Invincibility starts from awakening

Chapter 456 Weird Movement Technique

Chapter 456 Weird Movement Technique

Luo Yao crossed her arms and watched the scene playfully.

In this regard, I am very happy to hear and see.

Not to mention Leng Jianfeng and Shuiyun Ruotong, when he was outside, Lin Tian had already offended their three holy places one by one, not to mention what he did in the canyon before.

Even Luo Yao wanted to hack him to death.

It was only due to the situation that he finally stood on his side.

Otherwise, as early as in the canyon, they had already started to kill Lin Tian together, how could they let him come here.

However, it doesn't seem too late to kill him now.

Just to plunder, these days, the resources they have collected in this world.

Take it as the interest of saving Lin Tian's life until now.

"You want to do it too?"

Seeing the two approaching, Lin Tian frowned slightly.

Leng Jianfeng and Shuiyun Ruotong didn't speak, they stood between Qiu Qingcang and Ye Kai, stood side by side with them, and told Lin Tian with their behavior, their decision, they still like this kind of thing that takes advantage of the fire and makes people fall into trouble. made.

"A group of people looking for death!"

Seeing this scene, a trace of sarcasm flashed in Chen Nuo's eyes, and he couldn't help laughing.

Who is Lin Tian.

I'm afraid there is no one who knows better than him.

This is a peerless fierce man who once shocked the nine heavens and crushed no one dared to call himself emperor. Not long ago, with his own power, he shattered the ancient mine of the sky and sank the entire Tianshi world.

Even if Immortal Emperor Changsheng is alive, it's hard to say who is stronger and who is weaker.

These people came to provoke him, isn't this the old birthday star who eats arsenic and thinks his life is too long?
It's a pity that Ye Kai and others don't know all this.

In their eyes, Lin Tian is nothing more than a somewhat powerful King of the Transcendence Realm.

Even among the three generations of disciples, they can be kings and hegemons.

But in their eyes, it is still not enough.

It's not even as threatening as Chen Nuolai's.

So, they didn't care at all.

"When you are about to die, you still dare to speak out without shame. You really don't know how to live or die."

Ye Kai shook his head, glanced at Chen Nuo sarcastically, and then pointed his sword at Lin Tian, ​​"Have you figured out how to die?"

Seeing this, Lin Tian shook his head slightly.

"I didn't think about it? Forget it, let me chop you into meat, it can be regarded as revenge for the children of the Ye family, for my brother Ye Qing, and save your time in making coffins, and go underground , remember to thank me."

Ye Kai sneered to himself, walking towards Lin Tian while talking.

Not long after, he came to Lin Tian.

At this time, his last sentence also fell.

At this moment, the Qinglian sword in Ye Kai's hand also came out of its sheath.

The cold light flashed past everyone's eyes and went straight to Lin Tian.

Fast and accurate, he took Lin Tian's head straight.

All movements are so smooth and flowing.

From his chanting, to Lin Tian's presence, and finally to the shot, there was no pause in the middle.

Although Ye Kai didn't expect this blow to directly kill Lin Tian, ​​after all there was Chen Nuo there, he couldn't just sit idly by, but this sword, Ye Kai still showed enough momentum.

It can be described as a very severe sword.

If Lin Tian is not strong enough, or Chen Nuo is slow to react.

Perhaps, with one blow, Lin Tian will stay here forever.

However, such an assumption is not quite tenable.

After all, everyone has witnessed Chen Nuo's strength with their own eyes, and he definitely has the qualifications to be included in the Heavenly Dao Ranking.

If Ye Kai wanted to kill someone in his hands, it would be as difficult as heaven.

Therefore, everyone did not have any hope for this sword.

Just when everyone thought that Chen Nuo would make a move, he chose to stand by and stand behind Lin Tian, ​​about a foot away, and pulled Lu Feng and the others who were standing in front of Lin Tian. return.

This operation made everyone's faces full of shock and doubt.

No one knows what he is doing.

"This guy, isn't he crazy?"

Luo Yao frowned slightly, and looked at Chen Nuo in disbelief.

But at this time, they didn't give them time to think too much.

After Chen Nuo made this series of actions, Ye Kai's sword also came to Lin Tian's neck, without accident, as everyone expected, it cut through his neck.


Someone watched this scene and couldn't help but gasped.

Subconsciously turned his head away, unable to bear to look.

I was afraid that in the next scene, I saw a headless corpse with a terrifying appearance spurting blood.

"not dead?"

As the one who made the move, Ye Kai frowned slightly.

He still knows his own strength very well.

Although my own sword is extremely sharp, it is not so strong that passing through the body of a king is like cutting through the air without any feeling.

At the moment when Ye Kai was stunned.

Lin Tian in front of him gradually became relaxed.

Then become transparent.

The next moment, I don't know how many people couldn't help being uproarious, looking at Ye Kai's back, and exclaimed: "He is not dead, just afterimage!!!"

Ye Kai looked back.

I saw that Lin Tian, ​​who was supposed to be in front of him before, had arrived behind him at some point.

Just like a teleportation.


"how did you do it?"

Ye Kai stared at Lin Tian, ​​and asked in disbelief.

The expression on his face gradually became serious.

Never dare to underestimate Lin Tian again.

The same goes for Qiu Qingcang and others.

His expression gradually became serious.

"This kind of method is too scary." Even Qin Feng was frightened by Lin Tian's weird and unpredictable body skills, and he kept stroking his chest, fearing that his heart would not help but jump out. .

Because the scene just now was really scary.

At the moment when Ye Kai's sword fell, even he almost thought that Lin Tian would surely die.

Who would have thought that Lin Tian had already escaped.

But what remained there was his afterimage.

The most important thing is that no one has been able to find out yet.

This is the most terrifying thing.

Even Luo Yao's complexion couldn't help but change.

"This son, must not stay!"

Qiu Qingcang, Leng Jianfeng and Shuiyun Ruotong looked at each other fiercely.

The three of them tacitly agreed, and in an instant, they reached a unified agreement.

There is no way, Lin Tian's weird method has already made them feel uneasy in their hearts, but the hatred between them has already been forged, and it can be said that it is not an exaggeration to say that it is a bloody feud.

Reconciliation was clearly impossible.

Therefore, they can no longer let people like Lin Tian continue to grow.

Otherwise, you are digging your own grave.

Sooner or later, they will fall into it themselves.

So, no matter what, they will kill Lin Tian.

To kill this talented existence who might be able to dominate the three generations of disciples.

 Today's update is here, and there will be an update at around [-]:[-] noon tomorrow~
(End of this chapter)

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