Invincibility starts from awakening

Chapter 480 3 Great Sacred Artifacts

Chapter 480 Three Holy Artifacts
"Zizi, you are courting death!!!"

There was a roar of anger, and a series of imposing figures rose from the Ye Family's courtyard.

Their aura is terrifying, at least they are the emperors of the God Embryo Realm.

A group of twenty or so people lined up, standing high above the sky. A middle-aged man with sword eyebrows and starry eyes stood in the middle, staring at Lin Tian with an indifferent expression on the opposite side, and said with a sneer: "You Brat is bold, it’s fine if we don’t look for you, but you came to the door instead, do you really think that there is no one in our Ye family, are you vegetarian?”

"Or, do you think that with the person behind you, we can defeat our Ye family?"

Speaking of this, Ye Changqing, the head of the Ye family, couldn't help raising his eyes, and glanced at Xiaoxue beside Lin Tian, ​​with a sarcastic look on his face.

Although Xiaoxue didn't show her aura, Ye Changqing also knew from the news he got that the saint beside Lin Tian was a peerless beauty.

"Can you find out if you can try it?"

Xiaoxue made a cold sound, and immediately slapped Ye Changqing with a terrifying nine-color divine light in her palm, without a word of superfluous nonsense.

Get started without saying a word.

This kind of decisiveness and ruthlessness scared the entire Ye family.

Ye Changqing's complexion changed drastically, and he hurriedly retreated, never expecting that the saint beside Lin Tian did not follow the routine at all.

Get your hands on it as soon as you come up.


At this time, Lin Tian spoke slowly and ordered to set the tone.

Immediately, I saw a cold light bursting out from the side of the Ye family strong man, and at this time the Ye family strong man's attention was all on Xiaoxue who suddenly shot, and he was caught off guard immediately.

I saw a strong man from the Ye family who was in the god-womb state couldn't dodge in time, and was caught by the cold light on the spot, bringing a bloody light, and his arm flew straight out.

This sudden change made all the strong Ye family members change their expressions.

Looking back, I saw a young man with a strange smile on his face, holding a gleaming silver dagger, walking out of the void, with a fierce fighting intent in his eyes.

"Since you have already come, why are you still hiding?"

Lin Tian raised his eyes, glanced at the void behind Ye's house, and said abruptly.

Hearing this, the elders of Wu Zong behind were taken aback. They subconsciously followed Lin Tian's gaze and looked over. Their divine sense swept out, but they didn't notice any strange fluctuations. The Great Elder couldn't help asking in a low voice. Said: "Chief Elder, do you feel wrong?"

The patriarch of the Zhang family and others also nodded one after another, feeling that Lin Tian was a little suspicious.

Doing so might shake the morale of the army.

Hearing this, Lin Tian didn't speak, but just stared at the sky lightly.

Just when the Great Elder Wu Zong was about to investigate again and thoroughly confirmed that the sky was the same, the sky suddenly twisted, and then one figure after another appeared in front of everyone, without exception, all of them were in the Nirvana state real person.

The breath was terrifying, and as soon as it appeared, everyone felt an invisible pressure.

It wasn't until Xiaoxue took a step forward and blocked everyone behind her that the pressure quietly dissipated.

"There is actually someone..."

Seeing the sudden appearance of a strong real person, Elder Wu Zong and the others were in disbelief, their eyes were full of disbelief. They never thought that there were actually people hiding in this sky, and they were all real people with terrifying strength.

In particular, the shock in Elder Wu Zong's heart at this moment is even more indescribable and cannot be expressed in words.

You know, he has personally explored that side of the sky with his divine sense.

But nothing was found.

And Lin Tian, ​​who was only in the Transcendence Realm, unexpectedly found a strong man that he couldn't even detect at a glance.

This is simply unacceptable.

Fortunately, the great elders of Wu Zong feel relieved that Lin Tian is the arrogance of their Wu Zong, the better he is, the brighter their future will be.

"I didn't expect you to have such a perception at such a young age. It's really scary. If you don't die, you will definitely have a place in Shenzhou in the future." The strong man who came out of the void stared at Lin Tian closely. Shaking his head slowly, he said, "But it's a pity, you will pay for your arrogance..."

Speaking of this, the man paused, then glanced at the vast snow-capped mountains around Ye's house, and then continued: "This snow-capped mountain, after today, will be your burial place, of course, you may not have a corpse. "

"Just because of you, do you want to kill him?"

Xiaoxue stood up and stared at this strong man who walked out of the void, with a chill in her gaze.

"That's right, it's just me."

Facing a saint like Xiaoxue, the man in front of him was not afraid. He looked up, looked at Xiaoxue confidently, and then slowly took out a long sword from the Qiankun bag on his waist. In an instant, there was an extra heaviness between heaven and earth.

Everyone felt the air solidify.

"Is this... a sacred artifact?"

Sensing the aura revealed by this long sword, the expressions of the elders of Good Fortune Wuzong and the ancestors of the Zhang family couldn't help but change.

But Xiaoxue's expression was not moved by this.

She glanced at the long sword with some disdain in her eyes, and said lightly: "Could it be that with this broken sword, you are going to kill people in my hands?"

"of course not."

Hearing that, the man smiled lightly.

Immediately afterwards, one person on his side took out another holy artifact, and said indifferently: "What about this one?"

"If it's not enough, we still have more."

At this time, another strong man couldn't help but said, and at the same time, he also took out a holy weapon.

This scene, falling into the eyes of Lin Tian's strong men, made their expressions change drastically, and their faces instantly became ugly. If it was just a holy soldier, it might not be able to catch Xiaoxue's eyes.

But two, three, maybe even four at the same time, that's different.

Not to mention anything else, there is still no problem in forcing Xiaoxue to show her strength in the holy realm.

Normally, this might be nothing.

It can even be said that they are courting their own death.

But in this critical period, the world is blocked by a mysterious force. If Xiaoxue shows the strength of the holy realm, she will definitely be targeted by this force.

At that time, I'm afraid she herself will be unpredictable.

Not to mention, protect them well.

"Hahahaha, what's the matter, didn't you expect it?" Ye Changqing looked at Wu Zong and his party with ugly faces, couldn't help laughing, and then gritted his teeth with a ferocious expression: "Your behavior now can be said to be the anger of the sky and people's grievances. I don't know what kind of heart and leopard courage you have eaten, but you dare to offend so many of us for a while, you are really self-inflicted, you can't live!"

These people who appeared were none other than helpers from the Three Great Sacred Grounds.

(End of this chapter)

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