Invincibility starts from awakening

Chapter 419 Come down, die!

Chapter 419 Come down, die!

The powerhouse of Xuan Mingzong looked at Lin Tian and the others in shock and anger, never expecting that this group of people were so unscrupulous.

He even said to do it.

It's just too arrogant.

Are they not afraid of going to war?

The strong men of Xuanmingzong all had extremely ugly expressions on their faces.

The powerhouses of Frost Holy Land and Shuiyun Holy Land were also shocked, looking at Lin Tian and others in surprise.

According to their thoughts, even if there is a sage in charge of Good Fortune Martial Sect, in this North Plains, in their base camp, they should keep a low profile.

At most, everyone just chattered.

After all, their people were wronged at Beili Academy, and they can't even find some superficial things when they go outside, can they?

It was with this idea that the strong Xuanmingzong provoked Good Fortune Wuzong with a few words.

Who would have thought that this strong man of Good Fortune Martial Sect would be so violent.

A word of disagreement kills.

At this moment, the powerhouses of Frost Holy Land and Shuiyun Holy Land who were trying to find a place to come back could not help being dumbfounded.

They looked at each other from a distance, and looked at each other in blank dismay.

I don't even know what to do.

An atmosphere called embarrassment quietly spread in the hearts of everyone.

At this moment.

The void shattered again.

A cyan warship sailed out boldly and vigorously, just like the Frost Holy Land and the others, it was also so magnificent.

The big banner with the word "leaf" is even more eye-catching.

Hanging on the bow, flying in the wind.

In front of the big boat, stood two real people, followed by several young disciples of the Ye family.

Although not many.

But full of momentum.

It's just that when they first arrived here, they seemed to feel an extremely weird atmosphere.

This world...

It seemed a little too quiet.

"Cough, Ye Hong, I have met fellow Taoists." The older Ye family strongman coughed lightly and greeted his surroundings.

Speak out, breaking the awkward atmosphere at the moment.

The powerhouses of the Three Great Sacred Grounds nodded at him when they heard the words, but they didn't make a sound, their expressions were heavy.

Looks... not very interested.

In this regard, Ye Jiaqiang was very puzzled.

But soon, he discovered the reason why everyone was depressed.

"Are you... people from Good Fortune Martial Sect?" Ye Hong sensed Lin Tian's aura, lowered his head and swept away, his eyes narrowed.

"You don't have eyes, so you don't know how to see?" Chen Nuo murmured to the strong Ye family like a rascal in the market.

Hearing this, Ye Jiaqiang's face suddenly sank.

But soon, they found Xiaoxue who was standing beside her without any breath, but made them tremble with fear.

"It's the saint..."

The two real people of the Ye family looked at each other, their eyes trembling.

Immediately afterwards, Ye Hong cupped his hands towards Lin Tian and the others and said, "We have already passed on the heroic words you left in Beili Academy to the ancestors."

"The ancestor asked me to tell you that if he has a chance in the future, he will definitely go back to you, senior, and discuss it."

At the end, Ye Hong glanced at Xiaoxue.

Xiaoxue said disapprovingly: "Okay, I'm in Wuzong, waiting for the arrival of your Ye family patriarch."


Hearing this, Ye Hong nodded.

Then with a cold face, he commanded the younger generation of the Ye family, controlled the battleship, and turned in another direction.

They are not Xuanmingzong.

Not even that self-confidence.

After all, their Ye family already had four strong men, plus one Ye Qing, a total of five people died at the hands of Lin Tian and his party.

If the other party was afraid of them and afraid of going to war with his Ye family, this kind of thing would never have happened.

They're still pretty self-aware.

Knowing that I can't afford to offend a saint.

Therefore, after spreading the word, the Ye family strongman chose to avoid his sharp edge and stay away obediently.

After the Ye family left, one after another, another person came to this area.

Without exception, they are all famous forces in the Northern Plains.

Lin Tian also saw some familiar faces.

For example, the Wang family in Sky Snow City.

Lin Tian's gaze slowly narrowed. If he remembered correctly, among the people who surrounded and killed him that day, the ancestor of the Wang family was also among them, right?

The patriarch of the Wang family seemed to sense that someone was staring at him, and looked back suspiciously.

It happened to meet Lin Tian's emotionless eyes.


The patriarch of the Wang family suddenly had an ominous premonition. Just as he was about to approach the three holy places in Beiyuan and seek shelter, Lin Tian suddenly pointed at the remote control and said in an undeniable way: "Old dog , come down and die!"

Old dog, come down and die!
Lin Tian's voice resounded across the empty ice and snow plain in an instant.

Accompanied by the whistling of the wind and snow, it spread to everyone's ears.

Almost everyone couldn't help but look over.

The face of the ancestor of the Wang family suddenly became extremely ugly. If he was scolded by a junior like this, if he said he was not annoyed, it would be a lie.

But he didn't have the guts to talk back.

Therefore, the patriarch of the Wang family had no choice but to pretend not to see it, and walked towards the three holy places with his head down.

Seeing this, Lin Tian's eyes turned cold.

"Little Fuzi!" He shouted in a low voice.

When Fuyong heard the words, his gloomy face twitched, and there were 1 people who were unwilling to this title in his heart.

Especially in public, being called out by Lin Tian.

It made him feel very humiliated.

However, being depressed, Fuyong still walked out, nodded to Lin Tian, ​​and then walked quickly towards the ancestor of the Wang family.

Naturally, I understand what Lin Tian means.

At this time, the patriarch of the Wang family had already arrived in front of the Three Great Sacred Grounds, and had a conversation with the leaders of the Three Great Holy Lands this time.

The leaders of the three holy places frowned slightly after knowing what the ancestor of the Wang family meant, and couldn't help but glance at Lin Tian.

I saw a one-armed old man walking towards them slowly.

To be honest, they are actually not very willing to help the ancestors of the Wang family, because in this way, they are bound to stand on the opposite side of Good Fortune Martial Sect once again.

It's not that the three holy places are afraid of Lin Tian and others.

But now, on Lin Tian's side, there is Xiaoxue present.

They still vividly remember the previous events.

Therefore, naturally dare not make up your mind easily.

At this moment, Fuyong also came here. He ignored the powerhouses of the three holy places, looked at the ancestor of the Wang family expressionlessly, and said coldly: "My son, let you go and die."

Hearing this, the patriarch of the Wang family couldn't help being extremely angry, even the powerhouses of the Three Great Sacred Grounds were also very angry.

These people are too arrogant and arrogant, right?

Ask people in their presence.

Also, ignore them.

It simply didn't take them seriously.

"Fellow Taoist, this is the camp of my Three Great Holy Lands in Beiyuan. If you have nothing to do, please leave."

The strong man of Xuanmingzong immediately said coldly: "As for the grievances between you, it has nothing to do with us."

"If you want to fight or kill, please go out and don't do it here."

What he said was very ingenious.

First, he unceremoniously issued an order to expel Fuyong, but at the same time, he distanced himself from the ancestor of the Wang family.

It seems that they are not going to help the ancestors of the Wang family, and openly oppose Lin Tian and his party.

In fact, it was invisible to save the ancestors of the Wang family.

Because he only invited Fuyong out, not the ancestor of the Wang family.

That is to say, as long as the patriarch of the Wang family doesn't leave by himself, Fuyong can't touch him.

The powerhouses of Frost Holy Land and Shuiyun Holy Land looked at each other and nodded one after another, very satisfied with these words.

For a moment, the face of the ancestor of the Wang family.They couldn't help showing their complacency.

 I'm here tonight, I have a plaster on my neck, it's quite uncomfortable, good night everyone~
(End of this chapter)

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