Chapter 55
"Gather seven levels, pass the test..."

"Qi Gathering Eight Layers, that's right, the next one..."

In front of the Juling Monument, a young man in a red robe looked at the lit up monument and shouted loudly.

Anyone who has passed the level will go to the martial arts arena and enter the next link - challenge.

That is to say, randomly select a person who has also passed the level as an opponent, and if he is defeated, he can enter the next level.

Those who are defeated will not directly lose the opportunity to enroll, but will get a chance to challenge.

However, those who need to challenge must be selected from those who have successfully challenged.

Success advances.

Seeing that there were only a dozen or so people left without testing their strength, Lin Zhi, who had not entered the venue for a long time, also became anxious.

"This bastard, isn't he really afraid and afraid to come?"

Lin Zhidong looked around with anxious expression.

Most of the people sitting around Yanwu Square are also looking for Lin Tian, ​​wanting to see what this arrogant young man who has been rumored in Yanyang City looks like.

"Are you going to enroll?"

For a moment, only Lin Zhi was left alone, and the young man in front of the Juling Monument saw that he hadn't come up for a long time, so he couldn't help frowning and asked.

Hearing this, Lin Zhi had no choice but to give up and continue to wait, and walked forward helplessly.

Pressing the palm of the hand on the Juling Monument, the pitch-black body of the monument suddenly lit up.

"Qi Gathering Eight Layers, that's right, you go over..."

There was a flash of approval in the young man's eyes, he nodded and said.

"Senior, I had a bet with a person, and I'm here to prove myself, please give me another incense stick of time, I'll wait for him to come."

Lin Zhi gritted his teeth unwillingly and said.

"It's against the rules."

The young man frowned, and just when he was about to refuse, a cold voice came leisurely.

"No, I'm here..."

The voice was not loud, but it instantly attracted everyone's attention.

Lin Longxiao stood up straight away, looking at the young man in white who was slowly coming in outside the Yanwu Square, he couldn't help clenching his fists, and his breathing was a little short.

"elder brother……"

Lin Muyu couldn't help but clenched her jade hand tightly, looking at the young man whose image had changed drastically, with joy and worry in his eyes.

"I didn't expect this kid to be a little courageous..."

The third elder of the Lin family and the first elder looked at each other and sneered.

On the high platform, the vice president of Yanyang College who was over eighty years old also opened his eyes at this moment, looking at Lin Tian coming from a distance, his cloudy eyes were full of doubts.

And Su Guangyao next to him, staring at Lin Tian who came forward, his face was extremely gloomy, with murderous intent in his eyes.

As if feeling his killing intent, Lin Tian raised his head slightly, and smiled at Su Guangyao, with a slightly sarcastic smile.

Before Su Guangyao could get angry, Lin Tian turned his gaze to Lin Longxiao and Lin Muyu, waved at them, and showed a very bright smile.

This smile was very eye-catching in Lin Zhi's eyes, and he couldn't help urging: "Since you're here, hurry up and prove yourself."

"Let me see how much energy you have gathered now."

Lin Zhi said sarcastically.

Hearing this, Lin Tian glanced at him lightly, and then asked, "Is your shit ready?"

"Hmph, what does it have to do with you if I'm not ready?" Lin Zhi snorted coldly, and said disdainfully, "Could it be that you really think that you can have the Qi Gathering Level [-]?"

"Okay, stop arguing, you'll know if you have Qi Gathering Seventh Layer, just try it." The young man pointed to the Spirit Gathering Tablet and said impatiently.

"Lin Tian, ​​go, let everyone see how talented you are!"

Lin Zhi folded his hands on his chest, laughing all over his face.

Sitting on the other side of the Yanyang Academy on the high platform, Mi Lao and Bai Changfeng, the chief pharmacists of the auction house who arrived later, looked at each other when they saw this scene, with extremely weird smiles on their faces at the same time.

It's just that no one noticed this scene at the moment.

Everyone's eyes were on Lin Tian.

Including Yue Qingying, she also wants to know what is going on with Lin Tian now.

Lin Tian stepped up the steps slowly and walked to the Juling Monument.

His fair and slender, very good-looking palms slowly pressed against the pitch-black stele.

The air was instantly quiet.

Everyone held their breath, wanting to see if this young man who uttered wild words really had that ability.

It's just that after one breath, the Juling Monument didn't respond.

Lin Zhi had a strange expression at first, and then he couldn't help but burst out laughing: "Lin Tian, ​​is this what you call the Qi Gathering Layer?"

The young student in charge of testing talent also shook his head.

There is no response from the Juling Monument, which means that there is no spiritual energy in this person.

This is simply an ordinary person.

Yue Qingying was also very astonished, looking at Lin Tian in surprise.

How could this be?
This guy really has no cultivation base?

Mi Lao and Bai Changfeng couldn't understand either, and their faces were full of doubts.

They have seen Lin Tian concocting alchemy with their own eyes, a person who can easily refine a fourth-grade elixir, without cultivation, they would not believe it even if they were killed.

Su Guangyao also frowned slightly, showing doubts.

You know, when he was at Tianyun Inn, this guy withstood his coercion, how could he be so weak?

It shouldn't be!

As for the rest, those who didn't know the details of Lin Tian couldn't help but sneer.

"Is this 'genius'?"

All around shaking their heads.

Lin Longxiao and Lin Muyu's faces were a little pale.

"Lin Longxiao, this is the good son you have taught. He is useless except talking nonsense."

The elder of the Lin family reprimanded with a sneer.

The third elder raised Erlang's legs even more, and said with a proud smile: "Lin Longxiao, let Lin Tian roll over and kowtow to me now, for the sake of previous affection, maybe I can agree not to let him be in this public place. Next, kowtow to my family Zhi'er to make amends."

Lin Longxiao didn't make a sound, but clenched his fists tightly, his expression extremely ugly.

At this moment, Lin Tian's light and fluttering voice happened to sound.

"Sorry, I forgot to practice, give me a little more time."

Lin Tian's words made everyone a little bit astonished.

What does this guy mean?
Could it be that he wants to cultivate to the seventh level of Qi Gathering in one go here?
No one answered the questions in everyone's mind.

Because in the next second, Lin Tian told them with actions.

I saw the spiritual energy in the surrounding world suddenly rioted, all rushing towards the white-clothed boy on the Yanwu Square.

Lin Tian closed his eyes and breathed lightly.

But it seemed to be very powerful, and everyone present seemed to be able to vaguely hear his breathing.

The Juling Monument also became brighter and brighter.


Get together!

Qi Gathering Double!

One breath at a time! ! !

Seeing this scene, everyone couldn't help but stood up, and stared at Lin Tian on the stage in amazement, eyes filled with disbelief.

The third elder, with his legs crossed, staggered even more when he got up, and almost rolled off his seat in fright, lying on the chair, his eyes widened in disbelief, looking at the boy in white with flying black hair in the distance.

 PS: Thank you for your rewards and recommendations~
(End of this chapter)

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