Invincibility starts from awakening

Chapter 464 Ridiculous self-esteem

Chapter 464 Ridiculous self-esteem (eighth more)

Looking at death, getting closer and closer, Qiu Qingcang and the others shrank their pupils sharply, and a trace of despair flashed in their eyes.

"Do not--"

Qiu Qingcang, Shuiyun Ruotong, and Leng Jianfeng saw the people in front of them shattered, and felt a wave-like force coming towards them. They couldn't help but yell.

The despair at this moment is simply indescribable.

Unfortunately, this power will not stop with their voices.

Terrible space power swept across.

In an instant.

The figures of the three shattered above the river.

At the last moment, a trace of remorse flashed across their faces, and they began to regret that they had become enemies with Lin Tian.

It's just a pity that there is no medicine for regret in the world.

From now on, there will be no more Qiu Qingcang...

In all directions, there was an instant silence.

Only the muffled thunder from the sky remained, lingering in everyone's ears.

They stared blankly, beside the big river in front of them, the area with nothing but swaying green grass had been so frightened that they could not speak, from Qiu Qingcang and others started to flee, to Lin Tian shot.

And then to the end.

All of this is just a few short breaths.

The three holy places that can be headed by Qiu Qingcang and others were completely wiped out here.

Not a single person remained.

Even the corpses were shattered along with the space.

Buried in the void.

There was no trace of blood left in the entire area.

It's as if they just disappeared out of nowhere instead of dying.

But unfortunately, the more so.

The more frightening it is.

The most frightening thing is the silent death.

Because you don't know when it will come.

"Now, only you are left..."

Looking at the quiet world, Lin Tian turned his eyes slightly and landed on the mysterious girl.

that moment.

The mysterious girl immediately felt great pressure.

But in the end, she still didn't back down.

Instead, he chose to raise his head proudly and look directly at Lin Tian.

Even though she vaguely knew in her heart that she might die because of this, she still raised her head.

She is the only bloodline of the Immortal Phoenix Clan.

She is also the younger sister of Immortal Emperor Changsheng.

In ancient times, she was honored as Princess of the Divine Phoenix.

Even now, the Immortal Emperor has passed away.

The undead phoenix clan was also almost completely wiped out.

But her pride is still indelible.

Because she represents not only herself, but also the Undead Phoenix Clan, and... Immortal Emperor Longevity.

no matter what.

She can't bow to anyone.

Even if you know it's death, it's the same.

That stubborn look, it seems, does not have a flavor.

The beauty is a little distressing.

"Hehe, you are quite proud..." Lin Tian couldn't help shaking his head when he saw this scene, but in his heart, he didn't feel moved because of this, because in his eyes, anyone who dared to attack him would be There has to be a price to pay.

"It's a pity, the lineage of the immortal phoenix may never be seen again in the future..." Lin Tian glanced back at the thunder that was churning in the dark clouds, then turned his face, looked at the mysterious girl, and shook his head.

"Even the shattering of heaven and earth did not completely wipe out my family. It has been preserved in ancient times. I don't know if you want my family to disappear." The mysterious girl said coldly.

Even if he knows himself, he may not be as good as Lin Tian now.

But in terms of momentum, she was still unwilling to admit defeat.

It's like she doesn't want to back off.

"Boring pride..."

Seeing this scene, Lin Tian curled his lips in disdain.

As a person who has lived from a long time ago, he knows what is useful and what is useless. In the face of a crisis, nothing is more important than saving his own life.

Only by being alive can there be infinite possibilities.


No matter how honorably you died.

Or, how tragic.

Still can not change, you are a loser ending.

Even if you end up with your name left in history and become famous, you still can't laugh at the existence that beheaded you and survived to the end.

Even in the history books, you have to be the same, you have to live in the shadow of the winner.

Therefore, in Lin Tian's eyes.

Self-esteem and pride are often the most useless things.

In the case of insufficient strength, these two things are often the key to death.

And the strong don't need this thing at all.

As long as he is strong enough.

He himself is proud.

He himself is self-esteem.

No one dared to provoke, let alone offend.

For example, back then, Lin Tian walked in the heavens and the universe, who would dare to offend, and who would dare to provoke him?For all the enemies, he just honestly found a place and hid them, and he didn't need to do anything at all.

And the behavior of the mysterious girl, in Lin Tian's eyes, is purely looking for death.

Even if in the end, she saved the pride of their Immortal Phoenix Clan and the face of Immortal Emperor Changsheng, so what?To die is to die, and there is nothing left.

At this moment, she died proudly.

But she also died with the hope of their immortal phoenix clan and the hope of immortal emperor.

From now on, there will be no immortal phoenix in this world.

There is no longer the Immortal Sect of Longevity.

Their last fire will all die together because of the girl's death.

"I didn't expect that Changsheng, that old and immortal guy, spent so much energy, in the end, he actually cultivated such a fool as you. If this is the case, let me bury you and your pride, so that after you go out, you will be given to me." Longevity is shameful, embarrassing to your ancestors of the Immortal Phoenix Clan."

Lin Tian shook his head in disappointment, then pointed at the mysterious girl.

At that moment, the world paled.

The mysterious girl's complexion changed drastically.

Standing next to her, Zhu Niao, who had the blood of the sub-divine beast, immediately burned his own blood when seeing this scene, and rushed to the front like crazy, trying to block Lin Tian's blow.

It's a pity that all of it is just a waste of effort.

It doesn't work at all.

Not even for a second.

In the blink of an eye, it was pierced by Lin Tian's finger.

The divine light pointed directly at the eyebrows of the mysterious girl.

Feeling the terrifying killing intent in this divine light, the mysterious girl's pretty face turned pale for a while, and she couldn't help closing her eyes. Finally, a trace of fear flashed through her heart. This has nothing to do with her courage, but the nature of any living being. .

As long as there is spiritual intelligence, there are very few people who are not afraid at all before death.

Otherwise, there wouldn't be so many surviving strong men in this world.

After all, being alive is a beautiful thing.

Can live, almost no one wants to die.

Of course, there are exceptions for those who have lived enough.

Just like Lin Tian, ​​he has lived to the point of boredom.

If it wasn't for finding the mystery of true eternal life for everyone to work together, he might have given up on his own when the Heavenly Dao collapsed last time...

(End of this chapter)

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