Invincibility starts from awakening

Chapter 448 Arrogant and ignorant Lin Tian?

Chapter 448 Arrogant and ignorant Lin Tian?
a long time.

The mysterious girl withdrew her gaze, a little shocked deep in her beautiful eyes.

She thought that there should be no one in this world, and she couldn't see through it anymore, but now, Lin Tian is standing there without using any means to hinder her, and she still can't see anything clearly from him.

Even strength is vague.

It seems that it only has the cultivation base of a king who has escaped from the mortal realm.

But in fact, from Lin Tian's body, she sensed the endless spiritual power like a vast ocean.

How strong it is, she doesn't know.

She only knows that such a strong spiritual power is definitely not something that a king who has escaped from the mortal realm can possess.

"who are you?"

The mysterious girl asked again.

"I am me, who else can I be?"

Lin Tian shook his head a little funny.

The mysterious girl was not in the mood to joke with him, she slowly said: "You know, what I want to ask is not this."

"But I think I'm already answering your question very seriously."

Lin Tian said disapprovingly.

The mysterious girl's eyes turned cold, and she said slowly: "Are you going to force me to take you down, and then force you to speak out?"

"If you think you have this ability, you can try it. I don't mind."

Lin Tian shrugged, with an indifferent expression on his face.

Seeing this scene, the mysterious girl's eyes narrowed slightly, and a terrifying aura burst out from her instantly.

An illusory divine phoenix soared into the sky and let out a long roar.


This divine phoenix with golden flames all over its body is not another creature, but the phantom of the undead divine phoenix. Now it appears in front of everyone, making everyone more convinced of the previous relationship between Lin Tian and this mysterious girl. talk.

She is indeed a descendant of the undead Phoenix family.

Even if they are not pure blood descendants.

But at least there is no small involvement.

"Take the initiative to provoke such an existence, is this guy looking for death?"

Luo Yao glanced at Lin Tian in amazement, this person was still as arrogant and defiant as ever, and at this moment, he dared to be so arrogant, he simply didn't know what to do.

Qiu Qingcang, Shuiyun Ruotong, and Leng Jianfeng sneered all over their faces.

I feel that Lin Tian is going farther and farther on the road to death.

If he didn't recognize the identity of this mysterious girl, it's fine to offend her, but he clearly knew it, and he knew it better than everyone present.

Under such circumstances, he dared to be so arrogant.

This kind of person is either really capable or stupid.

Qiu Qingcang and the others don't think that Lin Tian has any special abilities that are enough to deal with this mysterious girl in front of them, which makes them all fearful.

So, he's clearly the latter.

"This man, he wants to die with all his heart, and you can't stop him..."

Looking at this scene, the young emperor of the Ye family shook his head slightly, his eyes full of sarcasm.

"Chief Elder..." Faced with the pressure from the mysterious girl, Lu Feng and the others looked solemn, and sweat couldn't help but drip from the top of their heads, even Chen Nuo was no exception.

The string in my heart was tightened to the extreme at the moment when the mysterious girl's breath erupted.

Even though he knew that the person next to him was invincible, Chen Nuo couldn't help being nervous.

Because this mysterious girl from the Undead Divine Phoenix Clan really gave him too much pressure and impact, not only because of her strength, but also because of her incredible identity.

It can be said that no matter what the reason is, everyone present is not at peace at the moment.

The same is true for the mysterious girl herself.

There is only one exception.

That is Lin Tian.

Facing the mysterious girl who may explode at any time, Lin Tian smiled, his expression unchanged, and said lightly: "Hehe, yes, you are worthy of being a member of the Immortal Phoenix Clan. With this momentum alone, you can be as good as you are at the same level. Invincible."

"Even among real people, there are not many people who can be your opponent."

Hearing this, the mysterious girl remained silent.

Neither agree nor deny.

On the contrary, Qiu Qingcang couldn't help but let out a sneer, looked at Lin Tian with some disdain, and taunted: "I am a king, and I don't even know when I will be able to cultivate, and I dare to comment on this fairy Such an existence is simply incomprehensible."

"Ha ha……"

Facing Qiu Qingcang's ridicule, Lin Tian just smiled and didn't bother to pay attention.

Like this kind of frog in a well who thinks he can't do it, and everyone in the world can't do it, he has seen many times in the long years.

It's no surprise.

Arguing with such a person is really belittling your own IQ.

"But I want this canyon, you can't stop it."

Lin Tian changed the subject abruptly, pointed around and said.

Not to mention the mysterious girl, everyone was taken aback.

Without exception, they were all frightened by Lin Tian's words.

"This guy, could he be confused by the flames in the canyon?" Someone couldn't help but ask.

They are now very clear about the strength of the mysterious girl.

Even Luo Yao and the others lost the courage to fight again after knowing her identity.

But Lin Tian, ​​under such circumstances, said such words.

"It seems that he is really crazy."

Luo Yao couldn't help shaking her head.

Qiu Qingcang taunted there, he sneered and said: "He is not crazy, but stupid, does he really regard this place as the outside world? Do you think that with the backing of a saint, you can be unscrupulous?"

"We may still be afraid, but what is the existence of others? How can we be frightened by a saint?"

"Not to mention anything else, as long as her identity is exposed, the monster race will definitely boil, especially those top races with the blood of the phoenix will go crazy because of it. If she kills Lin Tian, ​​Good Fortune Martial Sect will If you dare to live or die, if you retaliate, I am afraid that in a few minutes, it will turn into a cloud of smoke and completely disappear in this world."

"After all, not everyone is afraid of Emperor Wu."

"Our Shenzhou is in decline, but it doesn't mean that other heavens are also in decline like us."

Hearing this, Shuiyun Ruotong and the others nodded one after another.

I agree with Qiu Qingcang's statement in my heart.

Everyone felt that Lin Tian's behavior was completely playing tricks.

Even if the mysterious girl in front of her didn't want to kill her today, she might not be able to help but want to kill if she was provoked again and again like this.

"Kill it, kill it, it's best to kill it all."

The Ye family's talents looked at this scene with cold eyes, and sneered in their hearts.


What puzzled everyone was that anger returned to anger, but the mysterious girl never took any action.

She stared at Lin Tian with cold eyes without saying a word.

For this ignorant young man, she is not as easy as everyone imagined. She can simply solve Lin Tian. In her eyes, Lin Tian is simply a dangerous person.

She couldn't see through it at all.

If she was present, who would make her too afraid to make a move.

Then there is only him.

 Good night everyone~
(End of this chapter)

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