Chapter 478 Fermentation
When the news reached the Ye family, the Three Great Sacred Grounds also got the news. When they knew that all the outstanding disciples they sent had fallen in the secret realm of the Immortal Sect of Longevity, their faces all became gloomy.

"This Lin Tian, ​​who killed so many of us, not only didn't explain to us, but also dared to declare war on us, is he really deceiving everyone in Xuanmingzong?" In front of an ice and snow abyss, the suzerain of Xuanmingzong, the angry voice, came from It came out from the black hall.

Immediately afterwards, he said again: "Give me an order to call back the elders who went out and wait in full force. I want to see this time, this Good Fortune Martial Sect, who still has some skills, dares to be so arrogant. Three days later, he is right The day the Ye family goes to war is when we declare war on them."

"If it can't be stopped, then there is no need for their Wuzong to exist in the future."

The master of Xuanmingzong gritted his teeth, his voice was extremely cold, revealing endless killing intent, he even said the words of wanting to destroy the good fortune Wuzong, one can imagine the anger in his heart at this time.

Such a similar thing was almost released at the same time in the other two holy places.

What Lin Tian has done has touched their bottom line.

Even if there is a saint sitting in town, the three holy places still have killing intent on them.

"This Lin Tian will cause trouble. When he was in Donghuang, all the forces in Donghuang were devastated. Then he went to Zhongzhou and disturbed the water in the whole Zhongzhou. Now he came to Beiyuan, the sky of Beiyuan, He was almost set off by him, he is really a troublemaker, wherever he goes, things will happen."

In the Liuli Immortal Pavilion, a strong man heard what happened outside, couldn't help but shook his head, and directly labeled Lin Tian as a "troubleshooter".

"Elder, do we want to intervene in this matter?"

Someone asked.

"Why do you meddle? This is Xuan Mingzong's business. What does it have to do with my Liuli Xiange? As for Good Fortune Wuzong, we have helped them a lot these years. , don’t we have to wipe their butts?”

The elder of the Liuli Immortal Pavilion said with a sneer: "This good show is rarely seen in a thousand years, so we can just watch the tigers fight from the other side."

Hearing this, the person who asked the question quietly retreated.

In three days, the news swept across the entire Northern Plains like a storm.

Even from the Zhongzhou side, a little bit of wind was faintly heard.

At this moment, it can be said that the eyes of the entire Northern Plains are almost on the North Snow City, the central ancient city based in the northern border.

"Chief elder, can we really take down the Ye family?"

As the battle was approaching, the Great Elder of Good Fortune Wuzong found Lin Tian again. In his room, he walked back and forth alone, nervous and restless. For the upcoming battle, he had no confidence at all.

It's already the third day, but Lin Tian hasn't shown any advantage cards yet.

Whoever it is, will feel uneasy.

Compared with the embarrassment of the Great Elder Wu Zong, Lin Tian didn't know how calm he was. He was sitting in front of the tea table, holding a cup of spiritual tea brewed by Xiaoxue himself, and took a sip. He said in a hurry: "I said I can win it, so I can win it."

"Yes, Great Elder, don't be impatient. Since my son has spoken, let alone the Ye family, it is just a family of saints. Even if he is a family of emperors, he will inevitably perish today. You just need to rest assured. gone."

Chen Nuo leaned against the bed and said disapprovingly, with a very relaxed expression.

Xiao Hei was playing with something there, muttering in his mouth: "I don't know how many good things there are in the Ye family. My treasures are all ready, and I will wait for the time to go and collect them."

Hearing these words, Great Elder Wu Zong was in a mess.

I always feel like this trip was in vain.

This is a bunch of gods.

Even before the fight started, he was already thinking about the loot.

I really don't know what ecstasy soup Lin Tian usually gives them, but at this time, he can still make them so confident, as if they are living in a dream.

However, by now, he had no choice.

After all, Xiaoxue was silent, and he couldn't stop Lin Tian.

Now, there is no other way but to mess around with them.

As for giving up Lin Tian and drawing a clear line with him, the elders of the Wu Zong never thought about it. Not to mention, Lin Tian is the "successor" handpicked by Emperor Wu and has absolute authority in Wu Zong. The current influence in Wu Zong has already made it impossible for them to separate.

After all, today's Wuzong is almost entirely supported by people from Lin Tian's faction.

From Xiaoxue, a peerless powerhouse, to Lin Muyu, a new generation of arrogance, without exception, they are all inseparable from Lin Tian. If they draw a clear line with him, they will not be far from being broken. up.

Therefore, no matter what, they must now stand unswervingly behind Lin Tian and support him.

Elder Wu Zong came out of Lin Tian's room with a sad face, and the remaining elders hurried forward and asked, "How?"


Great Elder Wu Zong shook his head and sighed faintly.

Seeing this, everyone felt a chill in their hearts, knowing that this was fruitless again.

And similar things have happened many times in the past three days.

"Forget it, never mind. Since he is confident, we will just follow his orders. I believe that the Chief Elder is not a fool." The usually calm Second Elder Wu Zong shook his head helplessly, completely dispelled in his heart. The idea of ​​exhorting again.

At this time, Lin Tian also came out.

He looked at the people gathered in the yard, raised his eyes and asked, "Is everyone here?"

"It's all there."

Everyone knew what Lin Tian was going to do. Although he was nervous, he didn't procrastinate, and nodded immediately.

Seeing this, Lin Tian nodded in satisfaction, "In this case, let's go."

After speaking, he turned around and jumped onto the roof.

Turning his back to the crowd, he said without turning his head: "After all, three days have come, don't let people see the joke and think that our Wuzong people are timid and only talk nonsense."

Hearing this, the Great Elder Wu Zong's expression froze, and he agreed: "Yes, people can lose, but the momentum cannot be lost. Let's go."

"I'll go as well."

At this time, the ancestor of the Zhang family who had been staying here all this time and hadn't left suddenly came out and said.

Hearing this, everyone stopped in their tracks, and looked at this strong man from the northern plains in surprise, with puzzled eyes, wondering what he was doing in this muddy water at this time, didn't he know , in such a situation, if he is a little careless, not only himself, but also the Beiyuan Zhang family behind him will all be unlucky together?
(End of this chapter)

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