deep breath, and his heart was full of anger.

"Lin Tian, ​​why do you use conspiracy to persecute brothers of the same clan?"

The third elder got up and took a step, staring at Lin Tian, ​​and asked in a cold voice, a powerful breath burst out from him, forcing towards Lin Tian.

In the eyes of the third elder, a waste like Lin Tian must have used some kind of conspiracy, otherwise how could he win his grandson Lin Zhi.


Lin Tian smiled sarcastically, ignoring the strong pressure in the air, and said lightly: "I let him do three tricks, if this can be considered a conspiracy, then consider it a conspiracy."

Hearing this, the Third Elder froze and looked at Lin Zhi in astonishment.

"Lin Tian, ​​you must have used some spiritual weapon, otherwise how could you beat me?"

Lin Zhi shouted in embarrassment, refusing to admit that he couldn't beat Lin Tian.

Hearing this, Lin Yuan and the third elder nodded at the same time, thinking it was very possible.

After all, with Lin Longxiao's attitude towards Lin Tian, ​​it's not surprising to get him a spiritual weapon, or a broken spiritual weapon to protect his body.

"It's nothing more than a private fight among compatriots that violates the family rules. You dare to use a spiritual weapon to attack and want to kill my grandson. Lin Tian, ​​a vicious person like you must be punished today!"

The third elder directly gave Lin Tian a hat.

"Be punished, Lin Tian!" He snorted coldly, and without giving Lin Tian any chance to explain, he shot instantly, and a layer of gray light appeared on his hand.

Iron Eagle Claw, one of the third-grade martial arts of the Lin family, has great lethality. It was used by the third elder in the bone forging period. This claw can easily crush ten thousand catties of boulders. Although it will not directly kill Lin Tian, ​​it will completely destroy it. There's absolutely no problem dropping him.

"Dead bastard, dare to hurt me, will you die now?"

Seeing this scene, Lin Zhi looked excited, sneered in his eyes, and thought viciously in his heart: "Hmph, let's see how I will torture you after you are destroyed."

If it was before, Lin Tian was still a lunatic, and he might not feel much pleasure when tortured, but now, he has obviously regained his sanity, so it will be very interesting to torture like this.

Standing not far away, Lin Yuan couldn't help shaking his head watching this scene, with a trace of pity on his face.

This Lin Tian is also unlucky enough. He has been crazy for 16 years, and he is about to be abolished just as he regained his sanity. Moreover, his father's current position is also precarious, and he may fall from the altar at any time.

With Lin Zhi's character of vengeance, if Lin Longxiao lost his position as Patriarch, he would definitely retaliate crazily for today's incident.

"This old dog..."

Lin Tian looked at the aggressive third elder, his eyes flashed, and he quickly backed away without resisting.

He used to be pretty good, but before he fully recovered from his injuries, he was carried out by Lin Longxiao, and he fought against the remaining power of the Heavenly Dao for 16 years to ensure that his spiritual consciousness was not wiped out.

As a result, his remaining strength was less than a ten-millionth of what it was before, and his body was also newly born.

Otherwise, a scum like the Third Elder would be wiped out with just one breath.

"Want to go?"

Seeing Lin Tian's actions, the third elder sneered disdainfully, stomped his feet with contempt, and his whole body was ejected like a cannonball. His claws grabbed Lin Tian's arm with a fierce momentum, wanting to abolish his hands first.

Lin Tian's eyes were fixed, and he was a little angry.

Just when he was about to make a move, and mobilized the few remaining powers in his body, his powerful spiritual sense suddenly felt a familiar aura, which was rapidly approaching.

No need to think about it, this is his cheap daddy.

Lin Tian raised the corner of his mouth and hid twice, then gave up resistance directly, stood with his hands behind his back, looked at the third elder calmly, and let him attack.

"court death!"

Seeing that Lin Tian didn't hide from his own attack, the third elder sneered, and a strong energy attached to his claws, and rushed to Lin Tian in the blink of an eye.

"Go away!!!"

Just when the claws of the third elder landed on Lin Tian's arm, trying to smash his entire arm into pieces with all his strength, there was an angry roar in the air.

Immediately afterwards, a powerful aura rushed towards the third elder, and there was a faint sound of tigers roaring in the mountains and forests, with fierce killing intent.

"Tiger Roaring Fist?"

The third elder was shocked, this was Lin Longxiao's special skill, with this move, he had killed more than one master of the same level, even now, Lin Longxiao was injured, this blow was not something he could ignore.

Thinking of this, the third elder didn't have the heart to attack Lin Tian again, and immediately withdrew his hand to fight back, and greeted the punch that was coming.

Claws clashed with fists, a powerful energy erupted in the middle, shaking up countless dust and fallen leaves.

Ding Ding Deng!
Because of the hasty counterattack, the third elder suffered a bit and took several steps back.

The weaker guards nearby were also pushed away by this invisible shock wave.

"So strong..."

Lin Yuan waved his hands to cover his face, and he couldn't keep his eyes open due to the strong force.

Lin Zhi, who had just stood up with difficulty, was overwhelmed by this energy unexpectedly, like a bastard, lying on his back on the ground with all four claws facing the sky.

Only Lin Tian stood motionless on the spot, unaffected in the slightest. The strong wind blew on his face, lifting his messy black hair, revealing his fair and delicate cheeks.

(End of this chapter)

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