Invincibility starts from awakening

Chapter 489 Heavenly Emperor, Don't Be Humiliated!

Chapter 489 Heavenly Emperor, Don't Be Humiliated!
And at this time, it seemed that in order to better cooperate with the ancestor of the Ye family to carry out his plan, two lightning bolts like dragons broke through the sky and descended from the stars.

One pointing directly at the ancestor of the Ye family, and the other pointing towards Xiaoxue who was swallowed by the green light.

Without exception, the two thunderbolts contained endless destructive power. The moment they arrived, everyone's cold light could not help but explode.

Because this power is really terrifying.

Although there is no Emperor Wei to accompany it, the power has definitely reached the level of the emperor.

The whole world, following their arrival, solidified.

Even the patriarch of the Ye family, under this force, couldn't help breathing, a little out of breath, and his body couldn't help shaking.

The fear of death came to his heart in an instant.

However, this trace of fear did not last long in his heart, followed by endless excitement.


The patriarch of the Ye family looked at the thunder dragon that descended, and couldn't help laughing up to the sky. The smile was so ferocious that he even burst into tears.

"So what about the nine-tailed fox? One of the strongest creatures in the world, so what? The strength is extraordinary, so what? Aren't you going to be buried with the old man today? Hahahaha..."

The voice of the ancestor of the Ye family shook the world.

With a hint of hatred and hysterical madness, it was dripping with joy.

At this moment, everyone finally understood his purpose, and their expressions couldn't help but change.

There was a trace of regret on the face of the strong man in Liuli Xiange, and he couldn't help shaking his head, thinking that it was a pity that a strong man like Xiaoxue fell so easily.

However, perhaps this is the price of madness, right?

She couldn't help raising her eyes, and glanced at Lin Tian again, wanting to see regret from his face.

It's a pity that Lin Tian's face is still calm.

From the beginning to the end, nothing has changed.

This scene made the strong man in the Liuli Immortal Pavilion frowned slightly, and couldn't help but think in his heart: "Is he really, not worried at all?"

On the other hand, the strong man from Good Fortune Martial Sect couldn't help but change his face, turning pale.

Even Xiao Hei and Chen Nuo lost the previous ease in their eyes, watching the terrifying thunder light descend, their faces were full of solemnity.

"Die, die... It's best to die..."

Seeing this scene, the strong man of Xuanmingzong couldn't help gritting his teeth and grinning, feeling a burst of joy in his heart, as if he had seen Xiaoxue die under the thunder, and couldn't help showing a smug sneer on his face.

Just at this juncture.

Just when the thunderbolt was about to fall on the head of the ancestor of the Ye family, the beautiful figure submerged by the green light in the sky finally walked out.

Just a blink of an eye.

Before everyone could see clearly, she came to the ancestor of the Ye family.

Then point a finger at him condescendingly.

"Emperor of Heaven... can't be humiliated!" Xiaoxue opened her mouth slowly, with endless killing intent in her eyes, a terrifying force, with monstrous emperor power, and with her finger, she directly killed the ancestor of the Ye family.

Hearing Xiaoxue's inexplicable words, Lin Tian in the distance shook his head dumbfounded. Others might not know what she was talking about, but Lin Tian knew that Xiaoxue was helping him and killing anyone Those who challenge his majesty.

For this, she can even do anything at all.

Otherwise, she wouldn't be in the situation of locking the sky and locking it, and still have to take risks, and take action against the almost dead ancestor of the Ye family.


Before dying, the patriarch of the Ye family felt the aura erupting from Xiaoxue, and the smile on his face froze in an instant.

It never occurred to her that she was so strong.

No wonder, she dared to be so unscrupulous...

He even dared to violate the power left in the dark by that mysterious supreme being between heaven and earth.

It turned out that she had already touched the Dao...

The patriarch of the Ye family opened his mouth slightly, and in the depths of his eyes full of shock, he couldn't help flashing a trace of remorse. If he had known that Xiaoxue was such a strong person, even if he was killed, he would not have done anything with her. Enemy.

However, the only thing that makes the ancestors of the Ye family feel lucky is that, fortunately, there is still that mysterious force in the world.

Violating the rules left by the mysterious strong man, even if she is the quasi-emperor, she may have to take a lot of risks today.

Not to mention falling directly.

Serious injuries are absolutely inevitable.

In this way, he is not dead in vain.

In the distance, all the people who were watching were terrified at the moment when Xiaoxue killed the ancestor of the Ye family. They never thought that Xiaoxue was not a saint, but a stronger quasi-human than a saint. emperor.

You know, this kind of powerhouse can be regarded as the top powerhouse no matter what era it is in.

Not to mention, she is also a member of the nine-tailed fox family.

This kind of status, coupled with this kind of strength.

Even if it is to strike the emperor horizontally, it is not impossible.

In today's difficult era when the Dao has not yet matured, it is not an exaggeration to say that she is infinitely equal to being invincible in the world.

"Is that impossible?"

The eyes of the powerhouses of the Three Great Sacred Grounds were full of disbelief, some couldn't believe it, the Patriarch of the Zhong family, Zhong Wuqi, couldn't help shaking from his own perception, his old face turned pale and was covered in cold sweat.

If Xiaoxue is just a saint.

If they couldn't kill her, their Zhong family might still be able to survive by relying on the three holy places, but Xiaoxue is now the quasi-emperor.

Moreover, he is the quasi-emperor of the nine-tailed fox family.

With such an identity and such strength, even the Three Great Sacred Lands themselves are already unable to protect themselves against her, so who has time to take care of his Zhong family.

At this time, Zhong Wuqi could only pray that this power that existed somewhere between heaven and earth could seriously injure Xiaoxue, and it would be best to wipe it out.

Just when countless people were shocked and even confused, Xiaoxue's finger pierced the forehead of the ancestor of the Ye family in an instant.

Before the thunder from the sky arrived, the terrifying divine light smashed the soul of the ancestor of the Ye family to pieces.

"I'm dead, you don't want to live well!!!"

Before the soul collapsed, the voice of the ancestor of the Ye family came again, ferocious and shrill, full of resentment towards Xiaoxue, but unfortunately, he couldn't see the final result.

Just an instant.

The moment Lei Ting touched the body of the ancestor of the Ye family, his majestic immortal body immediately shattered and turned into ashes.

This terrifying power was beyond everyone's imagination, and they couldn't help but gasp.

Everyone looked over in surprise, only to see that the next thunderbolt had already followed behind Xiaoxue, and was about to hit it.

Everyone, at this moment, subconsciously held their breath.

They all want to see if Xiaoxue can survive this terrible blow.

 Good night everyone~
(End of this chapter)

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