Invincibility starts from awakening

Chapter 462 Talk about conditions?

Chapter 462 Talk about conditions? (sixth more)

"Let me go, please, let me go, as long as you are willing to let me go, I am willing to treat you like a horse, and I promise, what happened here, as well as the previous things, will be wiped out. I, Ye Family, I will never trouble you again, I just ask you to let me go!"

Ye Kai rolled over and crawled towards Lin Tian, ​​with a miserable look on his face.

That distorted face is unbearable to look at.

If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, no one would have dared to imagine that the person in front of him would be No.1, the second-generation disciple who came out of the well-known Beiyuan Ye family.

"Sorry, treat me like a cow and a horse, you don't have the qualifications yet."

"And, now, you seem to have one more thing that you haven't figured out, the things between you and me, and between them and me, and the things that are not finished after you finish talking, but I have to finish talking. It's over."

Lin Tian shook his head. Speaking of this, he deliberately glanced at Qiu Qingcang and the others. The meaning in the words was self-evident.

Seeing this, Qiu Qingcang, Leng Jianfeng and Shuiyun Ruotong had ugly faces.

"Lin Tian, ​​don't go too far. Even if you have the ability to kill us, what will happen after you get out? I can guarantee that you, the saint of the Wuzong of Good Fortune, can never guarantee your safety. If this is the case, why don't we take a step back? how?"

Qiu Qingcang took a deep breath, and then tentatively said in a negotiating tone.

At this time, he no longer had the arrogance and arrogance he had before, and his posture was very low.

Leng Jianfeng and Shuiyun Ruotong also spoke one after another: "Lin Tian, ​​there may be some misunderstandings between us, but it has not reached the point where it is irretrievable. What Qing Cang said is right, why don't we take a step back each? All good, how are you?"

"If you feel that you are not venting enough, we can help you solve the Ye family."

Having said that, Shuiyun Ruotong looked at Ye Kai who was howling, with killing intent in his eyes.

If the Ye family can be used as a price in exchange for her own safety, Shuiyun Ruotong is still willing to do this business. As for after going out, the Ye family may hate her, but so what?

She is not afraid of the Ye family.

And the mastermind behind all this is Lin Tian.

Maybe, when the time comes, the Ye family will not only dare not bear any grudges against her, but will even send someone to beg them Shui Yunsheng to end.

Otherwise, relying on them alone, it is not enough to look at a Good Fortune Martial Sect with a saint and strong man in charge.

"What a ruthless woman..."

Qiu Qingcang and Leng Jianfeng had serious expressions on their faces. Even they didn't expect that Shuiyun Ruotong would do such a thing and sell Ye Kai directly, let alone others.

However, they did not comment on this.

The two looked at each other while remaining silent.

As the saying goes, non-toxic and non-husband.

If it is really possible to use the lives of Ye Kai and the disciples of the Ye family in exchange for Lin Tian to stop, they don't mind making a move.

"You woman, you are so poisonous!!!"

When Ye Kai heard this, he vomited blood angrily on the spot, rolled on the ground, stared at Shuiyun Ruotong with resentment in his eyes, grinned grinningly and said, "But don't worry, it won't be long before you Come down with me."

"I believe that even if you kill all of our Ye family today, Lin Tian will not let you go, hahahahaha..." At the end, Ye Kai laughed wildly.

The figure is also in the flames, gradually illusory.

Those bloodshot teeth were reflected in everyone's eyes, and they were particularly conspicuous.

Everyone can't help but be silent.


Ye Kai's figure completely disappeared in this world.

But the maniacal laughter he uttered at the end still lingers in everyone's hearts.

There was silence all around.

Qiu Qingcang and the others were silent.

Good half sound.

Shuiyun Ruotong said again: "Lin Tian, ​​what do you think of my proposal?"

Seeing Shuiyun Ruotong bring up the old story again, the leaderless members of the Ye Family Tianjiao seemed to be determined to take them to appease Lin Tian's anger, and they couldn't help glaring.

It's just a pity that Shuiyun Ruotong didn't pay attention to them at all.

In her heart, people from the Ye family, including Ye Kai, may be just a tool, and they can be thrown away when they are no longer needed.

And if you throw away this tool, you can save your life.

She wouldn't even hesitate.

However, what is even more regrettable is that Lin Tian is not interested in Shuiyun Ruotong's proposal.

Because in Lin Tian's eyes, they are no different from dead people.

And the dead are not qualified to negotiate terms.

What they have to do now is to become dead.

As for what Lin Tian has to do, it is to help them complete this process.

"I don't think so..." Lin Tian shrugged his shoulders, then waved his hand, and the invisible fire of Nirvana instantly ignited on each of the Ye family's children, and the weaker ones were evaporated on the spot.

There are a few left, not as long as Ye Kai persisted.

After a scream, it disappeared into the world.

Not even qualified to struggle.

At this scene, the hearts of everyone who watched were terrified.

I only felt a burst of cold air, rising from the soles of the feet to the sky, and then to the Tianling Gai, which made people shudder.


It's terrifying.

This weird method is simply impossible to guard against.

Even Ye Kai, who had reached the Divine Embryo Realm, was turned into nothingness by Lin Tian's strange means.

Luo Yao looked at this scene with a solemn expression.

Lin Tian was able to kill Ye Kai so easily.

Then if you want to kill her, I'm afraid it won't be too difficult.

After all, without using all kinds of special hole cards, Luo Yao dare not say how much stronger she can be than Ye Kai, and Ye Kai only resisted Lin Tian's weird and unpredictable methods a little bit. Just a little time.

If it were her, the best result would probably be to struggle a bit more.

"Look, I can still kill them all without you taking action. If that's the case, why should I sell your favor? Or, do you think that the price of one action can be exchanged for my own life?"

Lin Tian spread his hands, and at the end, he couldn't help flashing a trace of sarcasm on his face, a group of self-righteous guys, if you don't make a move, he really thinks that he is invincible.

When death was imminent, he didn't even think about begging for mercy.

Instead, I want to negotiate terms with him.

I don't know where the confidence comes from.

Is it the sect behind it?
How stupid.

Those who don't know, think they are the existence from the world's number one force, everyone wants to save face.

"Let's stop talking nonsense, now there are two choices, before you, either, you cut yourselves, I will give you a happy, or, I will do it myself, just like sending the guys from the Ye family. Send to hell, you choose."

Lin Tian ignored the ugly faces of the three of Qiu Qingcang, stood with his hands behind his back, looked down at them from a high position, and said lightly.

(End of this chapter)

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