Chapter 524 End!

Self-destruction is an extreme means of destroying oneself to attack opponents.

Especially the self-detonation of a half-step heavenly being, the power and influence can be described as extremely terrifying, like countless stars detonating at the same time, shining brilliantly, illuminating all star fields.

Even the sea of ​​chaos, which is unknown how far away, has ushered in daylight.

With him as the center, a radius of [-] miles, it turned into nothingness in an instant, and this was still under Lin Tian's control, otherwise, how many star fields and creatures would be turned into nothingness.

However, even with Lin Tian controlling it.

This self-destruction still affects countless people, which is unavoidable.

Even Lin Tian couldn't stop it.

After all, in his current state, he can't resist the self-destructive impact of a half-step heaven.

To do that is courting death!
At the far end of the starry sky, there is an ancient city looming in the chaotic sea of ​​laws and regulations. The dazzling light from a distance sweeps across, illuminating this region.


In the city, a handsome young man suddenly opened his eyes and looked up at the sky. Those golden eyes couldn't help but feel a familiar atmosphere.

The handsome young man got up immediately, and a terrifying aura erupted from him, shaking the ancient city.

"It's the Emperor Master!" In another corner of the city, a young man in a purple Taoist robe woke up from the Tai Chi Dojo, frowning slightly, and couldn't help standing up.

Such similar scenes appeared in many corners of this ancient city in a short while, and many strong men who had been in seclusion for a long time woke up today.

"What happened, why did Emperor Wu and the others wake up? Could it be that the foreign land is going to attack again?!"

Residents in countless ancient cities couldn't help raising their heads, their eyes were full of surprise, and they couldn't help but feel nervous about this weird scene for a while.

Some people couldn't help but look out of the city. The desolate area outside could be said to be the ancient battlefield where layers of corpses were piled up.

This made everyone quietly relieved.

However, since it wasn't an attack from a foreign land, what was it that alarmed so many big figures in the ancient city?

Soon, everyone had some doubts in their hearts, and they were very puzzled.

It's just a pity that no one can answer their questions, because everyone who knows has disappeared in the ancient city at this moment.

As for where they went, no one knows.

And when the ancient city changed, in another corner of the world, a piece of frozen land suddenly burst open.

Immediately afterwards, a woman in plain clothes with a frosty face rushed out of it. She glanced into the distance, frowned slightly, turned around and left in the next second, and disappeared into this world.

"Crazy Lin is in trouble..." Above the nine heavens, in a certain precipitous forest, an old man was carrying a medicine basket, looked back at the sky full of white light, shook his head, and then held a divine light in his hand. The flowers were picked and thrown into the medicine basket.

Finally, it gradually disappeared on the path between the mountains.

Similar things happened in many places on this day, and many people were alarmed by the sudden day.

Even the giants of the fairy world who usually avoid the world woke up, staring at the light from the endless starry sky, and remained silent for a long time.

Although I didn't see it with my own eyes, but at their level, as long as they have any information in hand, they can quickly deduce what happened before.

Even in the end, there was some kind of force stopping them, but they still peeked into a corner.

I saw a person in the nine days opposite the distant chaotic sea, like thousands of red suns exploding, he turned over the star field in an instant, and swallowed a young man in black and white hair.

Not long after, the entire universe turned into daylight.

Although they didn't see the final result, they guessed what was going on.

Under such a self-destruction, even the master of the forbidden land who is almost equal to the heavenly dao is enough to drink a pot, let alone Lin Tian who has only recovered the peak of his life.

Moreover, in his current state, it is not difficult for everyone to see that he is already exhausted.

The energy of life has already been exhausted by the power of time. Although he has recovered his cultivation for a lifetime, he will not live for long.

Therefore, even if Lin Tian didn't die in the opponent's self-destruction this time, he would reach the finish line immediately after his strength was exhausted.


A strong man who knew Lin Tian's identity couldn't help but shake his head at this moment, feeling sorry for Lin Tian, ​​a hero who is about to fall.

Of course, there are also people who can't help but sneer, thinking that the death of a person like Lin Tian is not a pity.

But no matter what they think, it is undeniable that the powerhouses in the whole world were shocked on this day.

"It seems that a great event has happened on the other side today..." In a dark place, a figure was looming, and a creature whose face could not be seen clearly said sadly: "If my perception is not wrong, it should be It's our old rival who is in trouble, Jie Jie Jie..."

"My lord, we have endured for tens of millions of years, and now it's time to do something..." At this moment, a black shadow came behind this creature and said abruptly.

Hearing this, the creature said with some melancholy: "Yes, it's been so many years, if it wasn't for that guy, why would we be so cautious?"

"It's a pity, he is a hero in that world, but not everyone in his world is a hero."

Speaking of this, the creature's eyes couldn't help flashing a trace of sarcasm, and then said in a disgusted tone: "That's really a bunch of trash, if it weren't for them, I would have raised my troops to enter those nine days ten thousand years ago, so why wait until now? Now?"

"But it's not too late now, you go and inform all the clans to prepare, in the words of their top 'kings' from Nine Heavens, this pig has been fattened up, it's time to kill it..."

Hearing this, the later creature's expression froze, and a hint of excitement and excitement flashed in his eyes.

His dream thing is finally coming!
The creature licked its lips excitedly, then nodded and said, "My lord, I'll go and notify all clans to prepare!"

After finishing speaking, he turned around and left with a brisk pace, as if he had encountered some happy event.

Today, it's going to change!
The creature called "King" looked into the distance, his eyes flickered, and there seemed to be a storm in his eyes, and there was a rain of blood.

"Is it finally over?" After feeling the explosion in the rear, the Supreme Being of Moyuan, who was fleeing for nine days, felt no movement for a long time. He couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief, and slowly stopped.

"This feeling of fleeing is really uncomfortable..." Someone let out a long breath, and a look of relief appeared on his face, thinking that the sad days should be over.

 Good night everyone~
(End of this chapter)

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