Chapter 47
When Bai Changfeng and Xiao Hei heard Yue Qingying's words, they nodded in agreement. In their eyes, if they don't regret giving up a person like Lin Tian, ​​then there is no regret.

"Okay, don't bother with this for now."

Lin Tian shook his head, he didn't seem to care about this matter, and ordered lightly: "Bai Lao, go and get the medicinal materials I want you to prepare."

"Okay okay."

Bai Changfeng quickly responded, and then quickly walked to the counter where the pills were sold, and asked the maids in charge here to bring the elixir he wanted, and then asked them to prepare ten more.

Regardless of whether Lin Tian needs it or not, at least this intention must be there.

He had offended Lin Tian before, if he didn't save him now, he would have no chance if he got out of here.

While Bai Changfeng was waiting anxiously and kept urging the maid to hurry up, someone couldn't help but came to him, looked in the direction of Yue Qingying, and asked in a low voice: "Master Bai, the two people who came with you , is it Miss Su and the young master from the imperial city?"

"Miss Su?"

When Bai Changfeng heard this, a look of disdain flashed across his face.

That Miss Su is a genius. It is rumored that at the age of 16, she is only one step away from entering the Spirit Sea Realm.

But compared to Yue Qingying, it's not enough.

This is true regardless of background or talent.

"That's not Miss Su, but the Miss of our auction house."

Bai Changfeng said indifferently, he didn't want to get too close to these people who laughed at Lin Tian.

Hearing this, the man was stunned.

It turned out that she was the eldest lady of the auction house with a mysterious background. No wonder Bai Changfeng treated them so respectfully.

However, although this person was very curious about Yue Qingying, he could tell that Bai Changfeng was not very interested at the moment, so he didn't dare to disturb him and left angrily.

Under Bai Changfeng's urging, the maid of the auction house quickly prepared the medicinal ingredients of twenty condensing qi pills, and then several people carried them, followed him, and came to Lin Tian.

"Mr. Lin, the medicinal materials are ready for you. Look..."


Lin Tian glanced at the jade boxes piled up in front of him, and couldn't help shouting to Yue Qingying.


There was some doubt in Yue Qingying's eyes, and she looked at Lin Tian puzzled.

"What are you still doing? Put it away."

Lin Tian frowned, and urged ferociously, this girl, isn't she too blind?

Under the veil of Yue Qingying, that exquisite and pretty face was flushed, her beautiful eyes bulged, and she glared at Lin Tian angrily.

This guy really doesn't know how to pity her and treat her like a maid, it's really disgusting.

Yue Qingying angrily put all these jade boxes into her spiritual treasure, and then stood beside her with a cold face, very angry in her heart.

"Let's go when you're done, what are you still doing here?"

Lin Tian looked at Yue Qingying with some amusement.

Yue Qingying remained silent, but the cold air on her body that was not close to strangers made everyone understand that she was very angry at the moment.

Bai Changfeng looked at this scene with a strange expression on his face.

Originally, he thought that Lin Tian wanted Yue Qingying to be his maid because he liked her beauty.

Now it seems that this guy really treats Yue Qingying as a maid.

"Master Lin, I'll see you off."

Seeing that Lin Tian was about to leave, Bai Changfeng said hastily.

But Lin Tian didn't want to deal with him, so he waved his hand.

Seeing this, Bai Changfeng didn't dare to take a step forward even if he wanted to please him, so he had to give up and stop helplessly, watching Lin Tian and Yue Qingying disappear from sight.

After leaving the auction house, Lin Tian didn't go to any Tianyun inn. He found an inn near the auction house and stayed there.

As for the money, Yue Qingying paid of course.

Thinking of this, Yue Qingying couldn't help feeling angry.

She had never seen that a thick-skinned person like Lin Tian even asked her, a weak woman, to pay for the rent. It was too much.

"Why are you staring at me? Hurry up and take out my pill furnace."

Lin Tian would not be used to Yue Qingying, and urged impatiently that a maid should look like a maid.


With a face full of disgust, Yue Qingying threw the rusty alchemy stove and the medicinal materials Lin Tian took out from the auction house to Lin Tian.

"Yo, you're not short tempered."

Lin Tian said amusedly, then picked up the rusty alchemy furnace, and said: "Xiao Hei, cut off the breath of this house for me."

Xiao Hei nodded, and with a thought, the whole room was enveloped by a layer of aura, no matter what happened inside, the outside would not be aware of it.

Yue Qingying took two steps back with some fear, and looked at Lin Tian in surprise. Isn't it just making a pill, why should the whole room be sealed off?

"Don't worry, I still don't like you yellow-haired girl, don't add drama to yourself."

Seeing Yue Qingying's actions, Lin Tian couldn't help but said.

Yue Qingying's pretty face flushed red when she heard the words, and she clenched her fists.

If it wasn't for Xiao Hei's sake, she would definitely rush to fight Lin Tian desperately.

Lin Tian didn't have the heart to pay attention to Yue Qingying who was gnashing his teeth. He gently held the rusty pill stove in his hand, his eyes nostalgic, as if looking at an old partner.

"After sleeping for so long, it's time to wake up..."

Lin Tian sighed lightly.

Yue Qingying looked at him strangely, and felt that Lin Tian's mind was a little abnormal at the moment.

Even this alchemy furnace used to be a psychic alchemy furnace, but now it is damaged, and the divinity and spirituality are almost completely destroyed.

This guy, doesn't he think that he can revive this broken psychic pill furnace with a single word?
As soon as Yue Qingying thought of this, the rusty pill furnace suddenly buzzed and vibrated.

"Really recovered?"

Yue Qingying's eyes widened, her pretty face was full of shock.

Lin Tian didn't answer her words, his eyes remained on the alchemy furnace, and he murmured softly: "It's time for you to regain your own glory after being silent for millions of years, Wan Xing..."

'Wanxing' is the name of this alchemy furnace.

Because most of the materials used to build it are taken from the stars in the sky.

As if hearing Lin Tian's call, Wan Xing's sleeping consciousness gradually woke up, and the pill furnace vibrated, as if seeing a relative, cheering for joy.

The monstrous fragrance of pills emanated from the pill furnace, and even a demon emperor like Xiao Hei couldn't help being immersed in it. Every time he took a sip, he could feel that his spiritual power became more concentrated.

You know, at its level, it takes countless years of accumulation to improve every point.

But now, after just two breaths, Xiao Hei feels that his cultivation has grown stronger than before, even after several months of cultivation.

Yue Qingying's cultivation was even more like that of a roc, soaring upwards.

The boiling spiritual power quickly condensed in her body, impacting her dantian autonomously, causing her realm to jump directly from the wall-breaking stage to the sea of ​​transformation, which is the middle stage of the spiritual sea state.

The spiritual power carved out an ocean in her dry dantian.

This ocean of spiritual power didn't stop because of it. Under the ingestion of Danxiang in the room, it seemed to be stimulated by something, and it kept expanding.

This scene made Yue Qingying turn pale with fright.

A sudden surge in cultivation is not necessarily a good thing.

(End of this chapter)

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