Chapter 559 Keep!
When Lin Tian came to the Lin family's Buddhist scripture building, looked through the history of the Lin family, and learned about the world, the protector of Qin Guozuo also returned to the Li family of the three major families in Yunyang City.

That is, the family that Li Pingyang belongs to.

At this moment, the Patriarchs of the Wang and Mo families were summoned by the Qin Zuo Protector.

To the west of the city, in the courtyard of the Li family.

The breath was oppressive.

The Patriarchs of the three major families, Li, Wang, and Mo, looked at Protector Qin Guozuo who was lying in the hall and bandaging his wound, with extremely ugly faces.

At this moment, they already knew everything that happened to the Lin family.

"Guardian, in your opinion, how strong is the mysterious strong man who came out of the altar of the Lin family?"

In the first place, a middle-aged man who was [-]% similar to Li Pingyang, but much older, spoke in a deep voice.

This middle-aged man's name is Li Pingtian, he is Li Pingyang's eldest brother, and he is also the head of the Li family.

This joint encirclement and suppression campaign was led by him, assisting the Qin Zuo Protector.

It's just that I didn't expect that this thing, which was originally a sure thing, turned into this. Not only did the Lin family not be wiped out, but they seemed to be in trouble.

Qin Guozuo, who was recovering, slowly opened his eyes when he heard Li Pingtian's words, a serious look flashed across his face, then shook his head and said:
"I can't see through his realm, but with the means he displayed, he must be above the emperor, otherwise, we wouldn't be defeated so easily."


Hearing this, Li Pingtian and the others were startled at the same time, and their faces turned ugly again, so gloomy that they were about to drip water.

Although their three major families are strong, they are also strong in Yunyang City. Looking at the entire Qin Kingdom, they are actually nothing.

The top combat power is nothing more than the king who has escaped from the mortal realm.

Compared with the emperor in the realm of the gods, there is already a big gap, and this gap is like a child and an adult.

Ten peak kings may not be able to beat a junior king.

What's more, the young and strong Lin family who appeared mysteriously is not necessarily just the emperor, but is very likely to be an existence above the emperor.

This kind of character is an existence that Qin State, even the power of a whole country, can hardly compete with!
The heads of the three major families were silent.

The oppressive atmosphere enveloped the Li family's compound.

a long time.

The Patriarch of the Wang family, Wang Ruoyu couldn't help asking: "Guardian, what should we do?"

"I have reported the matter here to His Majesty, and I believe His Majesty will respond soon."

"However, if that person is really a terrifying existence above the emperor, let alone report to His Majesty, even if I invite the ancestors of the Qin Kingdom, it will not help."

Qin Guo Zuo Hufa shook his head first, then looked at the head of the Li family, Li Pingtian said: "However, this matter is not without a turnaround."

"When I left, there was obviously something wrong with the so-called ancestor of the Lin family."

"Although he is strong, as long as he is not above Nirvana, we can fight against him. Therefore, the only thing we can do now is to defend with all our strength and confirm his strength."

"If he can block it, it means that he hasn't reached the level of transcendence. Then, damn it, it's them."

At the end, Protector Qin Guozuo couldn't help gnashing his teeth, his eyes were full of hatred and resentment.

Lin Tian completely crippled his limbs.

In this case, it is almost impossible to regenerate.

After all, he is not a Nirvana-level powerhouse at the extraordinary level.

But now, his vitality has been hurt again, not to mention breaking through to the Nirvana state in the future, and being able to keep the state from slipping is already very good.

Although Li Pingtian and the others knew in their hearts that this protector of Qin Guozuo was planning to use them as spearmen to test Lin Tian's strength.

But now, they have no other way.

After all, Lin Tian has already given them an ultimatum, and it is not realistic for them to escape.

Therefore, now he can only stop Lin Tian with all his strength, as the left protector of the Qin State said.

As long as he can be blocked, everything is easy to say.

Can't stop...

Hehe, the result is probably the same as going to the Lin family.

That being the case, it is better to fight to the death.

"Everyone, there may have been some friction and conflicts between us in the past, but today, I'm afraid we will have to do our best. I hope everyone will not keep it."

Li Pingtian glanced at the Patriarch of the Wang family and the Patriarch of the Mo family who were sitting on both sides of him, and said with their hands clasped.

"It's natural."

The Patriarch of the Wang family nodded, stood up and said, "I'm going home now, and gather people to come to the Li family to defend against the enemy together."

"There is an ancestor in my Mo family. Although he has not broken through to the emperor, he is only half a step away from the emperor. I will immediately invite him to sit in the town."

The head of the Mo family also said one after another.

They all know what kind of situation it is now, so they dare not hold back any more.

After all, no matter how good the hole card is, you have to live to enjoy it.

"So, I don't hide it from everyone. My Li family already has an ancestor. A few days ago, he broke through to the God's Embryo Realm and became an emperor."

"Although he is only a first-rank junior emperor, he may not be able to resist the mysterious strongman of the Lin family, but as long as he is not above the ancient emperor, coupled with the formation left by my ancestors of the Li family, and everyone's concerted efforts, we can block that guy , not a problem."

Hearing this, the Patriarchs of the Wang family and the Mo family were startled first, and glanced at Li Pingyang in surprise.

Unexpectedly, the Li family hid it so deeply.

There was an emperor.

This is the top rank of the Qin country, and someone from the Li family has stepped into this realm, which means that the Li family has entered the list of the top families in the Qin country.

Compared with them, I don't know how much stronger they are.

But soon, the Patriarch of the Wang family and the Patriarch of the Mo family became happy, because now, it is no longer the time for them to compete with each other.

The stronger the background of the Li family, the higher their winning rate.

As long as they can survive and destroy the Lin family, they don't care whether the Li family will be respected in Yunyang City in the future.

The Patriarchs of the Wang family and the Mo family left the Lin family in a hurry, and returned to the south and north of the city respectively to gather their men.

However, the two did not bring everyone in their family to the Li family.

Instead, only the existences at the spiritual sea level and above were selected.

After all, when it comes to the battle at the realm of the emperor, the strong under the spirit sea realm may not even be able to survive the aftermath.

If you go, you will die.

It's better to leave here, protect the family, and leave Yunyang City, a place of right and wrong, first.

This can be regarded as another preparation.

At least, even if they lose in the end, their two families will not lose their blood.

The Li family also did similar things.

Almost all the women, children, and children of the direct line were summoned at this moment, and then quietly left under the leadership of an elder from the Vision Realm.

The sun gradually slanted westward, dusk was approaching, and the time set by Lin Tian was getting closer and closer. People from the Wang family and the Mo family also rushed to the Li family.

After the last member of the Wang family came in, the courtyard of the Li family was covered with a flickering light curtain...

(End of this chapter)

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