Invincibility starts from awakening

Chapter 497 Heavenly Demon Sect

Chapter 497 Heavenly Demon Sect

"Go to Xuanmingzong?"

The strong Zhong family who inquired about the news was a little puzzled, "At this time, does Xuan Mingzong dare to take us in?"

Hearing the words, the patriarch of the Zhong family raised his head and looked into the distance, with deep eyes, a sneer on the corner of his mouth, and murmured: "In the past, they wouldn't have dared to accept it, but now, didn't you say that the quasi-emperor Wu Zong has gone? Moyuan?"

"Presumably, they should have something to do and must go. At this time, they don't have the time to take care of us. Let's go to Xuanmingzong and let them inquire about it. Maybe they can use this to turn around."

Speaking of this, a trace of resentment flashed in the eyes of the ancestor of the Zhong family.

Their Zhong family, in the area of ​​Beiyuan, could be regarded as a prince even if they were not the overlord, but now, because of Lin Tian, ​​they were torn apart, and even he had to flee there.

Throwing away all the family business of thousands of years as the price.

It's not that the ancestor of the Zhong family is arrogant, but that he knows that Lin Tian and the others must gain something if they extinguish their Zhong family, otherwise they will do it for nothing, wasting energy and time, and they must be unwilling.

When the time comes, they will catch up and they won't be able to stop them at all.

Therefore, between his own life and his foundation, the ancestor of the Zhong family chose his life.

And Lin Tian and the others, as he expected, did not forcefully chase them down.

But in this way, his life was saved, but the foundation accumulated by the Zhong family for thousands of years was gone. in one breath.

If it wasn't for his self-knowledge and lack of strength, he would have killed him long ago.

Even if they die together, they will not hesitate.

It's just a pity that he doesn't have this strength.

In front of Xiaoxue, in the eyes of ordinary people, he, a sage who is high above him, was as fragile as a baby, and could be crushed with one hand.

Therefore, he chose to flee for his life.

However, at this moment, he seemed to see a turning point...


When Lin Tian left, the spies from the Zhong family hadn't arrived yet, so he didn't know that the news that he had gone to the Heavenly Demon Sect and came to the Demon Abyss had leaked out. At this time, he was still traveling through the void.

The location he was in before can be said to be the northernmost part of China.

The Tianmo sect is located in the extreme south of China, the birthplace of the barbarians - Nanman.

Crossing the two places is equivalent to crossing the entire Divine Land. Even the Great Emperor can't just say it, let alone Xiaoxue who has restrained her strength, so this journey in the void is quite long.

It took a full half a day to come to this world full of mountains.

"Is this the Nanban?"

Xiao Hei looked at the mountains and mountains in front of him, his eyes sparkled with splendor. Although there are such places in the Eastern Region, for example, its birthplace, Donghuang, the place that was once the ancestral land of the monster clan, is also the same. Mountain.

But in real comparison, that area is far inferior to this place.

Because the entire Nanman, 80.00% of the area, is covered by forests, which is incomparable to the Eastern Wilderness.

"Ahead is the Heavenly Demon Sect."

Xiaoxue glanced at the distant mountain, which was like a pillar of heaven, straight into the sky, and said.

She came to Nanman last time, so she is not unfamiliar with this area.

Just to be on the safe side, she had no choice but to come directly to the Heavenly Demon Sect, but landed in this place thousands of miles away. In this way, they could have more time to prepare, and the Heavenly Demon Sect did not. will notice.

As for the side of Moyuan, they will not feel it.

If they were to kill him secretly, they would be caught off guard by the Heavenly Demon Sect, and it might be possible to succeed.

After all, without the help of Moyuan, the Heavenly Demon Sect alone would not be able to stop Xiaoxue.

However, as soon as Lin Tian arrived, he smelled a bloody smell. He frowned slightly, and within a few steps, he heard the sound of fighting in the distance.

In the dense forest, a group of people with bloody knives sneered at four or five young men with scars all over their bodies. One of them licked the blood-red long knife stained with blood, and looked a little Smiling ferociously: "Jie Jie Jie, run away, why don't you run away?"

Those young people did not speak, they supported each other, and stared coldly at the group of people in front of them, with undisguised hatred in their eyes.

For a moment, one of the tall, charming women in a waistless leather jacket held the long sword in her hand and barely propped herself up. On her waist, one could see an obvious bloodstain, and the messy healing medicine was poured on the ground. On the top, the coagulated blood scab was a little scary.

Panting heavily, she stared at the group of opponents holding bloody knives full of resentment, gritted her teeth and said: "You Tianmo sect executioners are now acting recklessly in Nanman, and there will be retribution one day, and there will be no place to die!! !"

The group of people in front of them is none other than the law enforcement team of Tianmozong.

Over the years, all major regions have organized and opened academies to help the younger generation practice. Nanman is naturally also doing this. As the number one force in Nanman, the Tianmo Sect can be called the king of Nanman, and they will naturally not be absent.

It's just because of the incident on the ancient battlefield a few years ago.

The Heavenly Demon Sect really offended too many people, and they were also disliked in Nanman, so the Nanman forces almost didn't buy it, but in the first few years, it can be said that the Heavenly Demon Sect suffered heavy losses.

Provoked public anger, and lost the emperor's soldiers.

The entire sect was in crisis, so the mountain was simply closed.

Later, the Heavenly Demon Realm moved closer, evildoers ran rampant, and the rules were re-enacted, but they did not show up. The forces of the Southern Barbarians sent all their disciples from Zhongzhou to other regions, and they could only watch helplessly.

But it's different now.

With Moyuan as their backing, their Tianmo sect has climbed to the existence in Moyuan, and they are destined to be brilliant again in the future.

Their voices must never be left behind.

No, from then on, the Tianmo Sect started a plan called "Magic Promenade", and the key content of this plan was to wipe out all the forces in the Southern Barbarians who dared to violate their orders.

Let the Nanman fall back into their control.

At the same time, let the voice of their Heavenly Demon Sect spread out again.

To let the world know that their Heavenly Demon Sect is not weaker than others.

And this time, the target they wielded their knives was not someone else. It was the Chixia Sect that made them most disliked by the Tianmo Sect in the Southern Manland all these years. .

Now, whenever they have a chance, they will naturally eradicate each other.

"Hehe, I don't know if our Tianmo sect will die without a place to die, but you Chixia sect, this time, don't even think about keeping a single one!" The leader of the Tianmo sect couldn't help but hear the tall slender woman Live grimly.

 Good night everyone~
(End of this chapter)

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