Invincibility starts from awakening

Chapter 408 Who Wants To Trouble Him?

Chapter 408 Who Wants To Trouble Him? (first update)
"You are..." Qin Wu looked at the excited Wu Zong people with doubts on his face.

In his eyes, Lin Tian is just an ordinary Wu Zong disciple, at most he has a little talent.

Therefore, he didn't understand why everyone was so excited.

What he didn't know was that in the eyes of outsiders, Lin Tian was indeed just an ordinary disciple of Wu Zong, at most one of the better ones in the past thousands of years.

However, in Wuzong, Lin Tian is the soul here.

The successor appointed by Emperor Wudi.

This identity alone is enough for Zhao Wuxing and others to protect each other with their lives.

Not to mention, everything Wu Zong owns today is closely related to Lin Tian.

If you say who is the most important here.

Everyone will definitely put Lin Tian first without hesitation.

"Brother Qin, can you tell us what he asked you to bring us?" After a while, Zhao Wuxing came back to his senses and asked hastily.

Hearing this, everyone remembered that Lin Tian had asked Qin Wu to bring them a message, so they couldn't help cheering up and looking over.

Even Fuyong, who was not far away, pricked up his ears.

Qin Wu glanced at Zhao Wuxing and the others strangely, still puzzled in his heart, wondering why they valued a junior so much.

However, he didn't show off, and said the words that Qin Feng had handed over to him with a strange face.

"He seems to be saying that there are too many things, and he can't move them all by himself. If they are destroyed, they will be wasted. He asked you to send more people there."

Hearing this, Zhao Wuxing and the others were all taken aback for a moment, and did not understand what Lin Tian meant by these words.

However, Zhao Wuxing did not hesitate, and immediately ordered: "Seventh Elder, you go and gather your disciples and prepare to go."

After finishing speaking, he turned his face again, looked at Qin Wu and asked, "By the way, Brother Qin, where is he now?"

This time, it was Qin Wu's turn to be dazed.

He never thought that the young man named Lin Tian would have such a great voice in Wuzong.

It was just a sentence, and the Sect Master Wu Zong was about to send someone over without even asking.

It's really incredible.

Seeing Qin Wu in a daze, Zhao Wuxing couldn't help asking again, "Brother Qin, please tell us where he is now?"

"Oh, good."

Hearing this, Qin Wu came back to his senses, nodded hurriedly and said: "He is now in Beixuecheng not far from our Qin family."

"North Syracuse?"

Hearing this place name, Zhao Wuxing frowned slightly, and asked in surprise, "Where is Beili College?"

"Well, that's right, it's there."

Qin Wu nodded and said.

However, soon, he remembered the information that his nephew revealed when he passed on the message to him, and he couldn't help saying: "But he seems to be in some trouble over there."


Hearing this, everyone in Wu Zong subconsciously looked over, a little cold.

"What's the trouble?"

The Great Elder asked in a deep voice, with killing intent flashing in his eyes.

In the ancient battlefield, they couldn't go in and couldn't protect Lin Tian, ​​but when they got outside, no matter what, they couldn't let Lin Tian have an accident.

Qin Wu felt the murderous aura from the people of Wu Zong, and his heart shuddered, knowing that Lin Tian was very important in the hearts of Wu Zong's people.

So he didn't dare to delay, and hurriedly said: "It seems to have killed a young arrogance of the Zhong family, a family of saints in northern Xinjiang."

"The Zhong family wanted revenge, but fortunately, the elders of the Liuli Immortal Pavilion stopped them. There should be nothing wrong now."

Qin Wu didn't know that when he arrived at Good Fortune Martial Sect, the Ye family and the Zhong family had already approached Lin Tian.

Hearing this, Zhao Wuxing and the others stared slightly.

"Who dares to trouble him?"

At this time, a gentle and pleasant voice, like a silver bell, quietly rang from outside the hall.

This voice, although it sounds gentle and tactful.

But when it fell into everyone's ears, it made people shudder, like a cold wind that penetrated into everyone's hearts.

It made everyone present shudder.

Zhao Wuxing and the others immediately looked towards the door respectfully.

Qin Wu followed suit.


I don't know which powerful existence of Wu Zong appeared again.

After a while, I saw a woman wearing a nine-color long dress, her eyes were shining, and she was so beautiful that she walked in without haste, stepping on lotus steps.

As soon as she came in, the atmosphere in the hall immediately solidified.

Even Zhao Wuxing couldn't breathe.

Although that invisible coercion was not revealed intentionally, but inadvertently, it had already given Qin Wu an urge to kneel down and worship.

And behind the stunningly beautiful woman, followed an unattractive young man.

A crow with a shiny black body and cold eyes stood on the young man's shoulder, followed by the beautiful woman, and entered the hall together.

This is……

A sage?
Qin Wu looked at Xiaoxue in disbelief, although he couldn't see Xiaoxue's cultivation.

But he is not an uninformed person.

Only a sage who is above a real person can bring him the feeling of the holy emperor.

As for whether Xiaoxue was a sage or a stronger saint, he couldn't tell, because he had never seen such a strong person.

"Wu Zong, is he actually so strong?" Qin Wu was shocked in his heart, he never thought that Wu Zong still has such a strong man in charge now.

It is completely inconsistent with the rumored downfall.

He didn't dare to be negligent, and hastily bowed to salute: "Junior Qin Wu, I have met senior."

Although Xiaoxue looks very young.

Looks like in his 20s.

I don't know how much younger than Qin Wu.

But Qin Wu knew that Xiaoxue was definitely much older than him, and besides, in the world of monks, masters were supposed to be masters.

With Xiaoxue's strength, there is absolutely no problem in calling him a senior.

See Qin Wu salute.

Xiaoxue was expressionless.

All of a sudden, the hall fell silent.

a long time.

Cold sweat, like soybeans, slid down Qin Wu's cheeks and dripped to the ground.

But he didn't even dare to wipe it.

She bowed her waist and stood nervously in front of Xiaoxue, not daring to make any movements.

Good half sound.

Xiaoxue finally spoke again. She looked at Qin Wu, parted her red lips lightly, and asked again: "Say, who wants to trouble him?"

"It's the Zhong family in Beijiang."

Qin Wu didn't dare to neglect, and hurriedly replied.

Such a strong man is really terrifying, just a look can make his heart tremble.


Xiaoxue asked again.

This time, there was an undisguised chill in her gentle voice.

It's been three years, it's been more than three years.

Unexpectedly, the first time I heard about Lin Tian, ​​it turned out to be troublesome.

How could Xiaoxue tolerate this.

(End of this chapter)

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