Chapter 517 The Butcher
In the silver vortex around the big clock, a man wearing a black robe with a complexion like ice stepped out and stood behind Lin Tian. As soon as he appeared, the breath of the world immediately froze.

"Are you going to start a killing spree?"

The remnant spirit of Immortal Emperor Changsheng looked at Nanman from a distance, and when he saw this figure appear, he couldn't help showing a look of surprise on his face.

Lin Tian has many backgrounds.

Every life, the power to control is different.

But it is undeniable that in every life, he is very strong, at least he is also the strongest existence in the world.

But no matter how strong Lin Tian is, he can't gather all these forces into one body.

According to the speculation of Immortal Emperor Changsheng, if Lin Tian had no accidents, he should summon back his strongest power in his life through the chaotic time and space. This is not a difficult task for him.

After all, Lin Tian did not fall.

Every time he opens the next life, he will seal the power of the previous life, or preserve it by special means.

Therefore, this time he reversed the chaotic time and space, it is better to say that he is using the power of time to quickly retrieve the previous power. Although this method still violates the law of time.

But compared to the real time and space against chaos, the backlash suffered is much smaller.

However, what Immortal Emperor Changsheng didn't expect was that Lin Tian paid the price of breaking the big clock, but he didn't summon his strongest life, but summoned his life in the ancient times.

And in this life, Immortal Emperor Changsheng is no stranger, and it can even be said to be very familiar.

Because the person who came was none other than Hei Emperor Lin Tian...

The man who was once known as the butcher.

During the Nine Heavens Rebellion at the end of the ancient times, the murdered aliens were terrified, and their hands were stained with the so-called royal blood of the aliens. He could be called a real executioner and a representative of the killing process.

This life is not Lin Tian's strongest life.

But it is definitely Lin Tian who has experienced the most killings in his lifetime.

As soon as he appeared, there was a monstrous sea of ​​blood behind him. There were thousands of dead bones in the sea of ​​blood, and there were countless figures struggling and howling. The aura of these figures was all powerful, like the invincible immortal above the nine heavens, or The God who was born mighty.

But at this moment, they were all drowned in the sea of ​​blood, unable to get out, they could only roar unwillingly.

There are also a few strange-looking creatures with terrifying auras. In the sea of ​​blood, they were pinned to their chests by a long spear.

All of this, although it is just a vision manifested by Lin Tian.

But the supreme existence of Moyuan, watching this scene, was silent, because they knew that these visions were real things that existed back then. Even though they were still sleeping at that time, they still clearly remembered that A king of a foreign land was nailed to death by Lin Tian on the boundary marker!

You know, that is one of the most powerful people in the entire starry sky, who can be called one of the best.

But still can't escape the tragic death.

It was almost the same as the fate of the Undead God King.

Therefore, when the supreme beings of Moyuan saw Lin Tian coming out of this life, they lost their previous optimism, and all of them looked extremely ugly, and some even had fine sweat on their heads.


Lin Tian turned his head and looked at himself behind him.

Standing in front of the sea of ​​blood, Lin Tian in black nodded slowly, then opened his eyes.

At that moment, the sea of ​​blood boiled.

A terrifying murderous aura, accompanied by a monstrous evil aura, soared into the sky, and the strong smell of blood spread throughout China.

Lin Tian in black took a step and merged into Lin Tian's body.

At that moment, Lin Tian directly returned to the peak, which is the real peak, not as before, just relying on burning the soul, or other means to obtain part of the power.

The breath of half-step heaven burst out from him suddenly.

All the avenues of the heavens are swaying and howling. In the current area, the existence of this force is unbearable. They make a sound of "woo woo woo", as if they are begging Lin Tian to withdraw his supernatural power.

But Lin Tian simply ignored it.

The usual white clothes also turned into a solemn black, and the eyes that were already gloomy were even more radiant at this moment, with cold lights shining one after another.

It's just that long gray and dull hair, but it can't go back.

But it was this lifeless hair paired with his extremely indifferent eyes that made people tremble even more.

"Lin, lunatic Lin, maybe we can talk..." Moyuan's supreme existence rolled his throat, looking at Lin Tian, ​​who was overlooking them from the sky, and said with a trembling voice.

They are afraid.

in fear.

Although this sounds a bit unbelievable.

But, right now, that's the truth.

In fact, it was no wonder that anyone would panic when their lives were threatened, even if they were the most powerful existences in this world.

Because it is the nature of all living beings.

As long as they want to live, they will be afraid.

And Lin Tian's current state has already threatened their existence. Thinking of what this lunatic did in Jiutian, Moyuan's supreme existence, his scalp couldn't help but tingle.

I started to feel a little regretful in my heart.

If they had known that Lin Tian, ​​a lunatic, worked so hard, and had a treasure like a big clock as his backing, no matter what, they wouldn't have pushed Lin Tian to this point.

After all, it means immortality.

Sure enough, Lin Tian didn't pay attention to their words, took a step indifferently, and came directly to the Demon Abyss, confronting them.

He didn't move immediately, but stretched out his right hand.

An inexplicable force, centered on him, spread far away, as if calling for something.

Immediately afterwards, an astonishing cold light rushed out from the depths of the starry sky, turned into an afterimage at an indescribable speed, and came straight to Shenzhou. No one knew where it came from.

In the blink of an eye, it crossed an unknown number of star fields, came to Shenzhou, accurately fell into Lin Tian's hands, and finally manifested its real body.

It was a knife, a dark black knife.

The luster is introverted, not like the divine light flowing like ordinary emperor soldiers.

Except for the most conspicuous blood-red bead inlaid on the hilt, this knife looks no different from ordinary knives, it can be said to be ordinary.
But it just so happened that such a knife made the surrounding temperature drop by a few points the moment it appeared, and the murderous aura in the sky became more solid the moment it arrived.

If there were strong men who participated in the First World War back then, they would have recognized in horror that this knife was none other than the butcher who accompanied Lin Tian and killed the whole sky.

The same existence as Lin Tian's nickname back then.

 There is only one chapter tonight, keep hanging on the water, tomorrow's update will come out before [-] pm, um, [-]rd watch~
(End of this chapter)

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