Chapter 412
It's a pity that the idea is beautiful.

But this time, I'm afraid they will be disappointed.

Because what they encountered was Xiaoxue.

What I met was this nine-tailed fox who once followed Lin Tian, ​​ruled the world, and even killed the emperor himself.

She doesn't care.

Will it offend people.

Or cause some public outrage.

All she cares about is Lin Tian.

The divine light in Xiaoxuemei's eyes flowed, and she looked at Lin Tian who was surrounded by everyone. Lin Tian seemed to feel something in her heart, and raised her eyes to look over.

Looking at each other, Lin Tian smiled lightly.

This smile.

Let Xiaoxue feel very at ease.

There is an urge to cry with joy.

Her son is not dead!

Her son is indeed invincible!
However, the next moment, her eyes gradually turned cold. She raised her eyes and glanced at Ye Zhen and the others, with murderous intent.

These people are really damn...

Even her young master dared to offend.

Simply unforgivable!
"Senior, what are you going to do?" Feeling the killing intent from Xiaoxue, Ye Zhen and the others were startled.

"Nothing, just kill you." Xiaoxue glanced at Ye Zhen lightly.

The next moment, a layer of fireworks ignited on Ye Zhen's body.


Ye Zhen immediately screamed, his face was terrified, he didn't expect that Xiaoxue would actually attack him.

In just a blink of an eye, he could no longer hold on to Yukong, fell from the sky, and rolled into the lotus pond of Beili Academy.

It's a pity that the pool water can't extinguish this mysterious flame.

"Senior, I am a member of the Ye family. If you kill me, I, the saint of the Ye family, will definitely not let it go. You should think clearly!!!"

Ye Zhen's miserable scream resounded through the sky.

Everyone present was taken aback by this sudden change. No one thought that this mysterious saint from Good Fortune Martial Sect would do it as soon as he said it.

There is no scruple in the face of these people.

"You Ye family saint?"

Xiaoxue frowned slightly.

Seeing this, the strong Ye family thought she was afraid, and hurriedly added: "That's right, if you kill Elder Ye Zhen, I, the saint of the Ye family, will definitely come to you in the future to seek justice!"

"In that case, please come and lead me, Ye family sage!" Xiaoxue waved her hands disapprovingly upon hearing this.

An invisible big hand grabbed Ye Zhen instantly and threw him into the sky.

Immediately afterwards, a long sword flew out from the waist of a student of Beili Academy, and under Xiaoxue's control, shot at Ye Zhen.


Not the slightest surprise.

The spirit sword pierced through his chest immediately, nailing Ye Zhen in mid-air, unable to move.

The fiery flames are still baking there.

Ye Zhen couldn't help but scream that life would be worse than death.

"Kill me, you killed me!!!" Ye Zhen's face was ferocious, and he kept roaring at Xiaoxue, his voice extremely shrill.

Unfortunately, Xiaoxue was not moved at all.

This made everyone present tremble in their hearts.

This method is really too ruthless.

If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, they really wouldn't have believed that such a beautiful and moving woman like Xiaoxue would have such terrible methods.

"Senior, isn't it too much for you to do this?" Elder Chen of the Liuli Immortal Pavilion couldn't help but say, with a serious face.

"Does it have something to do with you?" Xiaoxue glanced at her lightly, rushing towards her instantly with terrifying coercion.

Elder Chen only felt that his breathing was stagnant.

It was like being strangled by someone, it was very uncomfortable, and his face gradually turned red.

Seeing this scene, everyone's expressions changed again.

No one expected that Xiaoxue would be so unscrupulous that even the elders of the Liuli Immortal Pavilion ignored her.

You know, she is an elder from the imperial lineage.

It's not a cat or a dog.

I don't know how much nobler his identity is than Ye Zhen.

The most important thing is that in this Beili Academy, there is a saint in the glazed fairy pavilion.

Everyone didn't believe it, and with Xiaoxue's strength, they couldn't detect it.

But since she knew it, she still did it.

Then there was only one reason, she didn't pay attention to the Liuli Immortal Pavilion at all, or in other words, it was all of them.

This made everyone look uneasy.

Feel extremely humiliated.

After all, which one of them in Beiyuan is not a famous figure, even if they are saints, they can't be so contemptuous of them, right?

It's a pity that Xiaoxue doesn't care what they think at all.

She swept her gaze and landed on Zhong Youqi and his party.

"Are you from the Zhong family?"

Xiaoxue opened her mouth slowly.

As soon as her voice came out, everyone in the Zhong family immediately felt a great pressure.

The three members of the Zhong family all retreated.

"Senior, we have no grievances or enmities with you..." Seeing Xiaoxue's cold eyes, Zhong Youqi couldn't help swallowing his saliva, and said bravely.

Xiaoxue didn't pay attention to the words, but continued to ask: "I heard that you are going to trouble my young master?"

"Your son?"

Hearing this, not only the Zhong family, but everyone was startled.

Xiaoxue didn't make a sound, but just glanced at Lin Tian.

Seeing this, Lin Tian grinned at everyone.

Just this smile.

But everyone laughed so hard.

"This guy actually let a saint call him son?" Someone couldn't help but gasped.

I have a new understanding of Lin Tian's identity.

"This guy, could he be the son of Emperor Wu..." Someone couldn't help but speculate, his face turned extremely ugly.

This time, they have hit the iron plate.

How can a sage, a person called "Young Master", have such a weak background?

If they dared to touch him, Xiaoxue in front of her would probably protect Lin Tian even if she tried her best.

"Miscalculation..." Ye Jiaqiang looked at each other, his face was not very good-looking, and finally understood why Xiaoxue didn't care about the reactions of the major forces, but also took action to protect Lin Tian, ​​and even fought.

This damn, according to his status, Lin Tian is still her master.

The master is suffering, can the subordinates watch it helplessly?
"Senior, misunderstanding, misunderstanding!"

After a brief absence, Zhong Youqi and the others turned pale with fright after turning around.

Their Zhong family is no better than the Ye family.

Although it is also a family of saints, the saints of their Zhong family have fallen thousands of years ago.

Today, only one title remains.

The strongest ancestor is just a sage.

With such strength, how could he offend a Good Fortune Martial Sect with a strong man in the holy realm? !


The Zhong family's begging for mercy came too late.

Some things, once done wrong, will never be undone.

"Since you think this is a misunderstanding, then let me misunderstand too..." Xiaoxue said lightly, and then the three real people of the Zhong family suddenly ignited fireworks like Ye Zhen's.

"Save me, save me!"

The three strong members of the Zhong family struggled hysterically, looking hopefully at Elder Chen and the others, expecting them to make a move.

It's a pity that Elder Chen and the others kept silent when they saw this scene.

First Ye Zhen, then the Zhong family.

In the middle, Elder Chen was shocked by the way.

Everyone has already seen that this mysterious saint from Good Fortune Martial Sect in front of them doesn't even know what 'scrupulousness' is.

At this time, if anyone provokes her, the fate will not be much better than that of Ye Zhen and the Zhong family.

So, even if the heart is angry.

At this time, no one dared to express any objection.

Everyone was silent.

 Gone tonight, good night everyone~
(End of this chapter)

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