Invincibility starts from awakening

Chapter 540: Emperor Wu's Defeat!

Chapter 540: Emperor Wu's Defeat! (first update)
Emperor Wu turned his face and met the cold gaze of the Lord of Heaven. He sneered, and instead of helping the others solve the opponent first, he rushed directly to the Lord of Heaven.

Because Emperor Wu knew that he was able to succeed just now and defeated the enemy with one move, but it was only because of the opponent's carelessness.

After other people have experienced this incident, they will inevitably be very wary of him in their hearts.

In addition, a strong man at the level of half-step heaven is not so easy to kill. Even if he makes a move to reinforce other people, at most he can suppress the opponent. It is easy to gain the upper hand, but it is difficult to kill the opponent.

Maybe I will be dragged by it.

As for the God of Medicine, they can't hold on for long.

Therefore, Emperor Wu gave up helping others to free up their hands first, and went directly to the Lord of Heaven. He believed that his master, who was so powerful for nine days, would never fall so easily.

As long as Lin Tian wakes up, Emperor Wu believes that all problems can be solved.

"Boy, you are courting death!!!"

Seeing that Emperor Wu actually gave up on dealing with other people and came to him, the Lord of Heaven seemed to pinch himself as a soft persimmon, his face suddenly became extremely gloomy, his eyes were full of murderous intent and radiant coldness.

But Emperor Wu was not a little afraid.

He always remembered Lin Tian's teachings in his heart, so what about the Lord of the Forbidden Land?So what about being on par with Heaven?In this world, there is no absolute invincible, only an invincible heart.

"Kill!" Emperor Wu shouted, and immediately rushed forward.

His whole body glowed with golden light, and this physical body was his weapon.


Seeing this, the Lord of Heaven snorted coldly, and without using any weapons, his fists were filled with muddy and chaotic light, and he went straight to meet him.

The two fists faced each other, with terrifying vigor, it exploded between heaven and earth, creating a layer of air waves, forcing the strong fighters around to stop defending each other, or hide aside, not daring to be affected by it.

At this time, the medicine god did not neglect,

At the moment when the Lord of Heaven collided with Emperor Good Fortune, he immediately killed him. A fiery cauldron pointed directly at his head, emitting a terrifying aura, as if he wanted to smash the Lord of Heaven's head generally.

The Lord of Heaven also felt the killing intent from behind.

He turned his face away, and was about to raise his hand, and sent the furnace of the God of Medicine flying out with a punch.

But at this moment, Emperor Wu, who flew upside down, also killed him here. With cold eyes, he frantically swung his fists, ignoring the suppression of heaven, and unleashed his full power. It was so terrifying that even this world was trembling. .

Seeing this lunatic's style of attack, the Lord of Heaven did not dare to be negligent. He could not care about the furnace cauldron of the God of Medicine.

This is the beginning of a fierce fight.

The two of you punched, he kicked, you came and went, shattered this piece of heaven and earth, and entered the endless void. Two lights and shadows, one gold and one white, flickered in the dark void, constantly changing directions, Then they collided together and erupted in terrifying fluctuations.

The entire void is shaking accordingly.

Even if the God of Medicine wanted to help, he couldn't find a chance to participate.

He could only stay outside and help Lin Tian again to recover from his injuries.

"You guy, you haven't woken up yet, your precious apprentice, I'm afraid someone will be beaten to death..." The God of Medicine fed Lin Tian another valuable pill, then raised his head and glanced at the void A trace of worry flashed in the eyes of the two figures that were intertwined in the room.

Although Emperor Wu was brave, he was only brave.

His strength is still much worse than that of the Lord of the Heavens, and he is not his opponent at all.

At the beginning, Emperor Wu might have had a little upper hand, but when Shang Shangzhi took the initiative, he was completely suppressed, and he was able to sustain until now because of his desperate style of play.

Fortunately, he is the Eucharist.

Otherwise, if you fight with the Lord of Heaven like this, your body will explode in just a few blows.

"It's time to decide the winner..."

Seeing the speed of the golden shadow getting slower and slower, the starry sky spattered a line of blood, Yaoshen stood up with a dignified expression, summoned his furnace cauldron, then swept towards the void, and went straight to the Lord of the Sky .

And the Lord of Heaven, who was about to kill Emperor Wu, how could he allow the God of Medicine to interfere?

"Go away!"

I saw him shout angrily.

A big sword suddenly flew from the starry sky, full of terrifying chaos, with awe-inspiring killing intent, and went straight to the God of Medicine, bursting out with terrifying power. This is a real treasure of heaven and earth, a A supreme Taoist soldier, forcing the God of Medicine to stop and entangle with it.

At this moment, the Lord of the Heavens also killed Emperor Wu who was breathless and blood was still dripping from the corner of his mouth.

Seeing this, Emperor Wu's eyes were fixed.

He raised his fist subconsciously, although the reaction was not slow, but at this moment, in the eyes of the Lord of Heaven, it was not enough. He saw that the Lord of Heaven quickly dodged his attack, grabbed his throat, and then followed A punch hit his chest.


At that moment, Emperor Wu's entire face was twisted together.

The terrifying power of chaos rushed into his body, making his body almost explode.

"You have provoked the deity again and again, boy, tell me, how do you want to die?" The Lord of Heaven raised Emperor Wu high, his eyes were cold and red, and his tone was full of hostility.

Emperor Wu was silent at first, and looked at the Lord of Heaven indifferently, his eyes were full of disdain. If he had lived for such a long time as the Lord of Heaven, he believed that he could easily deal with him.

However, at this time, Emperor Wu also knew that he might not escape this catastrophe today, even if he was unwilling or convinced, it was useless.

"Master, this disciple is incompetent and can no longer protect you..."

Emperor Wu glanced silently in the direction of Lin Tian, ​​and was ready to accept his fate.

But at this moment, he was stunned.

Immediately afterwards, ecstasy appeared in his eyes, and the whole person became excited.

This emotion was naturally noticed by the Lord of Heaven. He frowned slightly, wondering what this dying man was suddenly excited about.

The Lord of Heaven followed Emperor Wu's gaze in confusion.

I saw Lin Tian lying there, his heartbeat became stronger and faster, and the exuberant vitality burst out from his body, Zhou Tian Dao was aroused.

"Not good! Forgot business!"

This scene made the Lord of Heaven suddenly wake up.

His goal should be to kill Lin Tiantian as soon as possible, but he was so excited by Emperor Wu that he forgot.

"You are so scheming!"

The Lord of Heaven gritted his teeth and looked at Emperor Wu in his hands, the killing intent in his eyes was extremely intense.

Fortunately, Lin Tian has not woken up yet, and there is still a chance to save him.

Otherwise, this time, their efforts were really wasted!

(End of this chapter)

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