Chapter 45

In the alchemy room, the breath was suppressed.

Bai Changfeng and Mi Lao were even more affected by the disaster. Even with the strength of the spiritual sea realm, they were frozen into half popsicles, shivering in the corner.

Even Yue Qingying couldn't help but feel a tightness in her chest.

Because An Lao's cultivation base is too strong, even if she deliberately avoids her, the remaining prestige is difficult for her to bear.

The bright moon behind Mr. An is the vision he cultivated when he was in the Vision Realm—the moon reflected in the nine heavens.

If it is said that the spiritual sea is the source of power for a practitioner, then visions are the innate supernatural powers of a practitioner, which can be used to attack powerful enemies.

The stronger the cultivation base, the stronger the vision.

It is rumored that when a person with a high cultivation level appears, the world will be amazed by it.

Although Mr. An didn't have that ability, his vision power was also very terrifying.

After all, the vision of 'the moon reflecting the nine heavens' was realized through their "Moon Mirroring Immortal Scripture" written by the Moon Reflecting Heavenly Palace.

Although this exercise is not a real immortal technique, it is a veritable emperor's scripture. It was created by their ancestors of Yingyue Tiangong, and it is a exercise left by a quasi-emperor.

With the help of such exercises, Anlao's strength has definitely doubled, surpassing many other powerhouses of the same level. Even if he crosses a level and fights with Xiao Hei, it is not impossible.

However, all of this is based on the assumption that Xiao Hei is just an ordinary demon king.

But in fact, is Xiao Hei really the Demon King?
Looking at Mr. An, who was so imposing and full of fighting spirit, a trace of disdain flashed in Xiao Hei's eyes.

If it met An Lao before meeting Lin Tian, ​​it might still feel troublesome.

After all, even though it is a roc, it doesn't have much of the means left behind by the Golden Winged roc. At best, it is only a little bit more powerful than ordinary demon kings.

But now, it has not only broken through to the God Embryo Realm, but also become the Demon Emperor.

And also practiced half of the Chaos Kunpeng method.

You know, this is the real method of the gods and beasts, and it is even higher than the ordinary emperor's scriptures. I am afraid that only the legendary fairy methods can compare with it.

Possessing such skills, even if he did not become the Demon Emperor, Xiao Hei was sure to completely crush the king from the Holy Land of China in front of him.

"You, dare to fight?!"

Before Xiao Hei could make a sound, An Lao took a step forward, with a terrifying aura, following this step, overwhelmingly pressed towards it, aggressive.


There was some sarcasm in Xiao Hei's eyes.

"Let me ask you, what do you use to fight me?!" Xiao Hei spread his wings, raised his head, and said sharply, the demon emperor's aura was only slightly revealed, and Old An was frightened and strode back.

"you you you……"

Elder An pointed at Xiao Hei, his face full of horror, he was speechless for a long time.

That ray of coercion from the soul made him tremble.

If it is said that Xiao Hei is just a peak demon king, even if his cultivation is perfect, he still has the courage to fight.

But the Demon Emperor...

Even the most ordinary demon emperor, he did not dare to provoke him.

Because between the king and the emperor, it is no longer a simple quantitative change, but a qualitative change.

The two are not at the same level at all.

"Now, do you still want to fight?"

Xiao Hei asked coldly.

Old An didn't dare to make a sound, and looked at Xiao Hei nervously.

Even in their Yingyue Tiangong, the emperor is the top powerhouse, definitely not an existence that he can provoke.

"As cowardly as you are, you dare to provoke our young master, hum!"

Seeing Elder An's frightened appearance, Xiao Hei gave him a disdainful look, and then snorted coldly, with the power of his soul, he rushed towards Elder An with this cold snort.

Although the spiritual consciousness of the Transcendence Realm is strong, it has not transformed into a divine soul after all, and cannot actively defend. Facing a spiritual attack like Xiao Hei, he is helpless at all. He can only defend passively, letting it blast into his mind.

I saw Mr. An's whole body trembling, and with a "poof", bright red blood flowed out from his seven orifices, his face became bloodless, his eyes were dull, and he seemed to be in a trance.

Yue Qingying couldn't help covering her mouth, watching this scene in shock, not knowing what happened.

All I know is that Xiao Hei moved a little bit, and Mr. An, who was extremely strong before, backed away as if he had seen a ghost.

Then, with Xiao Hei's cold snort, it became what it is now.

Mi Lao and Bai Changfeng also stared blankly at this scene, unable to understand what was going on.

Because Xiao Hei's aura is restrained very well, and its attack is only aimed at An Lao alone.

Therefore, except for Lin Tian, ​​no one knew what happened.

All I knew was that Mr. An, who was supposed to have the upper hand, suddenly became sluggish, as if he had been seriously injured.

And the crow at the level of the 'demon king' seemed to have defeated him with just a few words.

"Is this a battle between kings? It really is terrifying..."

Bai Changfeng muttered to himself, feeling very uneasy.

Mi Lao who was next to him also nodded, and said seriously: "When kings confront each other, every word and action hides murderous intentions. If you are not careful, you will be severely injured. Such a method is beyond my comprehension..."

"Old An..."

Yue Qingying looked at Elder An who was in a trance, and called out with some worry.

Hearing her voice, Elder An gradually calmed down.

He took a deep breath, suppressed the stabbing pain in his mind, and immediately growled towards Yue Qingying: "Your Highness, I will hold them back, you hurry, they are very dangerous."

Yue Qingying was at a loss when she heard the words.

"What's the danger? I don't eat people."

Lin Tian glanced at An Lao lightly, and then said with some dissatisfaction: "Now you saints are mine, if you talk nonsense here again, believe it or not, I will let this crow eat you. "

Hearing this, Elder An looked at Xiao Hei who was smirking at him, and couldn't help shrinking his neck, feeling very afraid in his heart.

But when he thought that Lin Tian was going to take Yue Qingying away, Mr. An couldn't help being anxious again.

This is their Saintess from the Moon Reflecting Heavenly Palace.

With that 'crow' at the demon emperor level, if Lin Tian wanted to do something to Yue Qingying, she might not even have the chance to resist.

After all, in front of a demon emperor, no matter how strong Yue Qingying's talent is, it will not help.

The gap between the three realms cannot be filled by any genius.

"Your Excellency, although you are strong, this one is a saint from the Moon Reflection Palace. If you forcefully take her away like this, you are making an enemy of our Moon Reflection Palace!!!"

Elder An took a deep breath, bit the bullet, and said in a deep voice.

At this moment, he can only rely on the title of 'Yingyue Tiangong' to scare Lin Tian and the others away.

After all, as a sacred place that has been passed down for more than 2 years in China, Yingyue Tiangong still has a very strong background. There are many emperors sitting in it, and they have a lot of face in China.

Even the emperor would never dare to easily become an enemy to them.

It's a pity that what An Lao met today was not an ordinary emperor, but Lin Tian.

For Lin Tian, ​​there are few things in this world that can make him feel afraid.

"This old man is very noisy, Xiao Hei, let him lie down for a few years."

Lin Tian waved his hand and said impatiently.

 PS: Please recommend~

(End of this chapter)

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