Invincibility starts from awakening

Chapter 547 Conditions?kill!

Chapter 547 Conditions?kill!

This avatar dressed in black is naturally the one that Lin Tian summoned earlier by reversing time and space. He was beaten to death by the Lord of Heaven along with him before, but he was not reborn from Nirvana along with him.

Instead, after the Lord of Heaven and others and Lin Tian left one after another, they returned in secret.

It is the most critical step in Lin Tian's plan this time, because Lin Tian doesn't know what will happen to him when he is in Nirvana, so this life is also his last retreat.

If the previous formation was broken and his real body was killed, then he can use this clone to regenerate, and there will still be a chance to make a comeback.

It's just a pity that there are no ifs in the world.

His successful Nirvana came back to life, and this avatar has naturally become a big killer in his hands. It hides in the void and guards all directions strictly to prevent any accidents from happening.

After the Lord of Heaven was careless and triumphantly fled into the void, he dealt him a fatal blow.

Without waiting for everyone to be surprised, another sword pierced into the Lord of Heaven's chest with a "poof", and a red shadow quietly came to the Lord of Heaven, without any emotion on his face.


The next moment, another sword passed through the chest of the Lord of Heaven.

The terrifying power of time invaded his body in an instant, and passed quickly in his body.

This kind of passage of time from the inside to the outside caused the Lord of God to age rapidly. In just one or two blinks, his face changed from a young man in his twenties to an old man.

"Cough cough..."

The Lord of Heaven raised his head slowly, only to see Lin Tian walking over lightly.

"I've said it before, today, you must die!" Lin Tian stopped in front of the Lord of Heaven, and said with icy eyes.

"Hehe..." The Lord of Heaven showed a very reluctant smile when he heard the words. He seemed to be emotionally agitated, affecting the injuries in his body, and then coughed violently. After a long time, he stopped and looked slowly at Lin Tian smiled weakly and said, "Congratulations, you have won again."

"Thank you, it's just a little more luck than you guys."

Lin Tian replied blankly.

"is it?"

Hearing this, the Lord of Heaven smiled disapprovingly, then turned his face, looked towards a void, and suddenly said: "But, did yours win?"


Hearing this, Lin Tian frowned, and looked at the Lord of Heaven in confusion.

Could it be that this guy has other successors?
Lin Tian suddenly became vigilant in his heart.

The black-clothed clone immediately dodged into the distance and guarded its surroundings.

Seeing this scene, the Lord of Heaven couldn't help but burst out laughing.

"Hahahaha, I didn't expect that the majestic master of reincarnation, who dared to be an enemy of heaven, would be so nervous because of my words?!"

When Lin Tian heard the words, he didn't speak, and there was no fluctuation on his face.

He is strong and good.

But that doesn't mean he's conceited.

Be careful, there is always nothing wrong.

After all, he still remembered the lessons from the previous two times.

"If what you want to say is all these nonsense, then I will send you down. Don't you like the underworld? You should be able to see it later." Lin Tian glanced coldly at the sneering God of Heaven Lord, said lightly.

Hearing this, the Lord of Heaven didn't take it seriously at all.

Because he also knew what kind of ending he would have today.

So, he doesn't care anymore.

Because it's no use caring.

With such an injury, the chance of wanting to leave Lin Tian's hand is very small. Even if the other Forbidden Land Lords are willing to lend a helping hand and rush to rescue him, they don't want to take him back from Lin Tian's hand.

After all, killing people is much easier than saving them.

What's more, he is in Lin Tian's hands.

Whether to kill him or not is entirely up to Lin Tian.

However, if he could add some obstacles to Lin Tian before he died, he would be very happy.

The lord of heaven looked at Lin Tian, ​​and said with a smile that was not a smile: "In order to save you, guarding in the sea of ​​chaos, the ancient city powerhouses that cut off the battlefield between Jiutian and foreign lands, but almost all of them have returned, and the mysterious creatures in the sea of ​​chaos have also returned. Suppressed by you, you said..."

Having said that, the Lord of Heaven closed his mouth.

His eyes were full of playfulness.

Needless to say, he thought, Lin Tian could also understand what he meant.

as predicted.

The next moment, Lin Tian's expression suddenly changed.

He naturally understood what the Lord of Heaven meant.

On the other side of the foreign land, they have been dormant for so long, and what they are waiting for is obviously an opportunity.

There is so much movement on Jiutian's side now.

It was also felt by the Nine Heavens on the other side of the world. He didn't believe it, and there was no feeling on the other side.

A bad premonition suddenly invaded Lin Tian's heart.

It made his hands and feet feel a little cold.

There was a chill down my spine.

Looking at Lin Tian whose face darkened in an instant and became very ugly, the Lord of Heaven knew that his plot had succeeded, and couldn't help showing a victorious smile, extremely proud.

Lin Tian glanced at him gloomyly, gritted his teeth and said, "Damn you!!!"

"Hehe, whether I deserve to die or not is completely up to you now, but it's not certain whether I can survive these nine days, this time." The Lord of Heaven said meaningfully: "After all, in this life, You don't have so many powerful helpers, and you don't have the same strength as back then, and your opponent is countless times stronger than before..."

At the realm of the Lord of the Heavens, he can naturally see that Lin Tian's power is now a short-term burst. In this life, he has not yet fully cultivated, and he is no longer heroic at all.

But in this life, Lin Tian's opponent is much stronger than back then.

Not counting the enemies hidden in the dark, there are several terrifying existences just on the surface.

For example, the Lord of the Demon Abyss who escaped.

Another example is the undead god king who is recovering.

Even if it's just that they escaped from the Shangcang Ancient Mine, it was enough for Lin Tian to have a headache for a long time.

Not to mention, the existence of exotic lands.

They have been dormant for such a long time, and they must have accumulated a lot of power.

Once killed, it is absolutely terrifying.

It was too difficult for Lin Tian to block it.

Seeing that Lin Tian's face became more and more ugly, the Lord of Heaven's eyes suddenly burst into light, and he said triumphantly: "Crazy Lin, please beg me, please beg me, I will help you, how about it?"

"Don't say anything else, I'm here. I'm a strong man from the ancient mine. In this life, I will definitely not come to cause trouble for you. Even, as long as you promise, help us resist the pressure of heaven and rebuild a piece of land without an owner. We, I can still persuade them to join your camp, do you want to think about it?"

It has to be said that the condition of the Lord of Heaven is very attractive.

Although it is very difficult to build an unowned land that is similar to the ten forbidden lands and is not governed by the Dao of Heaven, it is not impossible for Lin Tian. It is definitely a very cost-effective deal for someone to join, as well as a strong man who can stand shoulder to shoulder with heaven.

It's a pity that the person who negotiated the terms is the Lord of Heaven.

If you agree to it, although you can avoid the loss of life and save countless lives.

But Lin Tian's principles did not allow him to do so.

He can die for the sake of the world, but he will not give up a person who hurt his relatives and friends for the sake of the world, because in that case, he will be sorry for his tortured adoptive father.

I'm also sorry, Xiaoxue and others who died in order to protect him.

I am even more sorry for my own heart.

and so……

"There's nothing to think about, go die!" Lin Tian's face was ice-cold, without even thinking about it, when he slashed with a knife, the terrifying light of the knife instantly passed through the body of the Lord of Heaven.

The Lord of Heaven stared wide-eyed, looking at Lin Tian in disbelief.

When he was severely injured by Lin Tian's avatar in the void and forced out, he knew that he was probably going to perish today, but even if he died, he never thought that Lin Tian would be so resolute. Without thinking about it, he directly killed him with a knife.

(End of this chapter)

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