Chapter 486
"If you want to kill me and take my inheritance, if you say let it go, can you let it go?"

Hearing the words of the ancestor of the Ye family, Lin Tian seemed to have heard a big joke, and couldn't help laughing out, his expression extremely sarcastic.

Hearing this, the voice of the ancestor of the Ye family sank: "Young man, I know you are very talented, but don't be arrogant. Although you are strong, the old man is still incapable of fighting. What's more, in this world, now Being bound by a special method by a strong man you can't imagine."

"If you really want to continue fighting recklessly, it will be of no benefit to you or us, and even we will die together. I believe that you will not want to see this result."

Speaking of this, the ancestor of the Ye family paused, and then continued: "If you were upset about what happened before and declared war on my Ye family, then now, I think, you should vent your anger..."

"After all, almost all of the younger generation of my Ye family died in your hands. The current patriarch has also fallen into your hands at this moment. No matter how big the enmity is, this blood debt can be offset, right?"

Hearing this, everyone in the Ye family couldn't help clenching their fists.

It can be said in my heart that I have been aggrieved to the extreme.

It was obviously a prosperous family of saints, but now, they were beaten to the front of the house.

The most important thing is that the Patriarch was beheaded in front of others, and they could only watch from the sidelines, and they even used this as a price tag for what to talk about.

This made the always proud Ye family members unacceptable.

Unfortunately, they are powerless to reverse this situation.

Because of Xiaoxue's identity, everyone felt powerless for a while.

Unless their ancestors, or even their entire Ye family, no one wants to live anymore, otherwise, they have no chance of winning in front of Xiaoxue.

So, they had to give in

Also had to step back.

And for all of this, they have to thank that mysterious and powerful existence, if it wasn't for the mysterious power he left behind in the world, binding Xiaoxue, with Xiaoxue's strength, I'm afraid it won't be long before they can leave them. Home, completely leveled out, this is definitely not a joke.

"Is this his confidence?"

The people around were staring blankly into the distance, where Lin Tian and the others were, their faces were full of shock.

At this moment, they finally knew the reason why Lin Tian dared to declare war on the Ye family and even the three holy places at the same time.

With such a peerless powerhouse sitting in town, if it were them, they would dare.

'However, today's farce should be over, right? '

Everyone can't help thinking.

Although they still had some unfinished business, but with the appearance of the ancestor of the Ye family and the retreat, everything today should come to an end logically.

After all, the ancestor of the Ye family made things very clear.

This world is currently being bound by a mysterious and powerful existence with special means.

If Xiaoxue wants to continue to fight, she will definitely be targeted by this force.

At that time, maybe it will be the end of both sides, or the end of both.

The most important thing is that now, Lin Tian and the others are out of anger, they have found their place, and they have earned a lot of face from the ancestor of the Ye family.

As long as you are not a lunatic, you will basically know how to choose.

However, just when everyone thought that Lin Tian would continue to entangle with the ancestor of the Ye family for a few words, and then retired after success, something unexpected happened. Similarly, he directly rejected the proposal of the ancestor of the Ye family.

"Sorry, it's not enough..."

Without unnecessary nonsense, Lin Tian shook his head, left five words, and shot directly.

The first one who bears the brunt is an elder of the Ye family. This is also a real person in the Nirvana state. Although in the Nirvana state, his cultivation base is not high, but how to say, he is also a real person. With an unbelievable speed, he broke through to the God's Embryo Realm, and there was still an insurmountable gap between him and him.

No matter how monstrous a person is, it's hard to get over it.

But Lin Tian seems to be better at creating miracles.

Just for a moment.

He came to the real Ye family.

From starting to punching, it took almost less than a blink of an eye, as fast as lightning.

Everyone saw Lin Tian turned into a blue light, and accompanied by a resounding dragon chant, passed in front of the real Ye family.

Followed by.

The face of the real Ye family was dull.

next moment.

With a "bang", this real Ye family exploded directly in the sky.

"Old Ancestor, save me!!!"

Just like Ye Changqing, the soul of this true Ye family also escaped at this moment, and flew towards the Ye family, with a terrified voice, asking for help from the ancestor of the Ye family.

Unfortunately, as soon as his voice came out, a sword light pierced through his soul.

Before the ancestor of the Ye family made a move, he was killed directly in this world.

And the person who drew the sword was none other than Lin Tian.


Seeing this scene, everyone couldn't help but gasped.

How long has it been since Lin Tian cut Ye Changqing with a sword?
Less than 1 minutes, right?
But in this short period of time, another real person from the Ye family fell into his hands.

If it is said that Ye Changqing was careless that time, or maybe it was because Lin Tian hid his own clumsiness that made Lin Tian succeed easily, then this time, he did not have any element of trickery at all, it was entirely by relying on With his own speed and terrifying strength, he directly killed a real person from the Ye family.

This kind of strength, this kind of means is really daunting.

"Is he really, just an emperor who has just broken through to the God Embryo Realm?"

Luo Yao couldn't help biting her red lips, her expression was a little dazed, she felt that all of this was too unreal, they were all human, why could someone be so enchanting.

She couldn't help subconsciously comparing Fairy Banished and Lu Liuli with Lin Tian.

Although Luo Yao didn't know how powerful the Immortal Body of Banished Fairy and Lu Liuli would really explode, she thought, if they want to do it, what Lin Tian is doing now may not be easy, right?

Or even, impossible.

Just when everyone was immersed in the shock of Lin Tian's terrifying power to blow up a Ye family real person with one punch, the air above the Ye family was freezing, and there was an emotion called "anger". The sky and the earth spread, and even the dark clouds above the head began to churn.

After a while, a voice suppressing endless anger came from the snow-capped mountains at the foot of the Ye family.

"Little Lin Tian, ​​you are really deceiving people too much, can you really be an old man and dare not be born?!"

(End of this chapter)

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