Invincibility starts from awakening

Chapter 441 Dare and Dare

Chapter 441 Dare and Dare
Although Lu Feng and the others didn't know what Lin Tian was waiting for.

But since Lin Tian spoke, they naturally didn't have much to say.

He could only stand behind Lin Tian and watch quietly.

"These bastards!!!"

Seeing the appearance of Lin Tian and others, everyone in Beiyuan couldn't help raising their brows angrily, wishing to get rid of the beast in front of them immediately, and shoot back the carbine, and cut Lin Tian, ​​a dishonest person like him, into pieces.

We agreed to shoot together.

The results of it?
They are fighting desperately here.

These bastards, but I sat on the sidelines and watched the show.

The most important thing is that they will enjoy their results later, and they can't refute it yet.

After all, the current opponent of Lin Tian and his party is that red bird.

And that vermilion bird did not have any influence on them so far.

Speaking of which, Lin Tian had indeed restrained it.

Luo Yao glanced at Lin Tian coldly, with some disappointment in her beautiful eyes, she felt that Lin Tian was too shameless to take advantage of such a juncture, such a man did not deserve the attention of her two junior sisters at all.

In Luo Yao's eyes, if Lin Tian kept his promise, he should take the initiative.

You shouldn't have waited for that vermilion bird to strike first.

After all, how strong is Zhu Niao, a creature that contains the blood of the divine bird Phoenix? No one knows exactly how strong it is. yes.

But Lin Tian and his party now, seeing that the vermilion bird didn't make a move, they wanted to take it easy.

This is simply too much.

What if that vermilion bird violently attacks?
What if someone is hurt and the plan is ruined?
For a moment, everyone felt serious regret in their hearts.

If I had known this earlier, I might as well have been outside and solved Lin Tian's scourge first.

No matter how bad it is, you have to drive them away.

Otherwise, it would not be the same as now, in a dilemma.

A situation that was clearly not bad, turned into a disadvantage.

"Before that Suzaku is still there, let's make a quick decision!" Luo Yao yelled softly, and directly gave the order to die, and the attack in her hand became more and more fierce.

Now, Lin Tian is unreliable.

They had no choice but to hurry up and deal with at least one beast first.

Guaranteed to have the ability to support before that vermilion bird attacked.

Otherwise, once the balance is broken.

But it is a very terrible thing.

Even Luo Yao couldn't guarantee that all the disciples of the Liuli Immortal Pavilion would be able to escape unscathed.

This is one of the reasons for her anger.

Because Lin Tian is now taking the lives of their Liuli Xiange disciples, joking and delaying.

"Lin Tian, ​​if you don't do anything today, after this matter is over, I will kill you!" A proud Ye family was accidentally injured by the crazy Wolf King who had begun to fight to the death and lost his head. An arm suddenly surged in his heart, and he blamed Lin Tian for this responsibility.

Although the rest of the people didn't speak, they looked at Lin Tian and his party with cold eyes.

"Threatening me?"

Lin Tian's eyes narrowed slightly, and then he suddenly said with a strange smile: "You said, if at this time, I turned my back and attacked you, what would happen?"

Hearing this, everyone's expressions changed.

The Ye Jiatianjiao who made the noise earlier shrank his pupils even more, and couldn't help shouting: "Lin Tian, ​​how dare you!!!"

"I dare?"

Lin Tian smiled when he heard the words, but didn't even look at it, just a magical power, and typed it out casually.

He used actions on the spot to prove that he dared to answer this question.

"Lin Tian, ​​you are courting death!!!"

Seeing this scene, Qiu Qingcang's face was ferocious, and his eyes were as ferocious as if he wanted to eat people.

The faces of the rest of the people also became ugly.

No one thought that Lin Tian would really dare to make a move.

And still at this juncture.

That Ye Family Tianjiao reacted promptly and dodged, but the wolf king behind him was not a fool, so he just seized this opportunity, blasted away the enemies in front, and then rushed towards him.

"don't want!!!"

When this Ye family's arrogant saw that claw that could break mountains and rubble at him, he was frightened out of his wits and his whole face turned pale.


Seeing this, the emperor of the Ye family shouted angrily, and slashed with his sword fiercely, wanting to rescue him.

In the end, he was ignored by the wolf king.

In an instant, that Ye family Tianjiao was photographed into blood.

Not the slightest surprise.

Although the sword of the young emperor of the Ye family also fell on the wolf king, it only left a hole in it, which is not considered a serious injury. In terms of its physique, it can still resist live.

As for the Ye family, they lost a young arrogance who was infinitely close to the emperor.

The young emperor of the Ye family looked at the shattered body of his brother, his heart was burning with anger, and his eyes suddenly swept towards Lin Tian, ​​with murderous intent.

"Give me a reason not to kill you!" He stared at Lin Tian coldly, gnashing his teeth.

"What reason do you want?"

Lin Tian took a disapproving look at the young Ye family emperor, and said lightly: "What I hate the most is that others question my courage. He thinks that I dare not kill him, so I proved it to him. Whether I dare or not, he also received my answer."

"If you want to stand up for him, you have to do it. Anyway, don't you always want to kill me in your heart? I, Lin Tian, ​​have never been afraid?" Speaking of this, Lin Tian looked at the young emperor of the Ye family with some disdain. With just one glance, he directly clarified the words, and was too lazy to make false claims with them.

Hearing this, the young emperor of the Ye family clenched his fists.

The eyes burst out with terrible murderous intent.


Of course you want to kill him.

But now, what would he kill?

Not to mention, there is Chen Nuo there, and it is not certain whether their Ye family can beat Good Fortune Martial Sect.

What's more, now they are in trouble.

If he turned around to deal with Lin Tian, ​​who would take care of the wolf king behind him?

"Lin Tian, ​​you are too overbearing!" At this moment, Luo Yao, who was dealing with the big black bull, also temporarily stopped, and temporarily handed over the battle to the disciples of the Liuli Immortal Pavilion. Turning her face around, Qiao's face was full of anger.

She stared at Lin Tian coldly, and said coldly: "If you don't want to help, just leave, why bother making trouble here?"

"make trouble?"

Lin Tian shook his head amusedly, and then said: "Why did I make trouble? You asked us Wu Zong to deal with a fierce beast alone, and Wu Zong agreed."

"And now, that ferocious beast hasn't affected you in any way, but you all want to find fault. Are you making trouble, or am I making trouble?"

"Or, do you think that I, Mr. Lin, are easy to bully?"

Speaking of this, Lin Tian couldn't help but looked up, and looked at Luo Yao with a sneer in his eyes.

Although this woman doesn't have too many other thoughts, he is very clear about the meaning of the Three Great Sacred Lands of Beiyuan and the Ye family... He knows that their Wuzong is now in decline, and their overall strength is not good, so they still have to let Wuzong To face a fierce beast alone.

Isn't this intentional, wanting them to die?
Since they have this heart, why can't they delay it?

(End of this chapter)

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