Invincibility starts from awakening

Chapter 52 Come, wash my feet

Chapter 52 Come, wash my feet
Night, or that night.

Su Gou's disappearance did not attract anyone's attention.

Even Su Guangyao didn't know that the subordinate he sent out had already died.

Lin Tian and Xiao Hei returned to the inn silently.

The people who came and went looked at him with contempt and disgust. It was really shameful to have a crow as a pet.

Lin Tian didn't care about the gazes around him, he went upstairs and returned to his room.


Seeing movement coming from the door, Yue Qingying, who was working hard on alchemy, glanced at her with a look of vigilance in her eyes.

She didn't feel relieved until she saw Lin Tian appearing.

"How's the training going?"

Lin Tian asked casually.

"Fifteen Qi Condensing Pills have already been refined, and they failed once. Now they are refining No.17 Furnace, and there are still three pieces of elixir that have not been refined."

Yue Qingying wiped the sweat from her forehead, and replied while controlling the flame in the alchemy furnace.

"Tsk tsk, the dignified alchemy body, unexpectedly failed to refine a third-grade elixir."

Hearing Yue Qingying's words, Lin Tian couldn't help shaking his head.

"What alchemy body?"

Hearing Lin Tian's words, Yue Qingying's beautiful eyes were full of doubts.

"You don't need to know, just refine your pill well."

Lin Tian waved his hand, as if he didn't want to say too much to Yue Qingying.

Hearing Lin Tian mentioned alchemy, Yue Qingying couldn't help feeling angry. This bastard left her here alone, and let her, who is not specialized in medicine, be able to breathe without the help of formations. Refining so many pills.

He failed once and even laughed at her.

It's just too much!
"Hey, didn't you agree that you would tell me the reason why I couldn't make the magic pill, and teach me how to make it? When are you going to tell me?"

Yue Qingying looked at Lin Tian angrily and asked.

"Yes, it's true that I promised you these things, but I also said that you will be my maid for three months, and I will tell you these things."

Lin Tian glanced at Yue Qingying, and said with disgust on his face: "Do you see that you...have the slightest appearance of a maid?"


Yue Qingying was at a loss for words when she heard the words.

"It's just right, you've finished refining this alchemy, go get me some water to wash my feet."

Lin Tian ordered lightly.

Hearing this, Yue Qingying's eyes widened, and she said in disbelief, "You, you want me to fetch water to wash your feet?"

"Otherwise who am I calling?"

Lin Tian looked at Yue Qingying like an idiot.

This girl seems to have trouble with her ears.

Seeing Lin Tian's disgusted eyes, Yue Qingying almost laughed angrily, this is really a bastard.

Just when Yue Qingying was about to refuse, she saw Lin Tiandao again: "Look, you don't even give me the water to wash your feet, how do you want me to hand over things to you?"

"You are a threat!!!"

Yue Qingying stared at Lin Tian with her beautiful eyes, and said with gritted teeth.

"I'm not threatening, but as a maid, this is what you should do."

Lin Tian curled his lips disapprovingly, and then said: "Of course, if you don't want to, you don't have to do it. Just go now. After all, I didn't ask you to be my maid."

Hearing this, Yue Qingying was really angry and wanted to leave.

For so many years, no matter where she went, she was always chased and hugged by people, and it was the first time that she was treated like this.

Just thinking that if she left like this, not only would she not be able to solve the reason for her alchemy failure, she would also not be able to learn the superb alchemy technique, and she would not be able to discover the secrets of Lin Tian again, Yue Qingying hesitated in her heart.

Finally, under Lin Tian's urging, he gritted his teeth and stomped his feet.

Isn't it just washing feet?

Done! ! !

Yue Qingying gave Lin Tian a bitter look, then turned around angrily, stepped on the floor hard, and went outside to find water for Lin Tian.

"Brother son, how do I feel, you seem to be very interested in this little girl?" Xiao Hei couldn't help saying boldly while watching this scene.

"What do you know, you stupid bird? I think she has plastic talent."

Lin Tian shot back at Xiao Hei, looking at the place where Yue Qingying left, he didn't know what he thought of, his eyes were a little nostalgic, and he murmured: "After all, this kind of physique, for millions of years, has also Hard to find..."

Hearing this, Xiao Hei's expression froze.

It is definitely the only one in the world with a physique that can make this young master admire him.

"Then son, what do you think of her achievements in the future?" Xiao Hei asked tentatively.

Lin Tian thought for a while, then shook his head and said with a smile: "It's hard to say, look at her good fortune, if there is no accident, it should be easy to be invincible."

Hearing this, Xiao Hei couldn't help but gasped.

What does it mean to get such an evaluation from Lin Tiankou?This represents unparalleled potential.

It is what the world often calls - the capital of the emperor.

After all, who dares to say that he is invincible if he does not enter the emperor's realm?

"In this case, why do you want to..."

"Why do you treat her like this?"

Before Xiao Hei finished speaking, he was interrupted by Lin Tian with a smile.

Xiao Hei nodded, that was exactly what it wanted to ask.

"Hehe, don't say that she only has potential now, no one can say whether she will succeed in the future, even if she is really an empress, so what?"

Lin Tianyun smiled lightly.

The indifference between the brows reveals a trace of indescribable arrogance.

A mere Emperor Realm powerhouse has not been put in his eyes yet.

Xiao Hei was immediately conquered by the domineering spirit of Lin Tian, ​​and his eyes were filled with admiration.

Not long after, Yue Qingying walked in with a wooden basin.

Although she was covered when she went out, Lin Tian could still see that Yue Qingying's face was very cold at the moment.


Yue Qingying put the wooden basin at Lin Tian's feet, and was about to leave.

"Hey, are you leaving now?"

Seeing this, Lin Tian hurriedly shouted.

"What else do you want?"

Yue Qingying looked back at Lin Tian with a displeased tone.

Lin Tian didn't make a sound, kicked his feet, and gave her a half-smile look.

Seeing this, Yue Qingying's face darkened instantly.

This bastard, do you still want her to take off your shoes and wash your feet?
"Isn't this what you should do?"

Seemingly seeing what Yue Qingying was thinking, Lin Tian smiled badly.


Hearing this, the blue veins on Yue Qingying's snow-white forehead bulged, and finally couldn't bear it anymore, and roared out.

This bastard is too much.

How is it possible to want her to help wash your feet? ! !

Even if she, Yue Qingying, never made alchemy again, she would never wash his feet.

"Do you like washing or not!"

Yue Qingying's beautiful eyes were like ice, she gave Lin Tian a cold look, then turned around and disappeared into Lin Tian's room, leaving behind a gust of fragrance.

Looking at the swaying door, Lin Tian smiled and was not disappointed.

After all, a maid can't be trained in a day, can she?

Being able to help him bring water to wash his feet is already a good start.


(End of this chapter)

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