Chapter 557

"Where is this place?"

Suddenly, the white-clothed boy turned his head, looked at the elder priest of the Lin family holding a cane and asked.

The elders of the Lin family sacrificed tears, and replied in tears: "Ancestor, have you forgotten? This is Yunyang City, the ancestral land of my Lin family!"

"Yunyang City..."


The boy in white frowned slightly, as if he felt a little familiar, but he couldn't remember what kind of place this was.

However, standing here, he felt an inexplicable kindness.

It seems that these people should be the ones who have been guarding him all these years.

That being the case...

"Wait, where did you come from, and why did you offend the Lin family?" The boy in white turned his eyes and landed on Li Pingyang and the others.


Li Pingyang and others felt as if their bodies were about to explode, and felt an indescribable pressure.

"Senior, we are only following orders, and I hope that senior will be merciful."

Li Pingyang bit the bullet and said with some difficulty.

Looking at the mysterious strong man who walked out of the altar of the Lin family, he already regretted it all.

Not much to say, just because of this invisible pressure, the strength of this person is definitely above the emperor.

How strong it is, he can't tell.

Anyway, such a person is definitely not something that the Li family can offend.

"Just following orders?"

The boy in white muttered to himself, "But, I have shown mercy. Who has shown mercy to those who have guarded me for so many years?"

Having said that, the boy in white raised his eyes, looked at Li Pingyang and suddenly asked, "Do you think so?"

At this moment, Li Pingyang felt that his internal organs were burning, and the burning pain made him unable to make a sound, and his whole face was twisted into a painful ball.

"Killing means paying for life. Although I seem to have forgotten what happened in the past, this truth has existed since ancient times. I think you should also understand."

The boy in white looked at Li Pingyang and said slowly.

It's just that Li Pingyang couldn't say anything at this time, kneeling on the ground in pain, his fingers digging into the bluestone floor, one can imagine how uncomfortable he is now.

Even if there was no scream, everyone in the Lin family could feel it.

The people who rushed in after Li Pingyang saw this scene and felt cold on the soles of their feet.

A chill ran down my spine.

"Here, this senior, I, I am the left protector of the Qin State. I still hope that senior will put it on my next life for the sake of the emperor of Qin. In the future, I will guarantee that the Qin State and the Lin family will not interfere with each other!"

The old man in black who stopped Lin Zongyao, the Patriarch of the Lin family, stepped out now.

He wanted to save his life in the name of Qin.

"Qin State?"

Hearing this, the white-clothed boy was startled, then frowned slightly and asked, "What kind of place is this? Is it very powerful?"

Upon hearing this, the elders of Lin's family immediately replied in a low voice: "Ancestor, Yunyang City, where we live now, is under the administration of Qin State."

Having said that, the elder added, "However, in the past, this place belonged to my Lin family."

"It seems that we are still defeated..."

Hearing the words, the young man in white immediately understood. He glanced at everyone in the Lin family. Seeing this, everyone in the Lin family blushed and lowered their heads, feeling that they had disgraced their ancestors.

The old man in black saw the young man in white, and after hearing their name 'Qin State', he didn't take any action, and his heart became more confident.

After all, there is an ancient emperor sitting in their state of Qin.

Moreover, there is also a real treasure as the treasure of the town.

Although the Lin family was strong in the past, it is now in decline after all.

Although this young man who came out of the altar of the Lin family was strong, the old man in black guessed that this guy, most likely, should be the descendant of a strong man of the Lin family back then, sealed here, and waited for the prosperous age to come out again.

This kind of thing is not uncommon in Kyushu, and it is not surprising, but it is normal for the Lin family to have this method.

Therefore, the old man in black concluded that the young man in white in front of him may be great in the future, but he is definitely not too strong now.

They should still have scruples about Qin State.

Otherwise, I wouldn't talk so much nonsense with him.

Thinking of this, the old man in black became more and more confident. He straightened his back, looked at the young man in white and said, "Senior, as long as you agree, let me go back, and I will definitely serve you, the emperor of Qin, for your Lin family." A few words."

"As a senior, maybe I can still be valued by the emperor of the Qin Kingdom. At that time, the Lin family will not be able to regain their glory."

Hearing this, everyone in the Lin family glared angrily.

When did his Lin family need a small state of Qin to bestow glory?
The boy in white also found it funny.

"Tell me, how are you going to give me glory?" The boy in white looked playfully at the old man in black.

That moment, that look.

The old man in black only felt an invisible pressure rushing toward his face, and the next moment, his hands and feet exploded instantly under this pressure.


The old man in black couldn't help screaming, then fell to the ground, looking at the boy in white in horror.

It never occurred to me that when he said to do it, he did it.

And, so scary.

Seeing this scene, the black-clothed youths who came in from behind looked shocked and backed away in fright.

You know, this protector from Qin is a real king!

Stronger than Li Pingyang.

But now, in front of this young man in white who appeared mysteriously, he couldn't hold back even a glance.

How terrifying is this boy in white?
People can't imagine and can't imagine.

Everyone in the Lin family was shocked, but what was more, they were pleasantly surprised.

"The ancestors are so powerful..." A timid little girl, hiding behind her mother timidly, said quietly when she saw this scene.

"Silly girl, the ancestors are of course powerful." The girl's mother stroked the girl's head and wiped away her tears secretly.

Just a little.

If their ancestor had come a little later, the Lin family might have been wiped out.

The sacrificial elders of the Lin family even brought a group of elders of the Lin family to kneel down and kowtow to the heaven and earth in gratitude.

"Heaven will not perish for my Lin family, heaven will not perish for my Lin family!"

Everyone in the Lin family knelt down gradually, tears of excitement flying.

how many years?

The Lin family actually saw hope again!
Seeing this scene, the young man in white didn't know why, and felt a little displeased, and didn't know that it was an act against everyone in the Lin family.

It's still what they call heaven and earth.

"Stop kneeling, get up!" He waved his hand, and everyone in the Lin family was immediately lifted up by an invisible force, unable to move even if they wanted to.

Also at this time, those black-clothed people led by Li Pingyang who came in could not bear the fear after all, and fled towards the back, hoping to leave this terrible place.

"Since you're here, why bother to leave? Blood, and only blood can wash it away. Otherwise, those who died to protect this place, wouldn't they die in vain?"

At this time, the boy in white turned his head.

Those fleeing people in black stopped immediately, and then a layer of white smoke suddenly ignited on their bodies.

In an instant, before everyone in the Lin family could understand what happened, these people evaporated one by one out of thin air.

There was no killing, no bloodshed, but this scene was even more frightening than the bloody killing.


(End of this chapter)

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