Chapter 470 The Other World

"Lin Tian, ​​if there is anything, just come at me. Whether it is life or death, I admit it, and it has nothing to do with my brother."

The mysterious girl took a deep breath, boldly stepped forward and said.

She looked at Lin Tian, ​​her beautiful eyes filled with stubbornness and determination.

Lin Tian glanced at her, ignored her, but looked at Immortal Emperor Changsheng, and said with some sarcasm: "Old boy, you are so weak now, do you still need a little girl to protect you?"

Having said that, he shook his head, waved his hand and flicked the three things back.

"Okay, you should keep these things for yourself. Next time, remember not to let the little girl stand in front of you. I, Lin Tian, ​​have a friend like you, so I can't afford to lose face."

Immortal Emperor Changsheng smiled wryly upon hearing this.

"Qing'er, don't talk, this matter has nothing to do with you."

Immortal Emperor Changsheng gently supported the mysterious girl with her soft hair, then looked at Lin Tian and said, "Crazy Lin, I give them to you, not because I want to court death, but because I have a hunch that 'they' are coming ah……"

Having said that, Immortal Emperor Changsheng looked up at the sky above his head.

I always feel that the sky seems a little dark.


Lin Tian's eyes were fixed, as if he had thought of something, his brows subconsciously frowned.

Immortal Emperor Changsheng nodded and sighed: "Those things are different from us. Although they also live on spiritual energy, they treat spiritual energy as food. Of course, you know this much better than me, so you probably don't need it." Did I say more?"

Lin Tian nodded upon hearing this.

Although Immortal Emperor Changsheng didn't point it out, Lin Tian knew exactly who the person in his words was referring to.

That's a bunch of real demons.

They feed on the aura of the world and grow by swallowing it.

Jiutian's demonic skills evolved from them at the beginning.

And in the eyes of these guys, monks like Jiutian who rely on spiritual energy to cultivate are similar to the panacea in the eyes of monks Jiutian, which is simply the best blood food.

So, one day long ago.

The world behind the Chaos Sea, after discovering the way to the Nine Heavens, started a long war that lasted countless tens of thousands of years.

This is two worlds.

In other words, it is a war between the three sides of heaven and earth.


"Crazy Lin, you also know that although those guys in the fairy world don't like them, as long as they don't break into the fairy world, those people who cherish their lives in the fairy world won't make a move. In the eyes of those guys, our nine-day creatures, but It’s just a group of ants in a cage, and when they die, they die.”

"If our death can be exchanged for the peace of the fairy world, they should be very willing."

Immortal Emperor Changsheng took a deep breath, and said in a deep voice: "Although I don't want to admit it, you are the only one who can gather those arrogant guys together in these nine days. Without you, they would be a mess. No matter how strong it is, it will have no effect."

"So, any of us can have an accident, but you can't."

"And you have a lot of enemies. There are not a few people in Jiutian and Immortal Realm staring at you. You must not be careless."

Immortal Emperor Changsheng warned solemnly.

Lin Tian didn't speak, but his eyes were flickering.

It has been almost two eras since the last catastrophe. According to the laws of the past, those guys should have come a long time ago.

For this reason, Emperor Wu and others had already rushed over.

But what is unpredictable is that this group of guys who love to take advantage of loopholes did not break in when Lin Tian smashed the way of heaven and ended the ancient legend, but chose to lie dormant. movement.

Seeing this, Lin Tian dragged his injuries, and after being vigilant for a while, he also gave up and continued to guard.

After leaving behind, he returned to the nine-day sleep.

Now, after such a reminder from Immortal Emperor Changsheng, Lin Tian also noticed something was wrong.

"Those guys feed on our flesh and blood, and our world. Unless they die, there is absolutely no way for them to let us go. And after so long, they haven't made any movement. This is absolutely impossible. It's not that they are afraid, it can only be said that they must be planning some terrifying conspiracy."

"After all, in the past few times, they were in your hands and suffered a lot."

Immortal Emperor Changsheng said solemnly.

Obviously, he is very afraid of the creatures in the world behind the chaotic sea.

Lin Tian also lowered his head and thought.

Because Immortal Emperor Changsheng's guess is indeed very possible.

"Okay, don't be nervous, it's just a group of people who are neither human nor ghost. If it weren't for their side of the world, it would be really unaccustomed. Back then, I led the army and killed them. If it was the next time, they would dare Come in, I will let them come and go."

After a while, Lin Tian raised his head, smiled lightly, and said lightly.

Immortal Emperor Changsheng shook his head when he heard the words, "If this was said by you in your heyday, I would not question it, but now, how much strength do you think you have left?"

"If it weren't for those people who cherish their lives and are afraid that you will fight back when you die, you don't need the creatures from that world to come, and the creatures in this world alone are enough to make you die several times." Immortal Emperor Changsheng shook his head, obviously for Lin Lin. Tian's current state is very clear.

"Unfortunately, their bodies are their biggest weakness."

Hearing this, Lin Tian grinned indifferently and said, "As long as they don't want to die, I won't die."

"If one day, they can't think about it and don't want to continue to live, let alone the me now, even the me before, I'm afraid I can only hide all over the world. If I come out, I will definitely die." No one who killed Lin Tian!

There are quite a few people who may be pulling him to die together.

If they can't think about it, let alone Lin Tian, ​​the whole world will explode on the spot.

Then overthrow and start over.

"You're still so confident."

Immortal Emperor Changsheng felt helpless and shook his head again.

There is no way to take Lin Tian.

"You can keep things for yourself. If that day really comes, I hope to be on the battlefield. It seems that your shadow, even if it is dead, you, the dignified Li Changsheng, shouldn't die in this corner." Lin Tian turned around and said without looking back.

The figure gradually drifted away.

Seeing this, Immortal Emperor Changsheng wanted to say something more.

But as soon as he opened his mouth, Lin Tian in front of him seemed to feel something in his heart. He paused and said without turning his head: "Li Changsheng, you don't have to worry about my affairs. As long as I don't want to die, there is nothing wrong with this world." , could not kill me."

Lin Tian's voice is not loud, but there is endless confidence and toughness in his tone.

The arrogant posture of defiant, but it is a confidence boost.

Against the huge background of the ancient temple, Lin Tian's thin back suddenly gave people a feeling like a mountain, which no one can shake.

 Good night everyone~
(End of this chapter)

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