Chapter 431
"In about two days, people from all major forces should be able to arrive, right?"

"At that time, we will work together, and there is no chance."

At this time, Qiu Qingcang spoke slowly to an indifferent young woman.

This is the leading disciple of Shuiyun Holy Land, Shuiyun Ruotong, and also a second-generation disciple of Shuiyun Holy Land.

And she is the eldest daughter of Shuiyun Liufeng, the Holy Lord of Shuiyun Holy Land.

Compared with Qiu Qingcang, his cultivation base is a little weaker, he only has four layers of divine fetus, but the cards in his hand are only a lot more.

If they really wanted to fight, it would be hard to say who would win the battle between the two.

"Then just wait, anyway, I've been waiting for so many days, and it's not too late." Next to him, another man with facial paralysis said so.

Like Qiu Qingcang and Shuiyun Ruotong, Leng Jianfeng, the paralyzed man, is also the second-generation disciple of Frost Holy Land, and is the leader of the group of three major disciples in front of him.

His cultivation base was about the same as that of Qiu Qingcang.

As for which hole cards are strong and which are weak, you will only know if you have played it, otherwise no one will know.

After all, you never know what kind of power a person can unleash until he is at the end of his life.

"Then let's do it first."

Qiu Qingcang nodded when he heard Leng Jianfeng's words, and said, "In the valley, there are six fierce beasts."

"At that time, each of our three holy lands will choose one end, and then you will be in charge of the other end at the Glazed Immortal Pavilion."

"The remaining two ends, how about you all work together to solve it?" Qiu Qingcang turned his head and looked at everyone and said.

"I have no objection to Liuli Xiange. If there is a chance, we will divide the remaining two people out to help everyone relieve pressure."

A woman in plain clothes and long skirt, holding a long sword, said lightly, still acting like a big boss.

Although she was not the leading disciple of the Liuli Xiange's team this time, she also expressed her position on behalf of the Liuli Xiange.

For their supercilious attitude, everyone couldn't help not feeling disgusted, but even happier in their hearts.

Because someone offered to help solve the danger, who would refuse?
As for them wanting to be big sisters, let them go, anyway, they won't lose their flesh.

never mind.

"Since there is no problem with the Liuli Immortal Pavilion, what about you?" Qiu Qingcang looked at the other forces in Beiyuan.

Although this group of people, except for a few forces, can be seen, the rest of them, in his eyes, are just a group of mobs.

But at this time, this group of rabble still has some effect.

At the very least, being able to be used as cannon fodder is not the case.

They don't need to solve it, as long as they can block the remaining two beasts and persist until they finish.

Then things will be settled.

Even if it is unstoppable in the end, at least they can buy some time for them to retreat, right?

Anyway, more people is not a bad thing.

"I am the Ye family, I have no objection."

The Ye family came out first and showed their attitude.
Their statement immediately received a group of people's support.

The rest of the people also appeared one after another.

Although some of them were unwilling to take the risk and were afraid of casualties, they had no choice but to agree to the temptation of the ancient inheritance.

Because, everyone knows that there is no free lunch in the world.

If they want to understand the inheritance, they must follow suit.

After all, no one wants to see that what he has worked so hard to get in exchange for his life is taken away by a group of guys who have no effort at all and eat and drink for nothing.

Time passed little by little.

All around the canyon, there is a tense atmosphere, as if a war is about to come.

The fierce beast in the canyon was also very embarrassed.

It seems to feel the crisis from outside.

In the past few days, he has been roaring angrily, as if to warn everyone.

A few times, Qiu Qingcang and others saw them, poking their heads at the mouth of the valley with cold eyes, as if they wanted to kill them.

Or want to escape.

But in the valley, there should be something that makes them stay together with their lives.

Therefore, even if the crisis is clearly felt.

They still refused to leave.

He even refused to leave the canyon for half a step, and stayed there all the time.

But they are more like this.

The interest of everyone present is getting stronger.

Because they really want to know what it is that can make the strength of the six heads infinitely close to that of a real person.

The ferocious beasts that have fully understood human nature are all guarding each other with their lives.

The time gradually froze on the third day.

On this day, almost all the disciples from various sects scattered outside found here.

It didn't come back, it didn't fall by accident, it was almost in trouble, and it was trapped somewhere.

"Inheritance, is it here?"

At this time, a group of beautiful women in plain clothes and long skirts with cold and arrogant expressions came from the sky.

All around, there are bursts of fragrance.

Everyone couldn't help but look over.

As the protagonist of Beiyuan, the large army of Liuli Xiange finally rushed over.

"Senior sister, why did you come here?"

The disciple of the Liuli Immortal Pavilion who arrived here first, immediately greeted her. It was clear that she sent a message a few days ago.

But until now, they have not appeared.

"I met a treasure land on the road, and I was delayed for some time."

Luo Yao, the leading disciple of the Liuli Immortal Pavilion, smiled, explained something casually, and then asked, "How is the situation now?"

The Liuli Immortal Pavilion disciple who arrived first immediately told Qiu Qingcang and the others about their plan.

"Let's deal with a beast of the Holy Emperor level..."

Hearing this, Luo Yao pondered for a moment, then nodded and said, "Okay, no problem."

Although a holy emperor-level fierce beast is extremely terrifying, it is comparable to several ordinary ninth-rank emperors, but they are not vegetarians at the Glazed Immortal Pavilion. A king-level disciple, not to mention comparable to an emperor, is not an ordinary emperor. Those who can be suppressed.

They have many means, and they have mastered the attack formation.

Once they joined forces, it would be no problem to form an formation to deal with a rank nine emperor.

Plus, a real treasure.

Even if they meet the ancient emperor, they still have the power to fight, and even the winning rate is not small.

Even so, Zhan Shenghuang is still a bit worse.

But don't forget, their Liuli Immortal Pavilion is not just a group of king-level disciples.

Luoyao, as the second generation disciple of Liuli Immortal Pavilion, naturally has no weaker cultivation than Qiu Qingcang and the others, and belongs to the existence with the strongest realm among all the people present. The God Embryo Realm, seventh level, is a high-level emperor.

The strength itself is not weak, and the real treasure is in hand.

It's not difficult to command the disciples of the Liuli Immortal Pavilion to fight a holy emperor-level beast with no means.

What's more, for their Liuli Immortal Pavilion, this time, not one second-generation disciple came, but three.

Only the real treasures brought four pieces.

Moreover, there is also hidden a big killer that no one knows about.

This handwriting, in the whole of China, few people can match.

So, they are full of confidence.

Although the lineup of the Three Great Sacred Lands is not as good as that of the Glazed Immortal Pavilion, it is not weak either. There are two second-generation disciples who have entered the God's Embryo Realm sitting in the command, plus at least two real treasures and other cards for protection. Not afraid of a holy emperor.

 Good night everyone~
(End of this chapter)

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