Chapter 410 is here (third update!)
"Lin Tian, ​​you must not come out..." Zhang Ziyi looked at the sky nervously, praying silently in her heart.

I hope that Lin Tian can create a miracle again, break through the barriers, and escape from the siege of the powerful men in front of him.

But, it's a pity that the girl's prayer didn't have any effect.

On the contrary, it seems to have had the opposite effect.

I saw the calm sky, and suddenly, it moved.

Everyone couldn't help but cast their gazes over.

"Finally can't hide?"

Seeing this scene, Ye family's Tianming Daoist couldn't help but a sneer flashed in his eyes.

next second.

Lin Tian's figure slowly walked out of the void.

For a moment, countless divine thoughts locked him in an instant, as if they were afraid that he would run away.

However, Lin Tian didn't care about this.

He ignored everyone and turned his gaze to the southeast, with some surprise in his eyes.

"It seems that I don't need to do it anymore?"

Lin Tian couldn't help muttering, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help raising a brilliant arc.

It's just that his smile, which originally made people feel like a spring breeze, was shown in this scene and under such circumstances, but it made people feel a little creepy.

"This kid, doesn't he know that he is dead and crazy?" Someone couldn't help asking.

Hearing this, the person next to him nodded thoughtfully, "Very likely."

The real strong men who surrounded Lin Tian also had doubts on their faces.

I can't help feeling a little anxious.

Because, if Lin Tian is really crazy, it will be infinitely more difficult for them to seize the idea of ​​inheritance from Lin Tian.

Some of them may even be lost.

After all, Lin Tian is crazy. If they want to get the inheritance of Emperor Qing and Emperor Wu from him, they must use some taboo methods to search for the soul.

Although this method is effective, the risk is also extremely high.

Although they don't care whether Lin Tian will become a fool because of this, they do care that in the process of soul searching, there will be inheritance loss.

Fearing that something would happen later, the Ye family's Tianming real person winked at the person next to him, who was the one who had shot Lin Tian before.

The man nodded immediately, and walked slowly towards Lin Tian, ​​planning to arrest him before speaking.

As for whether he is really stupid, we will see when the time comes.

However, for his arrival, Lin Tian didn't turn his head back, his eyes were always fixed on the southeast direction.

"Here we come..." He seemed to have sensed something and couldn't help murmuring.

None of the people present could be considered weak in cultivation.

In addition, the field is also very quiet.

Therefore, even Zhang Ziyi heard Lin Tian's murmur.

"What's coming?"

Everyone looked at Lin Tian with some confusion, feeling inexplicable for a while.

Zhong Youqi couldn't help humming: "Pretending to be a ghost!"

But at the moment when his voice just fell, an extremely strong force of the void penetrated through, causing the faces of everyone present to change drastically.

Immediately afterwards, I saw a nine rainbow light, penetrating the void, illuminating the sky, piercing the eyes of everyone present.

The next moment, a snow-white and slender lotus root arm protruded from the void and caught everyone's eyes.

Then a graceful and beautiful figure walked out from the void.

As soon as she appeared, everyone present immediately felt a great coercion.

Heaven and earth gradually evolved into nine colors.

This is the vision of the coming of the saint.

Even if Xiaoxue didn't use her strength, or even restrained her breath, the characteristics of not being able to follow her words and moving her body were still there.

She didn't try to control it either.

"This is a saint??!"

Seeing this scene, the faces of all the people present changed greatly, and they were all shocked in their hearts.

At the same time, there are some worries.

I don't know why Xiaoxue made this trip.

I am afraid that the plan to capture Lin Tian in front of me will be destroyed.


Ye family Tianming Daoist, under pressure, just took a step forward, before he could speak, the space squirmed again.

Immediately, a young man came out from the nine-colored divine light behind Xiaoxue.

And on his shoulder stood a crow with black and shiny feathers.

Seeing this combination, Qin Feng and Wang Yu below immediately widened their eyes, and subconsciously exclaimed: "It's them?!"

Everyone couldn't help but be attracted by the voices of the two, and looked up, the ancestor of the Zhang family also asked in a low voice with doubts: "Do you know them?"

Qin Feng and Wang Yu nodded at the same time.

Xiaoxue and the others didn't know each other, nor had they seen each other, but Xiao Hei and Chen Nuo had met more than once.

Especially the former.

This one was the one who entered the ancient battlefield with Lin Tian at the beginning. As Lin Tian's mount, its performance there was also very conspicuous.

Qin Feng and Wang Yu, it's hard not to know each other.

"That crow was Brother Lin's mount back then, and that young man is Chen Nuo, the most famous Loose Cultivator on the list of Divine Talents."

Qin Feng couldn't help explaining.

Hearing this, the ancestors of the Zhang family were shocked, and immediately couldn't help but brow up with joy.

Unexpectedly, the visitor was related to Lin Tian.

It seems that today's matter may turn around, and it may not be certain.

"It actually has something to do with this kid surnamed Lin..." Starting with the Lin family, the strong men surrounding Lin Tian gradually turned ugly when they heard this.

The last thing they wanted to see happened.

Not waiting for Ye Family's Tianming Daoist to come forward to negotiate and negotiate, the space moved again.

This time, everyone clearly felt that there were many breaths of life approaching.

A one-armed old man came out first.

He is very unique, he has already broken through to the Nirvana state, and he can completely regenerate a broken arm, even with one arm hanging.

The breath is not strong, but it brings a very threatening feeling to everyone.

And after him, a respectable emperor stepped out from the void, and immediately after that, a group of young disciples.

In the end, it was Qin Wu who walked out with a blank face.

He glanced around the tense surroundings, his eyes were full of mist, and he couldn't figure out what happened here.

"Could it be that today is a grand meeting of Beili Academy?" Qin Wu couldn't help muttering.

After he appeared, Qin Feng finally knew why Wu Zong's people suddenly appeared here.

It turned out that it was his uncle who had sent the news to Wu Zong.

What's even more coincidental is that Wu Zong actually had a saint to help clear the way, and he just rushed over without a minute's time.

This made Qin Feng couldn't help but feel emotional.

"This luck, is there no one else?" Qin Feng looked at Lin Tian enviously.

Sure enough, he wanted to become a generation of monsters.

Talent alone is not enough.

And enough luck.

Lin Tian is typical.

Not only is the strength against the sky, but also the luck is really good.

Not only did he get the inheritance of the two emperors, but even when he was in danger, someone happened to come to rescue him, which is really enviable.

 Not tonight, everyone go to bed early.

(End of this chapter)

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