Invincibility starts from awakening

Chapter 417 Ice and Snow Plain

Chapter 417 Ice and Snow Plain
Lin Tian and his party moved very fast.

The originally planned half a day was not used, and they came to the place where the ruins were unearthed before.

This is an endless snowfield.

Looking around, there is a vast expanse of whiteness, with no end in sight.

I don't know how many years these ice and snow have existed.

There was a piercing chill in the air.

Even the patriarchs of the Zhang family and Fuyong, who are strong in the Nirvana state, can't resist here, and only feel a chill in the upper body.

In the end, he could only mobilize the spiritual power in his body to function to keep out the cold.

The state directly fell by [-]%.

Not to mention others.

"It's really cold in this damn place..." Xiao Hei shivered as he stood on Lin Tian's shoulders with his wings curled up.

Chen Nuo wasn't much better either.

He kept standing still, kicking his feet.

The elders of Wu Zong urged the spiritual power in their bodies to resist the cold. Although those Wu Zong disciples followed suit, their cultivation was still too weak.

Pushing the spiritual energy in the body with all its strength, although it can play a role in keeping out the cold, it consumes too much.

In their state, they can't last long at all.

Zhang Ziyi, who is usually considered pampered, turned blue from the cold in just a short moment.

"It's so cold here..."

She couldn't help shivering.

Over the years, she has been running the Zhang family's business, and she has traveled far and wide, and has been to many places.

But this is the first time I have seen such a cold place.

"Of course it's cold. This place is buried with ten-thousand-year-old ice everywhere. Even though it's buried very deep, the cold air accumulated by them is not something ordinary people can resist."

Lin Tian glanced around and couldn't help chuckling.

"Xiaoyou Lin is talking about extremes. This is one of the deepest areas in the Northern Plains, with a radius of a million miles, and it's all desolate."

"Ice and snow have accumulated here for many years, and no one has destroyed it."

"After countless years, I don't know how many thousands of years of ice have been buried in the ground. Even people who practice the way of ice and snow dare not go deep into the ground."

The ancestor of the Zhang family shook his head and said.

Obviously, he also knows this area very well.

"Put up the tent first to resist the wind and snow, and regenerate the fire to warm the bar. The strong spirit wine can drive away the cold, and take a rest by the way."

Lin Tian commanded.

In such an environment, wine is a wonderful thing.

After hearing the words, everyone performed their duties.

Those who look for firewood look for firewood, and those who pitch tents pitch tents.

of course.

These things are all done by Wu Zong's disciples and Qin Feng. People like Lin Tian naturally don't need to do it themselves.

It didn't take long for the tent to be erected.

Surrounded in a pile, all the wind and snow blowing in all directions were blocked, and a bonfire was lit in the middle.

Although this area is full of snow.

Few trees are visible.

But for monks like them, it was not difficult to get some firewood back.

After all, they are not ordinary people.

Facing a tree, I can't bring it back.

As long as they find a tree, then this tree can be turned into dry wood.

The sky gradually darkened.

The bonfire reflected on everyone's flushed faces.

The smell of meat, wine, and fruit is everywhere.

Almost everyone carries these things with them, so it is not surprising to take them out at this time.

However, the most coveted one is Lin Tian.

The aroma of the wine is pleasant.


When people smell it, they will know that it is extraordinary.

And that meat, full of shocking power, just the aroma, made the spiritual power in everyone's body boil for a while.

However, these things are not something they can enjoy.

Even Chen Nuo, Xiao Hei, the elder Wu Zong and the ancestors of the Zhang family could only ask for some wine.

As for the barbecue, none of them dared to touch it.

I can only smell the aroma and swallow my saliva next to me.

Only Xiaoxue and Lin Tian dared to taste it.

Because this wine is the legendary keel wine, which is brewed from the keel of the dragon carp demon emperor and mixed with several kinds of holy medicine.

Ordinary people simply cannot bear the medicinal properties in it.

Even the ancestors of the Zhang family drank diluted wine, but even so, they still felt that their bodies were full of strength.

The old face flushed for a while.

And that meat was also left by the Dragon Carp Demon Emperor back then, collected by Xiaoxue and others, and has been preserved to this day.

Because of this kind of meat, few people dare to eat it.

Even Xiaoxue didn't dare to try it recklessly.

Because the power contained in the meat of the Dragon Carp Demon Emperor is too strong, she can only eat a little bit.

I can't bear more.

It can be said that Lin Tian was the only one who was able to taste these two things, like ordinary things on the spot, in a calm and breezy manner.

"This guy, isn't he a monster?"

Except for Xiaoxue and the others, the rest of the people looked at Lin Tian with weird eyes.

I don't know how he did it.

Could it be that you are not afraid that your body will explode?
It's a pity that Lin Tian didn't care about it at all, he just felt comfortable at this moment.

All the muscles and bones seemed to be dredged.

Dragon meat and keel, in a sense, are extremely precious medicinal materials.

For Lin Tian now, it is very nourishing.

Of course, he didn't really let go of eating.

After all, these things are aimed at the body, not the soul. Although his body is strong, it can't carry too much power.

Therefore, after eating a large piece of dragon meat, Lin Tian touched his [-]% full stomach, then stopped consciously, and then sat in front of the campfire, meditating and practicing, and began to digest this power.

Divide them finely and blend into every inch of muscle and bone.

The people present, more or less, have gained something tonight, so no one bothered Lin Tian.

After drinking and eating, he either seized the time to practice in front of the bonfire like Lin Tian, ​​or meditated in the tent.


Only the sound of howling wind and snow remained at night.

Over time.

The campfire dwindled and then went out.

Lin Tian and Xiaoxue, who were sitting cross-legged outside, were quietly covered with snow white.

There were even ice chips on the white beard of the ancestor of the Zhang family.

The sky slowly turned white.

The wind and rain all over the sky stopped because of this.

Everyone headed by Lin Tian almost opened their eyes at this moment.

They felt that the spiritual energy of the surrounding world seemed to be in chaos, as if something was pulling it.

It's just that this feeling is not too obvious.

Lin Tian's eyes narrowed slightly, he looked deeply into the distance, and murmured: "It seems that the ruins are about to be born..."

At this moment, a sound like a broken mirror suddenly came from the sky, and then, a strong breath came through the air.

All I saw was a pitch-black, gigantic black warship that looked like a gigantic kun, slowly emerging from the void.

A flag of ice and snow fluttered in the wind on the battleship.

Majestic and imposing.

(End of this chapter)

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