Invincibility starts from awakening

Chapter 434 The Terrified Su Bo

Chapter 434 The Terrified Su Bo

"Ha ha……"

Facing the approaching Chen Nuo, Su Bo was not only not afraid, but smiled instead.

So what about the top ten in the Tianjiao list?

The peak of the king, so what?

Here, is there anything else I can do to get him?
Su Bo laughed and looked at Chen Nuo contemptuously, thinking that he was a clown.

Knowing that he is bored now, come and find fun for him.

The rest of Xuan Mingzong also looked relaxed, and no one took Chen Nuo seriously.

See this scene.

Chen Nuo paused, and the corner of his mouth raised a strange arc.

Just as another second-generation disciple of Xuanmingzong impatiently prepared to take him down, Chen Nuo's figure moved again.

This time, it disappeared directly in front of everyone.

This scene surprised everyone.

"Is it the technique of void?"

Qiu Qingcang was astonished.

I remembered the information about Lin Tian.

Presumably, this Chen Nuo should also have cultivated the supernatural power of Lin Tian.

"Be careful."

Another second-generation disciple of Xuanmingzong finally didn't dare to relax any more, and immediately got up all spirits, looking around to prevent Chen Nuo from suddenly appearing and catching them by surprise.

Earlier, the Xuanmingzong disciples who were still laughing at Chen Nuo also fired their weapons nervously.

One by one is like the enemy in front of him.

This scene made Qiu Qingcang's expression uneasy.

I feel so ashamed.

To let one person force all of them to be so nervous.

Su Bo also looked nervous.

However, this tension did not last long.

He looked at the brothers and sisters who protected him in the middle, and his expression suddenly relaxed.


He has the protection of his brothers and sisters, so what is there to be afraid of?
Su Bo didn't believe that Chen Nuo, a king, could break through the blockade of so many people and hurt him in full view.

As for killing him...

Su Bo didn't even think about it.

Even if Chen Nuo really has the ability, he doesn't think Chen Nuo has the guts.

Unless, all the people who created Wuzong wanted to die.

Otherwise, killing him in front of everyone in front of everyone would not be slapping Xuanmingzong in the face, but pressing the faces of Xuanmingzong and his senior brother, Qiu Qingcang, in the face. The ground rubbed.

In any case, Qiu Qingcang and others will not sit back and watch such a thing happen.

Everyone is watching the development of the situation.

The thoughts in their hearts are actually almost the same as Su Bo.

They are not optimistic about Chen Nuo.

I don't think Chen Nuo can do anything.

At most, this is where he showed off his strength.

In the end, he still had to return without success and slap himself in the face.

At the moment when Su Bo was relaxed and completely relaxed, there was a wave in the void, and Chen Nuo's figure suddenly appeared behind him, and then quickly flashed past.

"you wanna die!!!"

Chen Nuo's figure was quickly captured by the vigilant Xuanmingzong disciples.

With angry faces on their faces, they shot one after another without saying a word.

All of a sudden, all kinds of supernatural powers rushed towards Chen Nuo, making people dazzled and unable to see clearly.

Just this moment.

Chen Nuo disappeared again.

Using the void, dodged the overwhelming magical attack.

When he appeared again, he had already come to Su Bo's side.

Showing up just now was just to attract the firepower of the tense Xuanmingzong group.

Now, the attacks that Xuanmingzong and his party were waiting for have all been tricked out by Chen Nuo. If they want to attack again, there will be more or less a buffer time, and this buffer time is Chen Nuo's best option. opportunity.

He didn't pause for a moment.

In a blink of an eye, he was in front of Su Bo.

At this time, Su Bo was no longer as relaxed as before.

When he saw Chen Nuo coming, he was full of panic. He never expected that Chen Nuo's movement was so weird, not only broke through layers of defenses, but also dodged the attacks of so many of them without any effort.

Just horrible.

A disciple of Xuanmingzong stepped forward and stood in front of Su Bo, trying to stop Chen Nuo.

But Chen Nuo didn't even look at it, and rushed towards him directly, knocking the man into the air, and then went straight to Su Bo, who had lost everyone's protection.

"You dare!"

At this time, Qiu Qingcang finally couldn't maintain his previous calm any longer, his face was full of shock and anger, he couldn't help but let out a sharp roar, then turned into a black streamer, and went straight to Chen Nuo.

Although it was impossible to stop Chen Nuo directly by rushing over at this time, he was able to force Chen Nuo to stop, that is to encircle Wei and save Zhao.

Therefore, Qiu Qingcang almost put all his strength into this attack.

Not to mention all his strength, but he also used [-]% to [-]%.

It is still an easy thing to kill a king.

As long as this Chen Nuo didn't want to die, he had to give up his original plan and meet him back.

If he went to kill Su Bo without hesitation, he would definitely die.

However, in this way, their Xuanmingzong did have the intention of bullying the few with the more, but right now, there is no other way to do this.

After all, Su Bo now represents more than just him.

It is also the face of his entire Xuanmingzong and his Qiu Qingcang.

Now, everyone can see why it happened.

If he was allowed to be killed by Chen Nuo in front of the crowd, where should he put the face of Xuanmingzong and Qiu Qingcang? !
Lin Tian's face didn't fluctuate at all when he saw Qiu Qingcang making a move.

He didn't even intend to stop him.

Still standing there with a calm expression on his face.

It was as if nothing could cause any waves in his heart.

This scene made everyone around him click their tongues, not knowing where his bewildered and calm self-confidence came from.

"Damn it, madman!"

The next moment, Qiu Qingcang, who thought Chen Nuo would turn back, couldn't help but cursed out.

Everyone around also looked away from Lin Tian, ​​and looked at Chen Nuo with astonishment on their faces.

No one expected that at this time, Chen Nuo had no intention of returning to defense.

Could it be, did he really have to kill Su Bo?

Everyone looked at Chen Nuo in disbelief.

I saw him approaching Su Bo like a ghost, his figure quickly enlarged in Su Bo's pupils, and a short dagger with a cold glow stabbed out from his hand.

"no, do not want!"

Su Bo trembled all over, his face was extremely pale.

"Fight back, idiot!!!" Another second-generation disciple of Xuanmingzong also killed him from behind. Seeing this scene, he was so angry that he felt dizzy.

He can guarantee that this is definitely the stupidest person he has ever seen, bar none!

If someone comes to kill you, even if you lose, you can't give up, right? !
If it wasn't for now, Su Bo would have to save himself.

Otherwise, even if Chen Nuo didn't kill Su Bo, he would want to kill this guy to vent his anger.

It's so stupid.

Stupid and unreasonable.

Qiu Qingcang was also furious, his eyes were full of annoyance.

But at this time, there was nothing he could do.

In the end, he could only vent his anger on Chen Nuo.

 Good night everyone~
(End of this chapter)

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