Chapter 484 Breakthrough
"Is the real person... strong?"

Lin Tian watched Ye Changqing spit out slowly, and the breath on his body rose rapidly.

Now, with the help of Zhang's family, Lin Tian's soul has returned to the state of a normal person, and he can go a step further and strengthen his soul again by breaking through to the realm of the fetus.

Although, such a breakthrough today may be a bit hasty.

But now, this is the most convenient way.

Besides, he really needs strength now.

It is not a bad thing for him to break through to the God's Embryo Realm earlier.

At the moment when a figure in white clothes with an indifferent expression came from the air and appeared in this piece of heaven and earth, Zhou Tian's aura was all caught in the sky, and the looming chaotic Kunpeng entered Lin Tian's body.

His aura, at this moment, rushed directly to the Ninth Level of Consummation of the Transcendence Realm, reaching its peak.

Terrible tsunami sound came from Lin Tian's body.

The color of the world gradually changed.

The wind was howling, the thunder was flickering, and the invisible fire ignited directly on Lin Tian's body.

"Fire and Thunder Tribulation!"

When everyone saw this scene, their expressions were stunned.

I never thought that Lin Tian would choose to break through at this time.

At this time, a strong man from the Three Great Sacred Grounds came back to his senses from the vision in the sky, stared at Lin Tian fiercely, and shouted at Ye Changqing: "Patriarch Ye, what are you still hesitating about? Kill him!" he!"

Hearing this, Ye Changqing suddenly came to his senses.

It was just the shock on his face, but it couldn't go away all of a sudden.

He watched his eyes slowly close, as if he was going to wholeheartedly deal with Lin Tian, ​​who belonged to the hurricane of fire and thunder, and the murderous intent suddenly appeared in his eyes.

"Dare to break through in front of me, really treat me as Ye Changqing's sword, can't you see the blood?"

Ye Changqing sneered, and the real treasure in his hand, full of killing intent, went straight to Lin Tian's head.

"It's over..."

Seeing this scene, everyone in Good Fortune Martial Sect was almost pale.

The onlookers in the distance also recovered from the shock, then shook their heads with a bit of hesitation.

"This kid surnamed Lin is really lucky. It is said that he came out of the barren land of the Eastern Region, but now, he has mastered so many secret arts. The vision is so terrifying. I am afraid that among the younger generation, invincible."

"It's a pity, it's just too crazy, if you don't break through sooner or later, at this time, break through in front of Ye Changqing, is this looking down on Ye Changqing?"

Having said that, the man couldn't help shaking his head.

No matter what realm it is, when breaking through, it is the most taboo to be disturbed by others.

Especially like this, from the realm of escape to the realm of the gods, the breakthrough between such great realms is accompanied by catastrophe. At this time, it is the key of the key. If you are not careful, you will die.

Not to mention, others disturbed.

It's really unprecedented for Lin Tian to break through in front of people who want to kill him in front of a large crowd.

Because it is no different from courting death.

Whether it is the process of crossing the tribulation, being disturbed, or directly hit by Ye Changqing, it is fatal.

But Lin Tian still did this.

Although everyone believes that Lin Tian will not be a fool, he must have the confidence to do so, but they don't think that Lin Tian can succeed, because it is really too difficult, as long as Ye Changqing doesn't release the water, from He started, and then came to Lin Tian, ​​at most it took only one breath.

At this time, it is simply impossible for Lin Tian to successfully break through the tribulation of wind, fire and thunder.

In a blink of an eye.

Ye Changqing's sword came to Lin Tian, ​​and slashed towards his neck quickly and ruthlessly.

It seems to want a sword, and it will be like an owl's head.

At this time, Lin Tian didn't make any movements, and seemed to be still wholeheartedly dealing with the storm, fire and thunder in his body.

Seeing this scene, Ye Changqing couldn't help but sneered, "I'm really looking for death!"

The movements of his hands couldn't help being happier again.

The sword's edge had already touched Lin Tian's neck, and as long as he slashed hard, his head could be taken off.

Just when everyone thought that Lin Tian's life was in danger, and Lu Feng couldn't help but close his eyes, Ye Changqing's sword stopped abruptly, and the fierce wind blew Lin Tian's hair up. Blow high.

"Patriarch Ye, what are you doing?"

Sensing the changes below, the real strong man of Xuanmingzong holding a holy weapon couldn't help turning his head and shouting, with a dissatisfied expression.

At this time, the result of the upper battlefield also came out.

With Xiaoxue disappearing, it ended temporarily.

But everyone knew that her disappearance was not a real disappearance.

After all, how could such a dignified saint be killed so easily.

Their purpose, from the beginning to the end, is not to kill Xiaoxue by themselves, but to use the power that exists in the world, that is, Lin Tian's Locking Sky Formation, the power left in this world, to come For Xiaoxue.

At the same time, those guys hiding in the dark can also use this to test the strength of this force.

At that time, it will be easy to judge the price of the shot.

"I don't know what's going on!"

Ye Changqing's eyes widened immediately, and he used force subconsciously, but unfortunately Jian Feng couldn't move forward any more, as if he was blocked by something.

Ye Changqing raised his eyes and looked over, the next moment, something unbelievable happened to him, at some point, Lin Tian's palm was lifted up, just in front of his own neck, and his sword edge was just caught Lin Tian's two fingers were clamped, so he couldn't move.

"how can that be?"

Not to mention other people, even Ye Changqing himself couldn't help but exclaimed.

He even almost threw the sword in his hand.

At this time, Lu Feng also opened his eyes again. Looking at this scene in disbelief, he couldn't help opening his mouth.

All of this is really unreal.

Lin Tian, ​​who was clearly in a weak position and was in the critical period of crossing the catastrophe, only used two fingers to block the leader of the Ye family, who was the best among the real people. Ye Changqing made a sword with all his strength. It's unbelievable, like in a dream.

I'm afraid even storytellers in restaurants dare not say that?

You know, the disparity between the two is really too big.

It was so big that no one dared to imagine that Lin Tian could cross it.

But now, the facts are here, so they can't help but believe it.

"This kid is too weird, I'll go help Patriarch Ye." Zhong Wuqi looked at this scene in amazement, then came back to his senses, took a deep breath, and said to the other three people, naturally there was nothing wrong with them question.

But just when Zhong Wuqi turned around and was about to attack Lin Tian, ​​a divine sense suddenly locked on him.

Immediately afterwards, a cold and pleasant voice slowly sounded in the world.

"You'd better take care of yourself..."

(End of this chapter)

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