Invincibility starts from awakening

Chapter 511 Never Die, Never Return!

Chapter 511 Never Die, Never Return!

Xiaoxue didn't say a word, she directly started, her beautiful figure, like a butterfly, flickered in the devil's abyss, she really didn't get the Dao, didn't step into the emperor realm, but so what?

As long as someone wants to hurt Lin Tian, ​​they should step over her corpse first.

This is Xiaoxue's persistence and her belief.

Therefore, facing the supreme existence of Moyuan, she was not even half timid.

The shot is very sharp and fearless.

It's a life-and-death style of play.

This style of play instantly suppressed Moyuan's supreme existence for a short time.

This made Moyuan's Supreme Being very angry.

"Little fox, since you want to die, then I will help you!" He snorted angrily, and this avatar immediately burst out with extreme power, it was definitely an existence at the peak of the Emperor Realm.

With a "bang", Xiaoxue was hit by a magic light, flew upside down, and hit the cliff of the magic abyss, leaving a big hole.

But the next moment, she rushed out again.

Even if she is defeated, even if she is injured, she will continue to move forward.

This scene annoyed Moyuan's Supreme Being, who did not expect this little fox to be so difficult, who is he?The most powerful person in the world, the fearsome and supreme existence, sits in this demonic abyss, deterring the past and the present.

But now?

A little nine-tailed spirit fox who has not yet grown up dares to attack him without fear of life and death.

If it weren't for fear of heaven.

He didn't think it was necessary, he was born long ago and suppressed this desperate little fox with one hand.

Moyuan's Supreme Being had a gloomy face, and there were strands of crimson halos around his hands. He waved his hands, and this halo rushed towards Xiaoxue, binding her to the sky like a real rope.

Then, I saw the handprint of this supreme being.

The crimson halo instantly turned into a blood scab, freezing her in the sky.

"Since you are so loyal to protect the lord, today, I will let you see with your own eyes how your lord died with regrets!" Moyuan's Supreme Being said with a sneer on his face.

His words made Xiaoxue feel strongly uneasy.

"Break me!!!"

It's a pity that no matter how Xiaoxue struggles, she can't get out of the blood scab. She is so trapped that she can't move, and even the connection with the heaven and the earth is cut off by this.

This made Xiaoxue feel powerless.

Seeing Mo Yuan's supreme existence, walking slowly towards Lin Tian step by step, she was burning with anxiety.

Although she didn't know what happened after she left.

But it can also be seen that Lin Tian's current state can be said to be extremely poor.

She had never seen Lin Tian look like this before.

His eyes were gloomy, his breath was messy, and even his hair had turned into a dull gray-white. His whole body was dull, and there was a sense of death around his body, like an old man who was about to be buried in the ground.



The next moment, Xiaoxue raised her head to the sky and screamed, three thousand blue hairs danced without wind.

Nine-color divine light burst out from those bright eyes. The terrifying power, as if it had been squeezed for a long time, began to rebound, erupting instantly, shaking the world.

The blood scab trapped on Xiaoxue's body exploded with a "bang" under the impact of this terrifying force.


Mo Yuan Supreme Being, who was walking towards Lin Tian, ​​was taken aback for a moment, and looked back in surprise.

I saw Xiaoxue urging the energy of heaven and earth, and rushed over fiercely, with a vicious look, as if he could pull Lin Tian and explode himself if he got closer to Lin Tian.

Moyuan's Supreme Being couldn't help scolding his mother in his heart.

Is this fucking little fox really crazy?
It is right to save Lin Tian, ​​but, should she not take her own life?

Burning essence and blood, burning soul, burning life... A secret art of exchanging life for life was activated on Xiaoxue. This time, she didn't leave a second soul behind.

In other words, if she uses this method in exchange for strength, she will die without a place to bury her.

But at this time, she couldn't care too much.

Seeing this, Lin Tian's pupils shrank slightly, and he couldn't help shouting angrily: "Xiaoxue, stop!"

Xiaoxue temporarily repelled the supreme existence of Moyuan in front of her with a blow, then turned her head, with a smile on her pretty face, and slowly shook her head at Lin Tian, ​​"In this life, Xiaoxue can listen to you, but only Only this matter, no."


Lin Tian frowned slightly, and shouted again, his peaceful state of mind has become chaotic.

It's a pity that Xiaoxue really didn't listen to Lin Tian this time.

"My lord, let Xiaoxue be self-willed for once..." Xiaoxue's eyes were full of tenderness. After leaving this sentence, she turned her face away, stopped looking at Lin Tian, ​​and looked at the supreme existence of Moyuan, with a pretty face It also turned into frost.

"If you want to hurt my son, you must step over my corpse today. As long as I don't die, you don't want to touch my son." Xiaoxue spoke slowly, her voice was not loud, but it was sonorous and powerful.

The next moment, she transformed into a huge snow fox.

Nine-coloured eyes, like gemstones, stared at Moyuan's supreme existence clone, exuding a fierce light, nine tails stood up, and kept getting bigger, covering the sky and the sun, turning into a barrier, Protect Lin Tian behind him.

At this moment, the void shattered again.

A young man with a book from heaven on a stone fetus came out.

"Being summoned by my father, Daolin came to fight!"

The young man's voice fell, a long spear stabbed out from the void, and an invincible force swept out.

"Your Majesty, Fei Fei is here to help you fight, and you will never return!" Wearing a silver armor and red robe, holding a spear, Yang Fei Fei walked out of the void like a general in a hundred battles. Behind him, two quasi-emperors followed. .

This is the arrival of the celestial beings.

They felt that the power left by the Human Sovereign in that world was taken away, and Dao Yun was whining, especially Yang Feifan. As the guardians of the Human Sovereign's lineage, they naturally knew that Lin Tian was in danger.

So... here they come!
Even knowing that there are many dangers, they have no hesitation!
"Heavenly Emperor, I have come here unannounced, and please ask the Heavenly Emperor not to blame..." At this time, another deep voice sounded, and the next moment, a huge figure squeezed through the void and slowly crawled out.

And behind it, there is an imposing Wanling Emperor Palace floating in the sky.

"Your Majesty the Emperor of Heaven..." Looking at Lin Tian's current appearance, the old turtle who rushed over with all his might burst into tears. He turned his head and looked at the supreme existence of Mo Yuan below. Fierce killing intent.

The avenue is almost complete.

This is a quasi-emperor who is infinitely close to the great emperor.

Only one step away, the old turtle will be able to step into the emperor's realm.

With the blessing of the Wanling Emperor's Palace, its power has already faintly equaled that of the strong in the emperor's realm, and it immediately exerted tremendous pressure on this world.

"Thieves of the sky, come to fight!!!" Another roar came from the distance, and Chen Nuo, who was thrown away, also came back, but there was an extra ruler in his hand. A ruler full of mysterious and yellow aura.

And his aura is seriously inconsistent with his original cultivation base.

Even indistinctly, he reached the Emperor Realm.

With a glance, Lin Tian saw a familiar figure in his eyes.

Obviously, this is the Thief Heaven Emperor, who came back to fight with the help of Chen Nuo's body, but he did not completely seize control of this body, but left the opportunity to Chen Nuo to fight side by side with Lin Tian. The opportunity to fight was left to this junior.

 Good night everyone~
(End of this chapter)

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