Invincibility starts from awakening

Chapter 550 Black Eyed King

Chapter 550 Black Eyed King


In the black cloud, there was a shrill scream. Looking around, I saw a middle-aged man struggling in pain in the black cloud, his whole face twisted into a ball.

Emperor Wu knew this man, he was a great emperor of a special race in ancient times.

Like them, guarding this border town.

Unexpectedly, even he has encountered doom now.

It seems that the large formation in the ancient city has already been breached by these alien creatures.

Everyone looked ugly and looked towards the ancient city.

There were screams all the time.

Countless faces struggled there, and were swallowed alive by the creatures in the black cloud.

"Jie Jie Jie..."

In the black clouds, the alien creatures that swallowed the creatures of the ancient city couldn't help but let out a strange and piercing laugh, very proud, making this world, in an instant, like a piece of purgatory on earth.

"These bastards!!!"

Emperor Wu's eyes were red and bloodshot. Looking at this scene, he couldn't help clenching his fists tightly, and then wanted to rush forward to fight the alien creatures in front of him.

Fortunately, Huangdi had quick eyesight and quick hands, so he quickly grabbed him.

Otherwise, Emperor Wu would have killed him at this moment.

At this moment, a fierce black light suddenly shot out from the black cloud, and penetrated through the black cloud, the Nine Heavens Emperor who was captured by them.


A scream sounded.

Emperor's blood is flying.

The Nine Heavens Emperor, who had known Emperor Wudi, had pain on his face.

The next moment, a strange invisible force enveloped him, quickly eating away at his body, and the acquired power turned into silk threads and flew into the black cloud.

Just a few blinks.

A strong man who had already completed the Dao and could be called the Emperor of Heaven in Nine Heavens just fell here.

Everyone was silent after watching it.

Emperor Wu also had lingering fear on his face.

The black light just now was so strong that even he could feel a breath of suffocation. This was definitely an attack launched by a powerhouse at the level of the Lord of Heaven.

If the Yellow Emperor hadn't stopped him just now, he would have rushed forward like this, I'm afraid it would have been a disaster.

"Crazy Lin, are you here?"

A moment later, a deep voice came out from the dark clouds in the sky, and then it exploded around like a thunderstorm, causing everyone's eardrums to tremble.

Lin Tian's face remained unchanged, he raised his head, looked at the black clouds above his head, and slowly said: "At the beginning, there were three kings from your clan, one was crucified by me, and two escaped. You are the king of those two kings." Who?"

His voice fell, and the world that was originally full of strange laughter gradually became quiet.

A strange and chilling atmosphere followed.

The surrounding air seemed to be freezing.

Emperor Wu and the others also sensed something was wrong, they all held their breath, cheered up, and waited for the battle.

For a while, the two sides were at war.

Time seemed to stand still at this moment.

It seems that in the next second, a great war will break out here.

"I'm Black Eye..." After a while, the dungeon voice came out from the black cloud again, announcing his identity.

Emperor Wu and other latecomers cultivated by Lin Tian from ancient times may not feel much about the name "Black Eye", but Huangdi is different. The moment he heard this name, his face changed drastically.

Emperor Wu and others didn't know the prestige of this name, but he knew it clearly.

This is definitely an invincible king, even in a foreign land, he is also the strongest existence. In the battle to break through the Nine Heavens, he took the first place, and most of the Nine Heavens powerhouses almost died in his hands.

Including the Red Emperor among the five ancient emperors.

If Lin Tian hadn't rushed into the foreign land with all his might, destroyed the treasure of this family, and damaged the souls of the three of them, the original Jiutian might not have been preserved.

But in the end, even so, Hei Mou escaped back.

Being able to escape from Lin Tian's hands was something that the Lord of Heaven did not do, but he did. It is conceivable how terrifying this foreign 'King of Black Eyes' is.

"Oh it's you……"

Lin Tian also narrowed his eyes slightly, and then asked, "Where's that white-browed old monster?"

"You mean the White Demon King?" The Black Eyed King's voice paused first, and then he said calmly: "You broke the guts of that old and immortal guy back then, and he didn't want to come back for another nine days, but wanted to start construction in a foreign land." Wang Ting, disagree with me, I took the opportunity to kill you as early as 10 years ago, when you shattered the Dao of Heaven."

"For this reason, I have been sleeping for tens of thousands of years." Having said this, the Black Eyed King sighed a little.

But whether it was Emperor Wu, Emperor Huang, or the others, their hairs couldn't help but stand on end. What the hell, what kind of ruthless person is he?

Moreover, the reason is just unwillingness to attack Jiutian.


Rao Lin Tian, ​​when he heard the words of the King of Black Eyes, the corners of his eyes twitched and he was shocked.

"Without the White Demon King, I'm afraid it's wishful thinking if you want to kill me for nine days..." After a while, Lin Tian shook his head.

The King of Black Eyes smiled disapprovingly: "Of course, I know that you are crazy Lin Lin. I really can't kill Jiutian alone, but these years, do you think that you are the only one who can cultivate strong people?"

Lin Tian didn't speak, but just stared straight at the black cloud in front of him, his gaze was like a torch, as if he wanted to see through something from inside.

next second.

In the black cloud, there were three places that surged.

Immediately afterwards, the three different images, people are not like people, monsters are not like monsters, beast head and human body, or the figure of beast body and human head, gradually manifested, they sneered all over their faces, and said to Lin Tian in unison: "I am the Dragon King, Bull Demon King, and Flying Sparrow King."

"I'm not interested in what kind of kings you are, and what kind of shape you like to evolve into. I'll give you a minute to get out of this world immediately, otherwise..." Lin Tian looked at them, his eyes narrowed slightly, and then he said every word. After a pause, he spit out slowly: "I will beat you to death!"

"Just like the one back then, crucified on this boundary marker."


Lin Tian cast his eyes on the big stone tablet standing in the ancient battlefield under the black cloud.

Up to now, you can still see the messy black traces on that stone tablet. This is the imprint left by the king of the foreign land before his death, and it has not been erased until now.

Hearing this, the three newborn kings glanced at the stele, their expressions extremely ugly.

No one knows better than them what kind of breath the breath on that stone tablet is.

Nothing but despair.

This is the last emotion left by the king of their foreign land countless thousands of years ago before he died. It will be imprinted here forever and will be immortal for thousands of years. Feeling his despair, he felt fear in his heart, and stopped looking at the beautiful world ahead.

(End of this chapter)

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